New Firmware Release Questions


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
First, the firmware which uses the GPS stream is not released yet, so we don't expect that you'll see anything yet.

We have plenty of beta testers using 296 and 396 GPS units and they work fine. When we release the firmware, we'll be sure that we tell everyone how to configure their units to work.


New Member
Sep 5, 2006
Well dont I feel dumb, spending about a solid day and half.  I saw the various posts abouty the garmin 196 and that it was working etc, so assumed that was not a beta.  


New Member
Oct 22, 2006
I have updated the software in my D10-A to version 2.4.3, installed at DPDT center-off switch, and checked the wiring to be sure that both ON positions of my selector switch provide DC conitinuity from the serial data outputs from my Garmin 296 and my SL-30 NAV/COM receiver.  Nothing works.  I tapped into the three wires of my RS-232 cable that connects to my laptop computer to make these connections.  When I use the laptop to communicate with the D10-A, it still works fine with the switch in the center off position.  Remove the laptop, turn on the SL-30 switch position, FLY an ILS approach, and nothing appears on the HSI of the D10-A.  My GI-106 shows the presence of localizer and glide slope signals just fine, but the HSI on the D10-A has nothing.

I presume my Garmin 296 is not going to wake up the D10-A since some of the sentence components are missing from the output of the 296.  Are you guys planning to fix this issue, or does Garmin have to add the extra data to make this work?  I am using NMEA out of the 296 at 4800 baud on serial port one to run my NavAid smart coupler serial input and it still works just fine.  The D10-A is presently wired on that same serial port one output from the 296.  

I am using the 296 serial port 2 at 9600 baud dedicated to the serial input to the SL-30 for aviation frequency transfers to the radio.  That connection works just fine.  Should I have the D10-A tied to that output port?  The output format on the GPS serial port 2 is NMEA & VHF out. My SL-30 was purchased in 2004. Is there a specific software revision (and later) that works on the SL-30?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE read the posts above.

The firmware that supports the HSI via a GPS or SL-30 is not released yet.

We expect to have it this week as all the beta tests went great last week, but it's not out quite yet.


New Member
Oct 30, 2006

What happend to the new release? It was there earlier and now has apparently been pulled.



New Member
Jan 29, 2006
Western Australia
I have just updated my D100 & D120 with the latest firmware and am very impressed with the new features.......great work Dynon!

The "icing on the cake" will be when we can transfer the EFIS display to the EMS via the this planned for the next upgrade?

Thanks again Dynon for the effort put into this latest upgrade.




Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

It might not be exactly the next release when that occurs, but it will occur.

Are you aware that you can show the EFIS on the EMS if you hook up the serial ports? It's not over DSAB, but it isn't really that different in terms of operation.


New Member
Oct 29, 2006
Hi! Can you confirm that the new Options works with the Skymap IIIC.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The first hit on Google says that the Skymap IIIC has a NMEA-183 output so it should work, but this is somewhat dependent on exactly what it puts in the string.


New Member
Oct 29, 2006
The Skymap IIIC can output standard aviation RS232 data at 9600 baud or NMEA 0183
format RMC, GGA and RMB sentences at 4800 baud.

NMEA 0183 Data Format
The serial format is 4800 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. Each sentence is followed
by a checksum (*hh), carriage return (CR) and a line feed (LF).
All three sentences (RMC, GGA and RMB) are sent every two seconds.

This is the Info from the Manual

Regards John


Beta Tester
Jun 1, 2006

I have been Beta testing the new version for Months now (Hanger testing) with a KMD 150 and if I'm not mistaken the KMD 150 outputs the same stream of data as the Skymap III. I must say it has worked flawlessly now that the version testing has been completed and released to the public. You should be ok.

Richard Glick
Slinger, WI RV7A


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Without one of either the GPAPB or GPBOD sentences, we can't determine GPS course, which allows us to "spin" the HSI to properly align it.

However, if the aviation format sentences are complete and per spec, that may work instead (we support aviation format for the garmin 430 and 530). We haven't had anyone test with a Skymap III yet though, so we can't say for sure.


New Member
Jan 29, 2006
Western Australia
I have the Skymap IIIc and it outputs data to the HSI display on the D100 perfectly.   I updated the firmware yesterday and have not actually been for a flight as yet, however I took the airplane outside of the hanger and as soon as the GPS had a position fix, all the magenta fields came up on the HSI display as per specification and when I entered a flight plan on the Skymap, the Track, bearings etc showed correctly.

