New Firmware Release Questions


New Member
Dec 21, 2005
Setup: EFIS-D10A, EMS-D10 with new firmware release. DSAB connected and operational.

Issue: I know my EFIS-D10A and EMS-D10 are communicating because the correct OAT from the EMS is now showing up on the EFIS, without having to manually program the correct OAT into the EFIS. Also, any alarm from the EMS shows up on the EFIS and then the EFIS shows a hot button "Show EMS" screen on the EFIS. But, I'm not finding a button on the EFIS that will allow toggling between the EMS and EFIS screens in a non-alarm situation. (Outer buttons toggle between the DG screen and EFIS screen but no EMS screen).

Question: Where's the "Show EMS" button on the EFIS in a non-alarm state?

Update: I found the EMS option on the EFIS screens page, (Hold right button for 2 secs). I had to program the EFIS to include the EMS page into the page rotation. But it appears that the fuel page can't be programmed into rotation. Also, acknowledging alarms from the EMS on the EFIS will NOT acknowledge the alarm on the EMS so you have to ack on each unit.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You are correct about the alarms- for now the EFIS can't tell the EMS about alarm acks, so you need to ack the alarm on the EMS. This is expected.

The fuel page can be displayed on the EFIS. Not sure what you are missing, but double check your page setup menu.


New Member
Dec 21, 2005
The fuel page can be displayed on the EFIS. Not sure what you are missing, but double check your page setup menu.

Got it. Operator error. Thanks!

Another question; Is there a way to program a start-up delay into the EMS alarms so that I can start the engine before the alarms come on? (Without changing the EMS power source to the avionics master).

My 2 cents; I'm delighted with my Dynons. I tried brand "B" first, by mistake. This first look at the DSAB is really great and I'm happy I trust Dynon for EFIS and EMS.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Yes, there is a "Power On ALarms" option in the EMS Setup->Global menu. This will turn off the alarms until you get RPM, oil pressure, or 5 minutes of time elapses if it's set to off.


New Member
Dec 21, 2005
Just got back from the first flight using DSAB. I like being able to monitor engine instruments directly in front of me at any time, especially for run-up, take-off, leaning, etc.

All the sensor readings are identical from the EMS to the EFIS, with the exception of Voltage. Voltage on the EFIS reads consistantly .6 volts higher than the EMS. (EMS 13.6, EFIS 14.2)
Any clue?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The voltage displayed on the EFIS is always the EFIS voltage, while the voltage on the EMS is always the EMS voltage. If they're on different busses they could read differently. What you describe sounds like a diode drop somewhere.

If the EFIS and EMS are hooked to exactly the same point, we might expect .1-.2V difference, but if they are .6V apart we might want to re-cal the one that is off.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Question: On the EFIS D10A is the AOA aural test feature in this release?

Answer: No, we are working on that and it will be out in the next release.


New Member
Jan 15, 2006
Question: Without a way to test the audio alert, how shall we wire the audio output to the intercom panel? It happens that I also have a Dynon EMS (which does have an audio test) and I plan to wire in a resistor (instead of a potentiometer) to set the right volume after finding the proper resistor value. Can I plan on putting the same value resistor in-line for the EFIS?

Thanks for the new features! You guys provide great value, and the audio AOA alert should be a big win for safety.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The audio output levels are the same, so the same size resistor should product equivalent results on both.


New Member
Nov 10, 2005
I just updated my EFIS-D10A and EMS-D10 with the new firmware. I now have a couple of issues. The DG shows intermittently and alternates with a message that says" Remote compass out found". THE EDC was working before with no problems and was hooked up during the firmware upgrade. The other issue is now the EFIS won't display on the EMS thru the RS232 connection. This was also working before. As you scroll thru the pages on the EMS, the screen displays "EFIS not found" for the two pages configured (EFIS and DG.) The EMS is displaying on the EFIS properly. Any ideas? By the way, see you at Oshkosh.

Roger Johnson
Long EZ N34JR


New Member
Jan 29, 2006
Western Australia
Yesterday I completed the new firmware update and am delighted with the new features. My D100/D120 were factory fitted, so had no connection via the RS232s however it is nice to be able to display the EMS on the EFIS via the I understand it, future updates will enable the EFIS to be displayed on the EMS via the DSAB.

One question.....I note that now during the 'power up' of the D100, the altitude tape and digital altitude window takes some time to present on the this normal? (in the past it was displayed at the same time as all the other features)



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The altitude on all EFIS products takes about 10 seconds to come up, and always has. You probably just didn't notice it before. In any case, it's normal.

If you want, you can make up a small jumper that hooks the EMS and EFIS up via the serial ports you use to do your software updates. This is what most customers do, since you have to disconnect the EFIS from the EMS in order to do software updates.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

It sounds like the EDC wasn't connected (at least as far as the support program could tell) when the latest firmware was uploaded, and so the EDC is running an older version of firmware. Try re-uploading the firmware again, but first do a "detect firmware version" with the support program to confirm that the EDC is indeed being detected (a serial number and firmware version should be reported for it)

As for the serial connector, I'd probably start with double checking the wiring, along with the integrity of the null modem/crossover adapter, to make sure data is getting from the EFIS to the EMS.


