CHT reading


New Member
Jun 9, 2011
Bonny Scotland
Hi Dynon hope you can help, i have two CHT probes to my Rotax 912s after constant defective readings on the right side probe i started to trace the wiring back to the 35 pin plug and removed the pin from the plug ( pin 4)to disconnect the probe leaving it disconnected the readings still shows on the EMS as an erretic reading ie 300 degrees, whats wrong is the EMS fauty??


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
When there's nothing connected to the General Purpose input, the readings can float, but this would more likely cause the reading to be very low in this sensors case.

Are you absolutely sure that the correct GP inputs under SETUP>SENSORS>GP INPUTS are set to Rotax CHT L and Rotax CHT R?


New Member
Jun 9, 2011
Bonny Scotland
Dynon your where spot on thank you sensor was not set up properly.

I have two other issues outstanding and was wondering if you could point me in the right direction.

1. OAT showing on EFIS. Wind direction and stength are well out. Wind usually is indicated by arrow showing in the complete opposite direction from actual and winds strength shows crazy reading of 78 knts fluctuating also no temperature showing at all.
2. MAP showing on EMS. This seems to be stuck on 6 Inches. :D


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
1. Not sure if you mean that it's not showing on the EFIS at all? If so, it's probably not configured correctly. The right answer is dependent on whether you have the OAT connected to the EMS or the EDC-D10A magnetometer. You only want the device that has it physically connected to (either EMS>SETUP>SENSORS>EMS GP input, or the EFIS>SETUP>OAT menu item set to have an OAT. If connected to the EMS, make sure the correct GP input is set to OAT, and the EFIS one is set to N. If connected to the EDC-D10A, the EFIS should be set to type 2, and NO EMS GP Input should be set to N.

2. The wire that is supposed to be getting signal from the sensor is either grounded, or the MAP sensor is mis-wired. The latter happens more than it should - folks transpose the A/B/C pins on the sensor. So double check the wiring there.



New Member
Jun 9, 2011
Bonny Scotland
Sorry for the confusion,

1. The OAT is a recent addition and connected to the EDC-D10A and display's on the EFIS however having done a compass swing on the EFIS on the ground, winds in flight are a lot of nonesense ie showing anything between 50-70kts in the opposite direction from what i know the winds to be in flight.

2. MAP, over this weekend i found a loose soldered wire on this on the 5v this is now rectified thanks.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
So winds are the difference between the ground track / speed as reported by the GPS, and the true airspeed and magnetic heading, which is determined by the Dynon.

Usually, it's the magnetic heading that's not well-calibrated that causes big wind errors.

GPS is almost never wrong, but, if we weren't getting an accurate GPS speed or track from a device (usually a communication problem, not an actual device problem), that could theoretically cause issues, though I don't know that I've ever heard of that happening. My money's on the heading though.


New Member
Jun 9, 2011
Bonny Scotland
Hi Guys I carried out a compass swing in flight on my EFIS using the garmin GPS for heading reference on a clear calm day and guess what the Efis is now in perfect harmony on its compass headings in all directions and winds aloft are now reading perfect. In flight given the right conditions is the best place to carry out a compass swing IMHO.

Once again Dynon many thanks for all your help over my various troubles all of which had nothing to do with your wonderful product in the end cheers