I am now trying to calibrate the System. My new build has flown for three hours. I am trying to deal with multiple issues in getting the aircraft to fly straight and for the Skyview to indicate its straight. A "first flights" guide would be useful to try and establish the order to tackle things.
problem 1 - the ball is outside the bars and to the left when I'm flying the aircraft straight and level by eye. The horizon display shows me as level and thats referenced to the aircraft structure, as is the pitch access which was zeroed to a level airframe. The manual says"shim the ADAHRS" to get the ball centred. I don't understand. Which axis am I trying to shim? The left to right roll axis? The Pitch longtitudinal access? The vertical access? Referenced to what? The ADAHRS was installed level with everything I thought.I could easily waste a few hours of flight time because I don't understand the adjustment.
I have to fix this immediately because its dangerously confusing and it is important on that base to final turn. I've avoided the issue by straight in landings so far.
problem2: pitch offset. Do I want that referenced to the structure or the flying attitude of the aircraft at what speed?
problem 3 - Calibrating IAS. I think I've got this roughly done and the error is about 2 - 3 knots. However do I have other errors that affect it? Is that good enough?
Problem 4 Compass calibration, is a figure of 126 OK?
Apart from these issues, the system is great!
problem 1 - the ball is outside the bars and to the left when I'm flying the aircraft straight and level by eye. The horizon display shows me as level and thats referenced to the aircraft structure, as is the pitch access which was zeroed to a level airframe. The manual says"shim the ADAHRS" to get the ball centred. I don't understand. Which axis am I trying to shim? The left to right roll axis? The Pitch longtitudinal access? The vertical access? Referenced to what? The ADAHRS was installed level with everything I thought.I could easily waste a few hours of flight time because I don't understand the adjustment.
I have to fix this immediately because its dangerously confusing and it is important on that base to final turn. I've avoided the issue by straight in landings so far.
problem2: pitch offset. Do I want that referenced to the structure or the flying attitude of the aircraft at what speed?
problem 3 - Calibrating IAS. I think I've got this roughly done and the error is about 2 - 3 knots. However do I have other errors that affect it? Is that good enough?
Problem 4 Compass calibration, is a figure of 126 OK?
Apart from these issues, the system is great!