New Member
Nov 10, 2005
I'm still having issues with the new firmware for the EFIS D10A and EMS D10. With 2.12 re-installed, the EDC is communicating with the EFIS and working properly as verified by moving a magnet near the EFIS (no effect) and moving the magnet near the EDC (changes the heading reading.) The EDC works properly in flight with version 2.12. When checking the EFIS version level, a revision number is reported for both EFIS and the EDC. Also, the RS232 connection is working properly with version 2.10, as the EFIS can be displayed on the EMS D10.

After updating the EFIS to 2.17 and the EMS to 1.06, here's what happens.

The EMS works properly with the following exceptions:

1) The EMS won't display the two EFIS pages (DG and EFIS) even though they have been configured in the EMS setup menu.
2) The EMS is configured with "Alarm on power up" to be OFF. When the EMS is powered up, the oil pressure and fuel pressure both go into alarm condition, with the red alarm bar across the display turning on, the aural alarm sounding and the remote light blinking. Acknowledging the alarm turns off the alarm status bar and the aural warning, but the remote alarm light stays lit until the alarm condition is no longer in effect. Is this working properly? If so, I'm thinking it might be annoying in flight if you get an alarm condition, you acknowledge the alarm, and then continue having a bright red light staying on until the problem can be fixed.

THE EFIS after the firmware update to 2.17

1) The DG displays intermittently with a mesage that says "Remote compass not detected." For a brief moment the DG will display the correct heading, then the heading will change radically for a split second and then the "Remote compass not detected" message appears.
2) The EMS displays correctly on the EFIS.

Steps I have taken:

1) Re-loaded the firmware updates which resulted in no change.
2) Re-downloaded the firmware from the Website and re-loaded the firmware updates which resulted in no change.
3) Deleted all update programing from my computer and re-downloaded the firmware from the Website and re-loaded the firmware updates which resulted in no change.
4) Restored the EFIS to 2.12 and left the EMS with the new 1.06 (This is probably not kosher but I am just trying to do a little troubleshooting. Results:
a) The EFIS works normally as it always has with 2.12.
b) On the EMS, the two EFIS pages (EFIS and DG) now display properly with the DG indicating the correct heading. (figure that one out since the DG firmware is no longer loaded into the EFIS.)

After re-loading and re-booting many times, powering up and down many times, and re-checking the wiring connections many times, the results do not change. I've run out of ideas. Is it possible my downloaded update is getting corrupted somehow? Is there any way to check this? Do you have any other ideas? I'll be leaving for Oshkosh tomorrow, hopefully we can meet there and discuss these issues.


Roger Johnson
Long EZ N34JR


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

Please verify that the EDC has version 1.05 after loading the 2.17 firmware. If it does not, try re-loading 2.17 again (w/o downgrade in between). If it continues to fail, please send us your 2.12 backup and a backup of the 2.17 state as well, zipped up.

The EMS power-on alarms behavior does sound buggy. We'll try to reproduce it. Are those alarms configured as self-clearing or latching?

Regarding the EFIS-EMS connection, could you record a short sample of what the EFIS serial data looks like on your laptop using hyperterminal or similar?

Feel free to call us to coordinate further troubleshooting.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
EFIS 10a firmaware update problems.
I'm currently runnig the 10A, with remote compass and OAT.

After detecting the correct comm port from my laptop using a serial > usb port..
The Get version is returning a can't locate the chipset#1 error.

Then it claims it can't detect my efis for updating.
Then I received the yellow configuration screen, then received the can't find chipset#1

I did managed to get to the checklist screen and save the config file, but it would not upload to the efis

Any ideas?


Dan Landry


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Dan,

There's a chance it could be the EFIS, but more likely it's a problem with the ground or the efis transmit line on the 9 pin PC serial harness. Start by confirming that all 3 of the wires that go do the PC serial harness have continuity back to the 25 pin EFIS end.


New Member
Nov 10, 2005
After receiving the repaired EDC back from Dynon, all the problems in the previous post were solved. Thank you very much! There is now one small issue.

The configuration in my plane is as follows:

(1) EFIS D10A with a type 2 temperature probe
(1) EMS D10 with a temperature probe

Both units have the latest firmware installed.

The EFIS and EMS are connected using both the DSAB and also the RS232 connection.
The air temperature probe for the EMS is located inside the cockpit to indicate inside temp.
The air temperature probe for the EFIS is located in the airstream to indicate outside temp.

When only the EFIS is powered up, the temp displayed in the True Airspeed window is accurately reported as the outside temp. However, when the EMS is also powered up, the temperature displayed on the EFIS is coming from the EMS probe (which is the inside temperature.) If I turn the EMS on and off, the temp displayed on the EFIS alternates between the EMS probe and the EFIS probe.

Is there a setup option somewhere that I am missing?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Roger Johnson
Long EZ N34JR


New Member
Sep 5, 2006
Installed the new firmware yesterday went perfectly.  Questions though, I have Garmin GNS480 and wish to do two things.  1 - connect the GPS functions to the D10A and secondly connect the integrated Nav Radio such that I can get the HSI with GS.  This should be doable as the Nav/com in the 480 is in fact the SL30.  Where could I find the documentation about doing this.  Thanks