Dynon SV/ Garmin GTN-650/ Dynon Comm/ Dynon ADS-B


I love flying!<br />
Mar 5, 2016
I have done a remodel of my instrument panel and have offloaded a bunch of old boat anchor equipment (GX-60, SL-90, SL-30, SL-40) and now the panel will be equipped with two SV-1000 screens, a SL-15 Audio Panel, a GTN-650, Dynon Comm radio, Dynon transponder, and Dynon ADS-B., and ForeFlight iPad through the Dynon WIFI.

If anyone has this same setup, can you please give me some operational advice?

What GPS system do you use during normal operations? I know the GTN needs to be used during approaches however the question I guess is do you use it as the primary source all of the time or do you use the Dynon for enroute and VMC operations and the GTN only when you need it?

How does the iPad integrate with the Dynon when you are "rubber banding" the course on the iPad how can you get it to be applied to the SV?

Does the ADS-B traffic/weather appear on the iPad?

Same question with the Dynon Com radio. Do you use it as primary or the GTN?

I guess I am asking if anyone who has blazed this trail if you can please give me some tips/pointer/advice???

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
Nice equipment. For your first question, I have a couple of GPS sources. I ended up using Dynon's GPS but it's the GPS that you are most comfortable with (inputting routes etc) that will become your main source.

If you rubber band the current leg on iPad and sent it to Skyview you are going to be off route and Skyview may try and intercept the new route. I did it a couple of times but can't remember the result.

No traffic/weather on iPAD.

Same as question one. You're going to end up using the radio that you become comfortable with or that is more useful for your way of doing things.

Have fun. :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
Don't have a 650, but do have a 430W, plus SV1000T, SV-GPS-2020, SV-XPDR and SV-ADSB.

I've configured it so the XPDR uses the SV-GPS-2020 data, so it's 2020 compliant (yay!), but I use the 430W for flight planning (whether IFR or VFR, as I believe it's best to use just ONE for both flight regimes so as not to get confused when things get hectic).

I really have yet to use the SV flight planning stuff.

Just be very aware that you can be *displaying* data from one source (like the 430 or 650) on the HSI, but the autopilot can be *flying* a flight plan from another (like SV).


I love flying!
Jan 5, 2013
Tampa Fl
I use the new Dynon 2020 GPS for the primary source since it integrates perfectly and the GTN-650 for IFR. I use my SL30 more because it can be tuned thru SkyView. I wish Dynon sold a GPS IFR navigator, I would like a totally integrated
system. One of the issues I ran into was after one of the Garmin upgrades was the procedures for operating the equipment changed. Make sure you read all the release notes after all software upgrades. Have fun with your new stuff. :)


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
I'm biased, but for VMC ops I think you'll find both the user interface and the bigger map on SkyView to give you a better experience.

With the ForeFlight to SkyView interface, you use buttons in the ForeFlight app to either send or retrieve the flight plan. So the workflow would be edit/rubber band to your heart's content on the iPad, and then, once you're happy with the updated plan, send it over to SkyView.

Right now the traffic and weather from SkyView doesn't get sent over to ForeFlight, but that's a feature under consideration.

And finally, once you start using the Dynon COM radio's dedicated buttons for quickly tuning frequencies, you're going to feel like all other radios are in the stone age :)


Right now the traffic and weather from SkyView doesn't get sent over to ForeFlight, but that's a feature under consideration. If this happens it would be an awesome upgrade. Just think you won't need additional equipment like STRATUS. Very very cool.

When I see things like this and many of the other major enhancements like auto trim it makes me very happy I selected Dynon. Of course the customer support is #1 in my book. Just try to deal with big G.


Right now the traffic and weather from SkyView doesn't get sent over to ForeFlight, but that's a feature under consideration. If this happens it would be an awesome upgrade. Just think you won't need additional equipment like STRATUS. Very very cool.
If Dynon's history is any indicator of what's to come, I would be willing to bet that the upcoming product announcement is going to be nothing short of awesome.
A lot of us are waiting for it.
Dynon is a great company with great people working there.


I love flying!<br />
Mar 5, 2016
I bought the SV WIFI adapter and found the connectivity super easy and it is fun to fly an airplane with an iPad.

The whole integration with a GTN650 is kinda confusing.

The way I understand it (please correct me) is that the SV GPS is telling the SV where it is and then the SV pulls up the terrain data from its database and displays the colorful pretty pictures. If I enter waypoints in the flight plan (or iPad and then sync) then the waypoints and the course line get displayed on the screen.

Now the GTN comes into the picture...the SV is still using the SV GPS to drive the display and position however if I have programmed a route into the GTN and selected the GTN as the HSI course guidance then the Flight Director will be following the GTN but the ship position will be from the SV GPS.

