New Member
Fixing the problem at the aircraft level is easy to say, but not so easy to do. The options are:Fix the problem, not the symptoms.
You've obviously got HUGE pitot static systems errors, most likey SSPE (Static Source Postion Error) if your indicated airspeed is off that much (10%+).
It isn't fair to expect Dynon to fix the problems you've built into your aircraft. Fix the problem and ALL the symptoms go away...
1. Do a trial and error looking for a better place to put the static port. There is a fair bit of work to move the static port each time, and then you need several flights to get enough data to be sure you know what the errors are in the new location. This exercise could easily take a half dozen different iterations on static port location, with two or three flights per iteration. And there is no guarantee you will manage to find a better static port location.
2. Make modifications to the existing static port, such as putting a dam behind it to increase the sensed static pressure, which would decrease the IAS (and the calculated TAS). But, while this modification may reduce the error to zero at one speed, the error will be different at other speeds. There is no guarantee that a simple mod like this can produce acceptable errors at all speeds. But, there is harm in conducting the experiment.