Here’s more on the EGT/CHT connectors, lost count on the numbers however I‘ve done at least 65 installs over various aircraft without changing to any other type of connector, I’ve only changed the manufacturer ( to AMP). Dynon had some time ago changed their probes & wiring from a single conductor to a multi conductor type.
My experience -
Many people say a probe failed when in fact they usually do not, especially at low hours, it’s typically the male/female joint or you have the old single conductor type Which have their own problems. If single conductor then I’d cut off the connector ( you’d do that anyway if changing the connector type ), & fold the wire back on itself 2 times. That ‘fills’ the connector hole better so that the crimping is much more solid than a single very thin wire.
ALWAYS use a double jawed crimper. Also use contact cleaner spray before crimping any connector type as we’re talking millivolts here.
CHT probes - they never fail in normal use unless damaged somehow, never replaced one yet.
EGT probes - I try to position them approx 3” down from the cylinder as evenly as possible.
Use quality aviation style female push on & male spades, if you stay with these types, not the el cheapo variety - you get what you pay for