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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
It's been a YEAR now, and no updated User's Guide, and 9 months since an updated Installation Manual.

I'm generally very supportive of Dynon, and love the products, but this now is really beyond acceptable. It's high time for updated documentation to be released.

There's no excuse for it to have gone this long.


I love flying!
Feb 3, 2016
Absolutely agree, totally unacceptable and exacerbated by ongoing promises that it is coming soon when, clearly, it is not.

This shows a lack of respect for your loyal customer base.


Skyview_user, your esponse it totally out of line. We paid for software and hardware that should be properly documented so we can take advantage of the various features of Skyview. New features are totally useless without the supporting documentation.


Do not write below this line
Jan 24, 2015
Skyview_user, your response it totally out of line. We paid for software and hardware that should be properly documented so we can take advantage of the various features of Skyview. New features are totally useless without the supporting documentation.

Indeed. At this point, some have bought new systems with no/incomplete documents linked to the software shipped with them. Others are running updated systems with out of date documentation.

Further, why would any reasonable person suggest to "keep quiet" if there is a problem? Shameful attitude, "skyview_user ".


I love TopMeteo
Apr 4, 2016
Indeed.  At this point, some have bought new systems with no/incomplete documents linked to the software shipped with them.  Others are running updated systems with out of date documentation. 

Further, why would any reasonable person suggest to "keep quiet" if there is a problem?  Shameful attitude, "skyview_user ". 
System installation + User Guide have more than 650 pages. Release 15. Thats not what I call no/incomplete documents. So, have You problems to install the SkyView? Or have You problems to use your SkyView? Give us some more details about your urgent needs which can be solved by forum users. Otherwise address Dynon directly. BTW: I am very happy with my SkyView and the continuous support by Dynon via system software updates and - admittedly - sometimes delayed documentation. Keep calm  :cool:


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
Well, this went south quickly. :(

I just don't think it's acceptable to release software versions without updated documentation. Maybe it's because of the fact that where I work, as part of any software release, one of the items which *must* be completed is all requirements, design documentation, user's guides, command/telemetry dictionaries, ICDs, etc., are complete and *up to date*. If anything is not, then it's a lien against delivery and must be corrected *prior* to delivery.

Thinking that "we'll get to it later" is unacceptable, and how mistakes happen.


Active Member
May 7, 2006
Well, this went south quickly. :(

I just don't think it's acceptable to release software versions without updated documentation.  Maybe it's because of the fact that where I work, as part of any software release, one of the items which *must* be completed is all requirements, design documentation, user's guides, command/telemetry dictionaries, ICDs, etc., are complete and *up to date*.  If anything is not, then it's a lien against delivery and must be corrected *prior* to delivery.

Thinking that "we'll get to it later" is unacceptable, and how mistakes happen.

I agree. There must be something else afoot that is required for certification. My guess is that a complete, traceable QA system must be implemented corporately, and that system is all about documentation standards and procedures. That must be established (and adopted) before new software and documentation can be formally released.

Given that the E-EAB market is saturated, competitive and not growing, the certified retrofit market looks very attractive. My guess is that is where resources are focused.



Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
Please don't get me wrong, either...I *love* all of my Dynon gear, and over the last 5 years have been very impressed with their quality, customer service, documentation and price/competitiveness. This is just one glaring hole that looks like they need to spend a little on staff and/or time to plug up.

I don't want them to stop innovating and introducing new features, of course, but I can wait another week or two if it means someone is updating the documents to go along with each new release. The extra time won't kill me, but we're at a year now with no updates and that seems out of character for Dynon.


I love aviation!
Apr 25, 2016
Richmond Hill, GA
Given that the E-EAB market is saturated, competitive and not growing, the certified retrofit market looks very attractive.  My guess is that is where resources are focused.


I agree, Vern. The STC effort is no small feat.


Do not write below this line
Jan 24, 2015
System installation + User Guide have more than 650 pages. Release 15. Thats not what I call no/incomplete documents.
Show me the pages on the autopilot yaw control? It's in the software. It's not in the documents.
Show me the procedures in the manuals for static/pitot testing? It's now different compared to the out of date manuals you reference. I count roughly 50 changes from version 15 to version 15.2.
Everything should be in the manuals. Not a reference to an online forum post. Dynon isn't selling homemade units out of a garage. Providing up to date documents is the absolute basic requirements for selling ANYTHING.
So, have You problems to install the SkyView? Or have You problems to use your SkyView? Give us some more details about your urgent needs which can be solved by forum users. Otherwise address Dynon directly. BTW: I am very happy with my SkyView and the continuous support by Dynon via system software updates and - admittedly - sometimes delayed documentation. Keep calm  :cool:
I'll be calm when you stop the BS remarks. Dynon knows their documents are out of date and simply don't care. They have replied about the documents in the past and claim they are working on it as fast as they can. Clearly not the case. It's been a long, long time. Having documents makes them look...I don't know, maybe professional! If you like Dynon, then you should be banging on their door demanding that they get their act together - Not kissing their behind.


Sep 28, 2009
I'll be calm when you stop the BS remarks.  Dynon knows their documents are out of date and simply don't care.  They have replied about the documents in the past and claim they are working on it as fast as they can.  Clearly not the case.  It's been a long, long time.  Having documents makes them look...I don't know, maybe professional!  If you like Dynon, then you should be banging on their door demanding that they get their act together - Not kissing their behind.

I suggest you sell your Dynon on eBay and go buy a $40K Garmin with their impeccable documentation ;D. There are 3 or 4 people on the discussion forums that have no clue, but like to spout off like they know exactly what it takes to develop an avionics product, hire the right people, and make payroll. Again, if you don't like it, go buy something else!


So your position is that since I only spent $17K instead of $40K I’m not entitled to accurate and complete documentation? It appears that you might be the one without a clue when in comes to a company providing adequate support and customer service. Like the poster above, I’m also sick of the “we are working on it” answers from Dynon. I’m also sick of the constant defense of Dynon’s lack of response from people like you.


Sep 28, 2009
You are "entitled" to nothing regarding documentation unless Dynon wants to provides it. I Googled the US Penal Codes and couldn't find any law that said you were "entitled". You are only "entitled" to not buy the equipment if you don't like how Dynon is developing the documentation. If you are sick of answers from Dynon, go see a doctor!!!! :'(


Active Member
Oct 9, 2011
Eastern Iowa
When Dynon releases the 472 fix and the documentation update, someone please start a new thread and announce it.
Thank you.
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