I assume the GTN guidance will also be VNAV and VGP and I can tell it to cross XYZ at 3,000 feet and it will drive the FD? :-[

I use my iPad at home to plan a flight...right now I fire up SV and sync and magically the flight plan is on the SV screen. How can I get the flight plan into the GTN? Even if the iPad was not in the equation, if I enter waypoints in the SV is there any way to get those waypoints into the GTN magically and not have to reenter?

This all seems kinda confusing.

Any guidance/ advice would be most appreciated!!!


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Two simple answers:

The GTN does not do enroute altitude planning. You can't tell it to be at XYZ at altitude ABC. It only gives vertical guidance on an approach.

Garmin doesn't allow anyone to load flight plans into the GTN (they encrypt the communications). So we can't take a flight plan from SkyView and put it into the GTN no matter how it got there.

So if you are using the Garmin, you have to enter everything in there and SkyView will display it.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2007
So if you are using the Garmin, you have to enter everything in there and SkyView will display it.

Yep - your choices are to load the flight plans on the GTN-650 data card or just fat finger them in. I just input them after engine start from my iPad (using Foreflight) as I find trying to do the data card route too much of a PITA). I rarely input a flight plan into the SkyView - but having the 650 display the flight plan, approach and missed approach on the SkyView is great. The moving map display on the GTN-650 is close to useless. Shoot fire - what do you expect from Garmin for just ~$9K?

Now if there was option for a Dynon IFR navigator.......



I love flying!<br />
Mar 5, 2016
Carl would you be so kind as to elaborate???

>Yep - your choices are to load the flight plans on the GTN-650 data card or just fat finger them in.

What is this data card you speak (type) of??? Is it a Garmin data card?

>I just input them after engine start from my iPad (using Foreflight) as I find trying to do the data card route too much of a PITA).

When you say you put them in using the iPad...are you putting them into the Garmin or the SV? If into the Garmin how does the iPad integrate with the Garmin (foreflight or the Garmin App)?

>I rarely input a flight plan into the SkyView - but having the 650 display the flight plan, approach and missed approach on the SkyView is great.

The GTN has a TOGA (Takeoff GO Around) feature. If you are flying a coupled approach and press the TOGA button what will the SV display and autopilot do?

Does SV display the nose up command and the missed approach course?

Will the SV autopilot stay coupled and fly the missed approach?

This is really hard to try to envision what these non-integrated components will do

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :D :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


Active Member
Aug 22, 2007
Carl would you be so kind as to elaborate???

>Yep - your choices are to load the flight plans on the GTN-650 data card or just fat finger them in.

What is this data card you speak (type) of??? Is it a Garmin data card? Correct

>I just input them after engine start from my iPad (using Foreflight) as I find trying to do the data card route too much of a PITA).

When you say you put them in using the iPad...are you putting them into the Garmin or the SV? If into the Garmin how does the iPad integrate with the Garmin (foreflight or the Garmin App)? Fat finger from the iPad into the GTN-650

>I rarely input a flight plan into the SkyView - but having the 650 display the flight plan, approach and missed approach on the SkyView is great.

The GTN has a TOGA (Takeoff GO Around) feature. If you are flying a coupled approach and press the TOGA button what will the SV display and autopilot do? The SV displays the missed approach on the moving map just like it displays the approach and hold (if applicable). The SkyView HSI displays the new course. As the AP is driven by the HSI it follows.

Does SV display the nose up command and the missed approach course?

Will the SV autopilot stay coupled and fly the missed approach? Yes

This is really hard to try to envision what these non-integrated components will do These components are highly integrated. Just because you can't feed them with an iPad does not mean the system components are not talking to each other. The SkyView with ARINC gets all the GTN-650 feeds. For that matter I find Foreflight on the iPad to be a great flight planning tool but other than for VFR playing around useless in the cockpit for any function other than backup.



Active Member
Aug 22, 2007
Carl would you be so kind as to elaborate???

>Yep - your choices are to load the flight plans on the GTN-650 data card or just fat finger them in.

What is this data card you speak (type) of??? Is it a Garmin data card? Correct

>I just input them after engine start from my iPad (using Foreflight) as I find trying to do the data card route too much of a PITA).

When you say you put them in using the iPad...are you putting them into the Garmin or the SV? If into the Garmin how does the iPad integrate with the Garmin (foreflight or the Garmin App)? Fat finger from the iPad into the GTN-650

>I rarely input a flight plan into the SkyView - but having the 650 display the flight plan, approach and missed approach on the SkyView is great.