You will need to ensure that you have complied with the wiring instructions on Page 3-5 in the D100 Installation Guide.   I connected the GPS via EMS Pin 19 on the DB37 connector as I have both D100 & D120, however other options are available if you don't have both. (If you have the Dynon wiring loom, it makes it easy as the wires are colour coded)

Be sure to go into the 'Setup' on the Skymap IIIc and select the "GPS Data Output" to ON and also select the format to NMEA  0183 as this was the only format mine would work correctly.



New Member
Jan 29, 2006
Western Australia
Dynon.....OK have just returned from test flying the latest firmware upgrade and there appears to be a problem.
When I tested it on the ground, I activated a flight plan on the Skymap IIIc and everything appeared to be in order.   As it happened, the first leg of the flight plan was very close to North, so the HSI course bar looked good.
Today when I got airborne and arrived at the first waypoint and headed for the next waypoint which was away from North, the HSI course indicator remained on North and did not reflect the new course.     I flew the first two sectors then set a "direct to" command in the Skymap which had a Track TO of 160 degrees, however the HSI course bar on the D100 stayed firmly on North.
Everything else appears to work well...such as the DTW, ALT, SPD and the wind aloft & X wind component.
Is it "finger" trouble on my part, or is there a bug in the system or is there a 'sentence' missing within the Skymap IIIc NMEA 0183 format?

Richard....I understand you did the beta testing on this firmware.....did you actually fly the aircraft using the new firmware and if so, did the HSI course bar work normally?




New Member
Sep 15, 2006
I'm watching this because I too have a IIIc.

The full text from the manual is :-

APPENDIX 05: Skymap IIIC Serial Data Output Sentences.

Skymap IIIC can output standard aviation RS232 data at 9600 baud or NMEA 0183 format RMC,
GGA and RMB sentences at 4800 baud. The data output type is Setup on Screen 35 Data
input/output Setup and Test Screen.

NMEA 0183 Data Format.

4800 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. Each sentence is followed by a checksum (*hh), carriage
return (CR) and a line feed (LF). All three sentences sent every two seconds.

NMEA – RMC Sentence.


<1> UTC time of position fix, hhmmss format.
<2> Status, A= Valid position, V=warning
<3> Latitude,ddmm.mmm format.
<4> Latitude hemisphere, N or S.
<5> Longitude, dddmm.mmm format.
<6> Longitude hemisphere, E or W.
<7> Speed over ground (000.0-999.9 knots).
<8> Course over ground (000.0-359.9 true).
<9> Date of fix ddmmyy format.
<10> Magnetic variation 000.0-180.0o.
<11> Variation direction E or W.

Sample sentence.


NMEA – GGA Sentence.


<1> UTC time of position fix, hhmmss.
<2> Latitude, ddmm.mmm format.
<3> Latitude hemisphere, N or S.
<4> Longitude dddmm.mmm format.
<5> Longitude hemisphere, E or W.
<6> GPS quality. 0 = no fix, 1 = fix good, 2 = fix good, differential mode.
<7> Number of sats in use, 00 to 08.
<8> DOP, 01.0 to 99.0.
<9> Antenna height above MSL (metres).
<10> Geoidal offset in metres.

Sample sentence.


NMEA – RMB Sentence.


1. Position valid (A = valid, V = invalid).
2. XX.XX Cross track error in nautical miles.
3. X Direction to steer (L = left, R = right).
4. XXXX Four character start waypoint identifier. (first four characters of name).
5. XXXX Four character destination waypoint identifier.
6. DDMM.MM Destination Lat.
7. X Destination hemisphere (N or S).
8. DDDMM.MM Destination Long.
9. X Destination hemisphere (E or W).
10. XXX.X Range to destination in nautical miles.
11. XXX.X Bearing to destination TRUE.
12. XXX.X closing velocity in knots.
13. X Arrival flag. (A = arrival, V = not arrival).

Sample sentence.


Notes on the RMB sentence.

Note the direction in field 3 is direction to steer, i.e. off track to the right, steer left.

If not in NAV or DIRECT TO mode, the flag in field 1 will show invalid (V).

