HS34 wiring


New Member
Feb 24, 2007
I am at the point of installing the wiring harness and plan on using the hs34 module. Is there a place I can get a pin out for it? I would like to run any power now if required. Also any hints as to the wiring I will need for your "Future Expansion Module"? (AKA Autopilot)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Fellow pilots,

This is going to be the thread for HS34 wiring questions. Please understand that the product is not shipping yet and we cannot support all configurations. We'll do our best to answer what we can here.

DO NOT call our tech support line about the HS34 wiring yet. They are not trained on how it connects and don't have any additional info. This thread is supported by the engineer designing the HS34, so you should get some pretty solid answers ;)

So here we go:

The HS34 has two D25 connectors on it. The upper one is male on the HS34 and is power, DSAB, etc. The lower one is female on the HS34 and is the ARINC and analog resolver interface.

Upper D25, male on HS34, female connector.

Pin 1: Serial 1 RX (PC updates & second serial port)
Pin 2: Serial 2 RX (SL30, GPS, etc)
Pin 3: DSAB A
Pin 4: + In (10-30V, 700ma MAX at 12V)
Pin 5: GP Output 1 (Same as EMS, not currently supported)
Pin 6: GP Output 2 (Same as EMS, not currently supported)
Pin 7: GP 1 in (same as EMS GP in)
Pin 8: GP 2 in (same as EMS GP in)
Pin 9:+5V out
Pin 10: GP 6 in (+15V GP in, not currently supported)
Pin 11: GP 5 in (+15V GP in, not currently supported)
Pin 12: GP 4 in (same as EMS GP in)
Pin 13: GP 3 in (same as EMS GP in)
Pin 14: Serial 1 TX
Pin 15: Serial 2 TX
Pin 16: DSAB B
Pin 17: Ground
Pin 18: Digital input 4 (not currently supported)
Pin 19: Digital input 3 (not currently supported)
Pin 20: Digital input 2 (not currently supported)
Pin 21: Digital input 1 (not currently supported)
Pin 22: Marker Outer Input
Pin 23: Marker Middle Input
Pin 24: Marker Inner Input
Pin 25: Voice audio output (8V P-P, you'll probably need an external attenuator)

Lower D25, female on HS34, male connector.

Pin 1: CDI + when deflected right
Pin 2: VOR + when TO flag shown
Pin 3: LOC +
Pin 4: GS + when up UP
Pin 5: GS + when FLAG shown
Pin 6: DME Analog IN (0-8V, 40mv/NM)
Pin 7: Resolver E
Pin 8: Resolver D
Pin 9: Resolver F
Pin 10: ARINC 429 RX 2 B
Pin 11: ARINC 429 RX 1 B
Pin 12: ARINC 429 TX B
Pin 13: ARINC 429 TX B
Pin 14: CDI + when Left
Pin 15: VOR + when From flag shown
Pin 16: LOC -
Pin 17: GS + when Down
Pin 18: GS + when Flag hidden
Pin 19: Resolver A
Pin 20: Resolver C
Pin 21: Resolver E
Pin 22: ARINC 429 RX 2 A
Pin 23: ARINC 429 RX 1 A
Pin 24: ARINC 429 TX A
Pin 25: ARINC 429 TX A


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Ok, so what does this all mean, and what do you really need to connect?

All installs:
Power and ground. 12V or 28V airplanes. As with all Dynon equipment, this can be hooked to the master and can be on as the airplane cranks.

DSAB A & B - connect these to the DSAB bus that runs between all your Dynon equipment. A-A and B-B. Remember that when the HS34 ships you'll have a software update for all your Dynon units that will be "full" DSAB where all units use only DSAB and you can cross-control any unit from any other unit.

Serial 1 - You need to hook up a serial cable with TX/RX/GND and a 9 pin connector for PC updates. You can also use this if you have more than 1 serial device in your plane.

Only power and DSAB are required to use the knobs on the HS34, auto-dimming, and audio out.

Optional stuff:

ARINC-429 connections: This is what we are most directly supporting as a way to hook up radios right now. There are two ARINC-429 receivers and one ARINC-429 transmitter. The 429 standard allows a transmitter to be split to multiple receivers, but only one transmitter can be on a line. The 429 from the HS34 puts out whatever data we have that fits into the GAMA-429 standard, which is an extension of the base 429 standard. We send out OAT, magnetic heading, fuel flow, bugs, etc, so that other stuff can use this data, like a Garmin 430 showing winds right on the screen.

