Auto pilot panel - helpful for a VFR airplane?


New Member
Aug 20, 2019
My wife's airplane has a Dynon Skyview and I use the autopilot in expert mode when I us it. No Autopilot panel.

I'm building a VFR airplane, open cockpit. I plan on using the plane for X-C flight aside from local around the path flying.

It the Autopilot panel useful for VFR flying? Or is it more geared towards IFR or ATC intensive flying?

I'm not clear on how beneficial it would be for open cockpit VFR flying.

Any insight?



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Active Member
Oct 9, 2011
Eastern Iowa
If $645, panel space and extra installation is not a deal breaker, I'd install it. I have an airplane that is IFR equipped and has the AP Panel. It's handy to push some buttons and get the desired effect. I have another airplane that does not have the AP Panel. I have to go into the SkyView menu to make the changes. I bought the AP Panel to install in the second airplane when it's done for annual. That's the bottom line of my subjective experience. I like an auto pilot in a VFR airplane because sometimes I like to relax from hand flying or want to do something that takes two hand for a time. If I'm on AP, I prefer the AP panel. My own experience only.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
The SV-AP-Panel essentially gives you convenience, not capability. It just allows you to control the autopilot without going into the Skyview menu structure. Whether or not that's worth it is up to you. Given your panel space limitations, you might want to consider just installing a level button instead. It gives you a tiny bit of extra convenience without taking up a lot of panel space.


Active Member
Dec 17, 2017
The separate autopilot control panel (SV-AP-PANEL) gets you auto-trim plus other features.

Link -->

"The Autopilot control panel is also a full featured dual-axis trim controller. It can control your electric pitch and/or roll trim motors, replacing the relay decks normally used.
With Autopilot Auto-Trim, the SV-AP-PANEL can keep the aircraft in trim while under autopilot control. This eliminates the need for the pilot to manually actuate their trim to follow the Autopilot’s built-in trim advice. "


New Member
Sep 29, 2020
I had the panel space so I installed it. I'm not instrument-rated, but I hope to be, and I think it would be workload-reducing in single-pilot IFR. Plus:
  1. There's the auto-trim feature mentioned above,
  2. I like the single-button AP on/off right on the panel without getting into the menus, and
  3. My wife is not a pilot, so having the blue LEVEL button right there on the panel is useful if something should happen to me. But @Rhino's point is certainly a valid alternative.
I realize Point #3 is not relevant to the OP, but in case someone else finds this thread later on, it might be a factor.

BTW, I love the look of those new-retro aircraft. Should be fun!


May 14, 2023
Note that the SV-AP-Panel is only active when you have configured the Autopilot for use in expert mode. If you are predominately flying VFR and have configured the Autopilot to use simplified mode, the SV-AP-Panel serves no function.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
Gods Country - west Texas
It's certainly nice to have - I used the on-screen autopilot controls with my Skyview Classics several hundred hours before upgrading to HDX, with the AP Panel and dedicated knob panel, at the same time I got my IFR ticket. Now for IFR flying, man it's the berries, great stuff, wouldn't have it any other way - but for just VFR cross country, if you are constrained on budget or panel space I can see going without it.


Aug 1, 2023
I believe the panel is required to enable expert mode in settings. I do know that expert mode must be enabled if you do have the panel to use all the functions. I would say in VFR only the panel is still a great option if you have the space as having physical buttons is always faster and saves a few taps to get menus open on screen.


Active Member
May 7, 2006
Back in 2013, I developed an autotrim system to work with my SkyView system because Dynon did not offer one (yet). Later, Dynon introduced their AP Panel that provides this function and the extra buttons for convenience and/or expert mode.

My autotrim controller only needs one button/lamp plus normal trim switches. Since I fly VFR, this worked very well for me, and I have put my autotrim into my new build as well, along with a Dynon button panel for convenience. My autotrim also controls the electric flaps, so I can dial in flaps/trim combinations for approach or takeoff with a throttle switch (push up for takeoff, down for approach), and automatic flaps retraction based on speed. Really useful in my Rocket, where things happen fast, especially in the go-around.

I don't sell my autotrim controller because it affects the primary control system, and I don't want that liability! However, if Dynon wants to add flaps control to their AP controller, that would be very beneficial (hint).



May 14, 2023
I believe the panel is required to enable expert mode in settings. I do know that expert mode must be enabled if you do have the panel to use all the functions. I would say in VFR only the panel is still a great option if you have the space as having physical buttons is always faster and saves a few taps to get menus open on screen.
I have a dual screen HDX panel and my AP is configured for expert mode. When you configure the AP for expert mode, the virtual AP panel displayed on the screen is a duplicate of the SV-AP-Panel. When configured for simplified mode, you get a different display. The virtual simplified mode panel has minimal functionality.

@freerangequark , given the minimal area of your panel, and the mission of your new ride, I can't see the value of installing an SV-AP-Panel. My bet is that it would go unused.

BTW, I've been eyeing the Timber Tiger ST-L on my past few trips to KOSH. I think it is a well-designed Ryan look-a-like. If I were to build again, it would be on my short list.
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I love flying!
Feb 21, 2019
I believe the panel is required to enable expert mode in settings. I do know that expert mode must be enabled if you do have the panel to use all the functions. I would say in VFR only the panel is still a great option if you have the space as having physical buttons is always faster and saves a few taps to get menus open on screen.

There's no requirement for the AP panel in order to enable expert mode. I use expert and have no AP panel.

I think it would be slightly more convenient, on occasions, to have the AP panel but I'm quite content to use the autopilot without it. I'll normally set the altitude target before takeoff and align the heading bug with the runway. I'll have the QNH set, so normally leave one of the HDX knobs set to Hdg. After takeoff I'll press top left for the AP screen, engage it and swap to IAS climb and Hdg. After that it's normally Hdg to intercept the flight plan route or I'll select Trk to follow a line on the map (if no flight plan loaded).

It's all very simple and just a little forethought means no requirement for the AP panel.....although I do not doubt those who have one find it useful.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
In a nutshell:

The SV-AP-PANEL offers dedicated controls for reduced workload. When in expert mode, the on-screen AP menu offers identical controls.

The expert mode does NOT require the SV-AP-PANEL though. You can use expert mode with the onsceen controls only.

Most controls are inop on the physical panel when you have simpllified mode connected. However, as of the latest software, the level button on the panels works. (release note from software update log: Added: LEVEL and AP buttons on SV-AP-PANEL now function when autopilot is in simplified mode).

The SV-AP-PANEL also has a fully-featured trim controller built in, so it's not only the dedicated buttons. One SkyView is running the trim, it can also perform Auto-Trimming during AP operation.


Active Member
Apr 1, 2021
Also, the AP panel eliminated the need, in my plane, for a switch that selected which stick's - left or right - trim switch was enabled. With the panel, both trim switches are enabled, but the left stick input overrides a right stick input if both switches are activated at the same time. I use expert AP mode, but since it is trim related it would not surprise me if it worked in simplified mode as well.

The AP panel also eliminated the need for my simple trim relay deck. My trim motor is a very small generic 28 volt Globe gear motor that I run on 14 volts. It has very low current draw.

My stick grips are left and right hand versions of the Infinity clone of a military B8 grip. FWIW, I have the green grip button immediately outboard of the hat trim switch on each wired and set up for AP disconnect with a short press and AP engage with a long press.