If in DIRECT TO mode there will be no start point identifier so field 4 will be blank (spaces). If in DIRECT
TO mode where the DIRECT TO point is just a point in space with no name, field 5 will be blank (spaces)

The arrival flag in field 13 is set to A when the TP imminent message shows on screen and stay set until
the next leg is selected even if the TP passed message comes up on screen.

At the end of the flight plan or DIRECT TO when the unit drops out of NAV mode, the flag in field 1 will
change to a V.

The closing velocity in field 12 is the vectored velocity towards the waypoint. There is no provision for
showing negative numbers so if answer is negative, all zeros will be sent.

For what its worth, the RS-232 data:-

RS-232C AR-NAV Data Format

9600 baud 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. Type 1 sentence only sent every two seconds. Each line of
data is followed by a carriage return (CR) and a line feed (LF) character except the STX and ETX lines.

Header Data                                                              Description.
STX                                                                               Hex 02.
z                      aaaaaCRLF                                             GPS altitude in feet.
A                      s dd mmhhCRLF                                     Latitude where s = N or S, dd = degrees
                                                                                    mm = minutes, hh = hundredths of minutes.
B                      s ddd mmhhCRLF                                   Longitude designated as above.
C                      dddCRLF                                               Magnetic track in whole degrees.
D                      sssCRLF                                                Groundspeed in knots.
E                      dddddCRLF                                            Distance to waypoint in 1/10ths of nm.
G                     snnnnCRLF                                             Cross track error where s = L or R (of track)
                                                                                   and nnnn = error in 100ths of an nm.
I                      ddddCRLF                                              Desired magnetic track in 10ths of a degree.
                                                                                   i.e. BRG to waypoint if you were on track.
K                     cccccCRLF                                              Destination waypoint name. Dashes sent after
                                                                                   name if shorter than 5 characters.
L                     ddddCRLF                                               Actual magnetic bearing to WPT (in 1/10ths
                                                                                   of a degree).
Q                     sdddCRLF                                              Variation. s= E or W. ddd = 1/10ths degrees.
S                     ----eCRLF                                              e = NAV flag. - = NAV valid, N = NAV not valid.
T                     ---------CRLF                                          Indicates end of sentence type 1.
ETX                                                                              Hex 03.

Notes on the AR-NAV sentence.

If the unit is not in NAV mode or does not have a fix, dashes (---) will be sent in fields E, G, I, K, L. Part e
of field S will be set to N.

If the unit does not have a fix, dashes will be sent in the latitude, longitude, track and ground speed fields.

If the variation value is greater than 99.9°, a fourth character will be sent in the Q field (i.e. sddddCRLF).


I hope that all means something to someone! :)


Beta Tester
Jun 1, 2006
This confirms that the SKY Map IIIc has the exact software as the KMD 150. The documentation above was as if you cut it out of the KMD's installation guide. With that said, I am interested in all this also. To answer Dave's question, I have not flown yet (Hanger testing only) so I don't have the data to support what we are trying to accomplish with either the SKYMAP or the KMD 150.



New Member
Jan 29, 2006
Western Australia
Did the KMD150 work with the format selected to RS-232C AR-NAV Format?     I can only get the Skymap IIIc to work (although not fully as per previous discussion) using the NMEA0183 format.

I note on Page 6-1 of the D100 Pilot User Guide, that it states "Also ensure your GPS device is configured to output magnetic headings since all calculations and displays are done in reference to the local magnetic heading".   Have I missed something here perhaps?  I note that in the sentences for NMEA0183, there are no strings for Bearing to destination MAGNETIC   only TRUE.
Could this be the problem?




Beta Tester
Jun 1, 2006

With the KMD outputting in NMEA0183 mode the HSI CRS always reports 360 deg. So that must not be outputting what the DYNON needs. In Nav 96 mode the CRS on the HSI matches the GPS CRS. That looks good. My remote compass has not been perm installed yet so I can spin the DG by hand. The HSI does spin with the DG. I also noticed when I have a course set on the GPS that the CDI and BRG diamond stay lined up with the HSI no matter where the DG points. Is this because the GPS does not have a current stable Track? With all that said, it looks as though NAV 96 mode from the KMD is wht the DYNON needs but not sure on everything. I hope some of this helps.