Serial connections: The HS34 has two serial ports, both bi-directional. Both support the same set of serial devices. GPS units, SL-30, etc. Serial 1 is used for PC updates, and can also be used for a device. Serial 2 is only used for other devices. If you have only one serial device, connect it to serial 2 so you don't need to split/switch anything. If you do use serial 1, you'll need a way to disconnect the device's TX line during updates. The definition of what is hooked to each port can all be done in the setup menu, so you don't need to hook a GPS to serial 1 and a SL-30 to serial 2 or any specific config.

GP in 1-4: These are identical to the GP inputs on a EMS. If you're short of inputs on your EMS, you can use these for OAT, trim, whatever.

Marker inputs: If you have a marker beacon receiver that puts out an output for each light, you can hook them here. These inputs are adjustable in software for active high, active low, and pulled up or not, so we hope we can support most systems. We also support maker beacons over ARINC-429 if you have some super fancy receiver.

Audio out: This is a full voice audio output. It should look a lot like a normal radio output signal, so just run it into an aux channel on your intercom / audio panel. In the future we hope to support software volume control, but at the first release, we suggest a potentiometer in-line to adjust the volume.

Analog resolver: As you can see, this has a ton of wires, but if your radio uses the A/B/C/D/E connection standard, it should work. We're working on a list of stuff we know will work directly. Generally a radio that has a "integrated VOR/LOC converter" will work here.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Garmin 430/530 (including WAAS):

This requires 8 wires, all ARINC-429. Do not connect any serial lines. Connect as follows:

Garmin P4001 (78 pin) Pin # 46 to HS34 female pin # 23
Garmin P4001 (78 pin) Pin # 47 to HS34 female pin # 11
Garmin P4001 (78 pin) Pin # 48 to HS34 female pin # 25
Garmin P4001 (78 pin) Pin # 49 to HS34 female pin # 13

Garmin P4006 (44 pin) Pin # 23 to HS34 female pin # 10
Garmin P4006 (44 pin) Pin # 24 to HS34 female pin # 22
Garmin P4006 (44 pin) Pin # 35 to HS34 female pin # 12
Garmin P4006 (44 pin) Pin # 36 to HS34 female pin # 24


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Garmin SL-30:

This will connect via serial to the HS34.

Garmin 37 pin Pin # 4 to HS34 male pin # 15 (or 14 in dual serial config)
Garmin 37 pin Pin # 5 to HS34 male pin # 2 (or 1 in dual serial config)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Garmin X96:

This will be serial as well. You'll need the cable from Garmin to connect this.

Garmin Blue to HS34 male pin # 2 (or #1 in dual serial config)
Garmin Yellow to HS34 male pin # 15 (or #14 in dual serial config)

The X96 frequency data will pass through the HS34 to an SL-30/SL-40 if you have those as well.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We do not have a 480 here so we can't promise anything, but from looking at the manuals:

480 78 pin connector # 4 to HS34 Pin # 23 or 22
480 78 pin connector # 24 to HS34 Pin # 11 or 10
480 78 pin connector # 7 to HS34 Pin # 25 or 24
480 78 pin connector # 27 to HS34 Pin # 13 or 12


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We do not have a 250XL here so we can't promise anything, but from looking at the manuals:

250XL J101 (37 pin) pin # 16 to HS34 Pin # 22 or 23
250XL J101 (37 pin) pin # 15 to HS34 Pin # 10 or 11

The 250XL does not have an ARINC-429 in, so there's only two wires.


New Member
Jul 6, 2007
Is the HS34 Voice Audio output pin 25 on the upper D25 going to combine the D180 Efis DB25 Pin 18 Audio Out and the D180 D-37 Pin31 Audio Alert or will all three need to be mixed into the com panel Aux


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Here's how the HS34 audio out will work:

The D100 and D120 will still make the noises they make today.

The HS34 will also make all of those noises that come out of a D100/D120 or convert them to voice alerts (your choice).

Basically, if you have the HS34, we recommend hooking only that up to your intercom. If you hook the D120 and/or D100 up at the same time, you'll get a bunch of sounds at once.


New Member
Nov 14, 2005
Ottawa, Canada
I'll be doing some work behind my panel in the next couple of weeks, and I want to add, cap and stow any required wires that that two D-10As would need to talk to an HS34.  Do I only need to hook up to the DSAB pins on the D-10As, or are there other wires I should add too?  At the moment, I have just one lonely D-10A + EDC.  Later, I will add a second D-10A to act as an HSI, and the HS34 to talk to the GNS430 and CDI.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The only connection between the EFIS and the HS34 are the two DSAB wires.


