Is the sensitivity on the capacitance to voltage converts adjustable? I started to calibrate my header tank (Glasair Super II SFT) which has a 6 gallon capacity and the calibration routine wanted a set point at each 1/2 gallon, Empty it read 3.28v and with .5 gallons it still read 3.28,
0 - 3.28
.5 = 3.28
1 = 3.29
1.5 = 3.29
2 = 2.30
2.5 = 2.30
3 = 2.31 I stopped there.
It looks to me like it would work if there was an adjustment to cause a greater spread.
0 - 3.28
.5 = 3.28
1 = 3.29
1.5 = 3.29
2 = 2.30
2.5 = 2.30
3 = 2.31 I stopped there.
It looks to me like it would work if there was an adjustment to cause a greater spread.