The GTN has a TOGA (Takeoff GO Around) feature. If you are flying a coupled approach and press the TOGA button what will the SV display and autopilot do? The SV displays the missed approach on the moving map just like it displays the approach and hold (if applicable). The SkyView HSI displays the new course. As the AP is driven by the HSI it follows.

Does SV display the nose up command and the missed approach course?

Will the SV autopilot stay coupled and fly the missed approach? Yes

This is really hard to try to envision what these non-integrated components will do These components are highly integrated. Just because you can't feed them with an iPad does not mean the system components are not talking to each other. The SkyView with ARINC gets all the GTN-650 feeds. For that matter I find Foreflight on the iPad to be a great flight planning tool but other than for VFR playing around useless in the cockpit for any function other than backup.



Active Member
Mar 3, 2008
So if you are using the Garmin, you have to enter everything in there and SkyView will display it.

Yep - your choices are to load the flight plans on the GTN-650 data card or just fat finger them in.  I just input them after engine start from my iPad (using Foreflight) as I find trying to do the data card route too much of a PITA).  I rarely input a flight plan into the SkyView - but having the 650 display the flight plan, approach and missed approach on the SkyView is great.  The moving map display on the GTN-650 is close to useless.  Shoot fire - what do you expect from Garmin for just ~$9K?

Now if there was option for a Dynon IFR navigator.......

You can substitute a G430 instead of the G650, an Android tablet instead of the iPad and FltplanGo instead of Foreflight and this answer is still correct.

FWIW I use FltplanGo on my Android tablet to plan the flight at home then "fat finger" the route into my G430 after engine start. My SV-250-GPS drives my SkyView displays while my HSI folows the displayed G430 route. I find this is using the best of both worlds for IFR flying. The advantage is that FltplanGo displays the route on my Android tablet at the same time and now serves as a full backup.


. . . "I find Foreflight on the iPad to be a great flight planning tool but other than for VFR playing around useless in the cockpit for any function other than backup." . . .
I am not affilliated with ForeFlight at all.
That withstanding, why do you feel it is useless in the cockpit [for flying], except for backup?


Active Member
Aug 22, 2007
I am not affilliated with ForeFlight at all.
That withstanding, why do you feel it is useless in the cockpit [for flying], except for backup?[/quote]

If I only had a iPad in the cockpit I suspect I'd have a different opinion. Flying with a full boat SkyView system (ADS-B weather and traffic, charts, approach plates, etc,) the iPad simply does not compare. Add to the issue sunny days and sunglasses that makes the display hard to see, and then the too frequent iPad turning itself off for overheating. The one telling time this happened was a hot day flying out of New Jersey. After the fourth re-route I grabbed the iPad to try to figure out what the controller was trying to do. It shut down on high temp.

I do use the iPad for limited stuff like following along the IFR chart, shifting to the sectional charts periodically to look at terrain, and looking down the road when I'm not busy. Here the iPad is easier to use than the SkyView charts. The iPad also comes in handy to pipe music to the boss on long cross countries.

All that said, Foreflight is a great planning tool and a good backup.



If I only had a iPad in the cockpit I suspect I'd have a different opinion.  Flying with a full boat SkyView system (ADS-B weather and traffic, charts, approach plates, etc,) the iPad simply does not compare.  Add to the issue sunny days and sunglasses that makes the display hard to see, and then the too frequent iPad turning itself off for overheating.  The one telling time this happened was a hot day flying out of New Jersey.  After the fourth re-route I grabbed the iPad to try to figure out what the controller was trying to do.  It shut down on high temp.
I do use the iPad for limited stuff like following along the IFR chart, shifting to the sectional charts periodically to look at terrain, and looking down the road when I'm not busy.  Here the iPad is easier to use than the SkyView charts.  The iPad also comes in handy to pipe music to the boss on long cross countries.

All that said, Foreflight is a great planning tool and a good backup.
Okay, thanks Carl.


Aug 4, 2008
In my opinion the Dynon SV is easier to program a flight plan than my 430. However since IFR requires the 430, I usually enter the flight plan to the 430 so I only have to enter a flight plan once and takeoff, as SV will display the 430 plan on the map and drive the autopilot if the source is set to the 430.
While in flight, I will sometimes enter the same plan in the Dynon Flight Plan for backup in the event something were to go wrong with the 430.
Since the Dynon has the 430 flight plan information displayed, is there a way to “crossfill” that information into the Dynon flight plan so it does not have to be manually entered?


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
Since the Dynon has the 430 flight plan information displayed, is there a way to “crossfill” that information into the Dynon flight plan so it does not have to be manually entered?

Not unless/until SV understands things like holds, transitions, approaches and the like, I suspect.  Although this would be a very nice feature to add...