New Member
Jun 13, 2006
It looks like Pin 12 and 13 (ARINC 429 TX B) are tied together internally, is this correct? Also, it looks like Pin 24 and 25 (ARINC 429 TX A) are tied together internally.

I have dual Garmin 430W's and a GTX 330 Mode S transponder installed in my RV-10. A nice feature of the GTX 330 is that it acts as a ARINC 429 concentrator. It will take all the labels learned by all connected 429 sources and then combine them all together and send these out it's 429 port. So when I go to add the HS-34 to my setup I will be able to connect the 429 out of the HS-34 to a 429 input of the 330 and then connect the 330 429 out to the HS-34. This way every system in my airplane capable of 429 should have every piece of information that is available regardless of which device is sending it.

Can you please provide a complete list of the Labels that you will recognise on the 429 inputs as well as the Labels that you will send on the 429. Have the Dynon's send stuff like OAT, Heading, Fuel on Board, Fuel Flow, Indicated Altitude etc will enable all the AUX pages on the 430's come to life and have new meaning.

Ray Doerr.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

Yes, there is one transmitter in the HS34, that is tied to dual outputs. Pin 12 and 13 and 24 and 25 are hooked together inside. The purpose of this is just to make wiring easier.

We will not currently support two 430s transmitting into the HS34 at once over one ARINC port. What will happen is we'll get one label saying our course is X from the first 430, then a second label a few ms later saying the course is Y from the second 430. We have no way to tell them apart. On the output, we'll send out the Course setting, and both 430s will get it at the same time, causing much confusion.

You will need to hook ONE 430 up to the HS34 directly. You cannot hook the output of the 330 into the HS34 input. This is possible to overcome with software since there is a thing called "SDI" that allows you to identify a left and a right 430 in a system, but our software doesn't support this. If we get more people with dual 430 installs concatenated with a 330 asking, we'll look in to supporting it, but I really don't think we're going to get the volume of requests required to justify this support. Feel free to prove me wrong ;)

As for labels, I don't have a list of them handy, but we send out basically everything we can from the EFIS currently. For sure the 430 currently gets OAT, heading, altitude, and TAS. Support for things like fuel flow and fuel on board will be there someday as well, but I don't know if this will be the initial software release or the second one, since that data comes from an EMS and requires us to have the DSAB integration all running smoothly before we can do that.


New Member
Aug 23, 2007
Re: HS34 wiring - hypothetical install

I'm planning a Garmin 430 or 530 and a King KX125. Does all the Garmin GPS/Nav info use the ARINC? Does this leave the VOR/LOC/GS/CDI/resolver pins free for the KX125?

And can both sources be displayed on the HSI? The ILS at my home airport (San Luis Obispo) uses two intersections defined by the SBP ILS and the Morro Bay VOR - so can the HSI display the LOC/GS from the Garmin (over ARINC) and a select radial from the KX125?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
All connections to the 430 or 530 are ARINC, so this does leave the resolver open for use by another radio.

Unfortunately, as one of the lower cost Bendix/King radios, the KX-125 doesn't have a VOR/LOC converter built-in, so this won't work directly with the HS34. You'll need to purchase and install an external converter in order to use it with the HS34 (just like you would with most HSI's).

If you had both units hooked up, what you would be able to display is a main HSI display with up to two RMI/Bearing needles. So you would be able to tell when you were at an intersection by tuning the localizer on the Garmin and then watching for the bearing pointer from the KX-125 to hit a given heading.


New Member
Jul 6, 2007
I am getting to the end of building my Glasair. I have a Dynon 180 and a back ordered HS34. At this point should I wire the d180 per the maunal and then rewire when the HS34 ships. Most of the wires that go from the radios to the D180 look like they will need to be rewired to the HS34?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
What radio(s) are you connecting to?

All connections will need to go to the HS34 when it's installed, but you can split those serial connections and go both places if you want. We'll just end up ignoring the signal that is present on the D180 when the HS34 is there.

If you're installing it with a 430/530, then that uses ARINC-429 which doesn't go to the HS34 at all.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
If you're installing it with a 430/530, then that uses ARINC-429 which doesn't go to the HS34 at all.

So now I am confused..... Thought this was the primary purpose of the HS34, if it does'nt go there, where does it go?