June download


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We're still doing our best to get this out there. We've got a release candidate out to beta testers, who've been doing a great job of helping us get this production-ready.
Mar 23, 2005
I know how you feel, but as this releases have more and more functionality the testing gets also more and more complex, all did look very well until a "last" bug was detected on the weekend it's only one item out of hundreds but as Dynon is commited to a clean release you have to understand, that fixing and then running another release candidate for testing just takes more then just a day or two.

We are that close but you need a few more days to wait for a great new and stable functionality!



New Member
Jun 26, 2006
Question to Werner...

As a beta tester who has obviously now flown both the "old" and "new" efis screen formats, how would you say one format compares against the other? I know I'm asking for one person's opinion here, and accept that's what I'll get, just an opinion. But I'm curious to know your impressions of how well one display format works versus the other in terms of giving the pilot the most easily understood stream of information and the best situational awareness.

Any info you can share would be appreciated.

In case you're wondering why I'm asking, it's because I've just completed my first long cross-country (8+ hours) sitting behind the D-100 and was surprised to see that I actually never really looked at the airspeed or altitude tapes but rather concentrated my scan on the digital data. As a 'dyed in the wool" analog guy, this comes as a bit of a surprise to me. I'm just wondering if the new display format will make the tapes more meaningful.


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
Canadian Joy,

What you report about your scann is what happend to me all the time. This is also why I complained all the time about Dynon's "Classic" Layout. What they will bring now in the next release and what we have testflown is actually much more than just an upgrade. It's a wonderfull big step, bringing this already gerat product pretty close to what we do have on commercial airliners. In some aspects even better ;)

You will realize yourself when you install the new software probably in the next days. You will have a completely new and logic scann, eliminating all the complaints you had about the old version. I am sure, you will really enjoy it.

Have great flights and kind regards

Mar 23, 2005
Thomas did say all about it, with a D100 it will be a lot more useful information (trend vectors) and much clearer display on the D10A you need to decide to declutter a bit as the amount of new infos might be a bit to much for the small screen.

Just Dynon did it again.

I agree on what others have told, the delay is caused because the new firmware is a huge step to what we had already, I admire that Dynon is still able to find so much more improvements. The bidirectional DSAB is the only thing missing right now (reason I have now my 3rd OAT for the EMS).



New Member
Nov 10, 2005
Not that I'm anxious or anything like that :), but is there a chance of the Update happening today, 7/06/2007 as I am about ready to leave on a flying trip and would like to try out the new features. Despite what some of your critics say on this forum, I think Dynon is doing a commendable job with their products and have not once regretted the purchase of the EFIS and EMS units. Keep up the good support.

Roger Johnson
LongEZ N34JR


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
No, the beta is still out with beta testers for the weekend. It will not come out today.


New Member
May 26, 2007
Dynon Folks,

We are now just a couple of weeks from OSH 07 and I know you (Dynon) will be mobbed by folks like me asking about this update. Would it be possible for you (Dynon) to bring CD's loaded with the update to give to us (waiting customers) when we go visit you at the booth? Keep them in a box out of view and available to those that ask so it doesn't turn into a free for all by freebie gatherers like my wife and kids, if you get my drift ;) . I will have my laptop with me and will have my plane there all week. I think it's a simple solution since it appears we'll be waiting at least until then. Thanks much for the reply.


New Member
Nov 14, 2005
Ottawa, Canada
Dynon Folks,

We are now just a couple of weeks from OSH 07 and I know you (Dynon) will be mobbed by folks like me asking about this update.  Would it be possible for you (Dynon) to bring CD's loaded with the update to give to us (waiting customers) when we go visit you at the booth?  Keep them in a box out of view and available to those that ask so it doesn't turn into a free for all by freebie gatherers like my wife and kids, if you get my drift  ;) .  I will have my laptop with me and will have my plane there all week.  I think it's a simple solution since it appears we'll be waiting at least until then.  Thanks much for the reply.
Personally, I don't think a departure from OSH is the best time to do your first flight with a significant update to the EFIS software.  Something like this really should be done on a flight with few other distractions, ideally in an area with little other traffic, so you can get used to the differences in display format, etc.  Also, anytime you upload new software, there is a certain risk that something will go awry.  This is much easier to deal with if you can cancel a planned flight with no consequences.


New Member
Jun 26, 2006
To Werner, Thomas et al,

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question concerning the new versus old display formats. I have to say that I'm anxiously awaiting the new firmware load to see what it will bring to my cockpit. One thing is a certainty, flying behind an EFIS gives the pilot much better situational awareness, but comes at the cost of giving the pilot such a pretty picture that he may fail to focus his attention outside the cockpit.


New Member
Apr 23, 2007
The release notes indicate that another variable (MAGINT) has been added to the EDC calibration.  Does this additional parameter increase the accuracy of the system?  Will an already calibrated unit benefit from a recalibration after a firmware update?  If so, where do I obtain the magnetic intensity.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Yes, we hope the magnetic intensity will increase the accuracy of the compass for some people. It will depend. If you're happy with your current calibration, then it may not be worth dealing with it. We hope that it will make the compass more accurate in lead/lag that some people have experienced.

Just like the declination, it's only used during calibration, so just typing it in won't make any difference unless you actually re-do a calibration.

The magnetic intensity is on the same page as where you get the declination.


New Member
Apr 23, 2007
Thank you. That was a ten minute response, after business hours, and on a discussion board. That's the definition of customer support!!!!


New Member
Feb 21, 2006
FASY,Johannesburg,South Africa
Man, what a weekend I have ahead of me :) Thankyou to all the beta testers, and developers at Dynon...

Now what about a Mac installation program ;)

*mutter mutter, blasted pushy customers* ::)


New Member
Nov 14, 2005
Ottawa, Canada
Now what about a Mac installation program
I'll second that wish. It is a PITA having to find a Windows laptop every time I need to hook up to the EFIS. We've got two Mac laptops at home, but no Windows machines.


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
Plump for a new Intel-based Mac, Kevin. I have no trouble with the Dynon programs nor the Garmin database/firmware updaters through my MacBook running Windows XP. I don't _like_ using Windoze, but that's another story...


New Member
Dec 25, 2006
Downloaded the update, started the program, connected the com-port-usb adapter, and the program finds the instrument on the right comport, even before pressing any buttons. Great. But then, any function button pops up a window, asking to connect and power up the dynon, and on ok starts scanning the comports. Ends with:" instrument not found" Is this due to Vista or a bug or both?


Jos Okhuijsen