Request for 5% Wide EMS Screen!!!!


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
I'm sorry but the 5% numbers down the side doesn't work for me. I spent a lot of time grouping, sizing and using all the graphics I could squeeze from SV to get an engine page that I can easily interpret. If one of the numbers in the 5% screen turned yellow or red I think it would take some time verifying what the problem was as all the numbers and labels are the same size and shape. For me it's easier to interpret the gauge by shape and location and the indicator tells me if it's red low or red high. I'm going to stick with the 20% page.

What would be nice is a swappable 20% page (or 50% page). I would have different 20% takeoff/cruise/landing pages. Or for those guys that use different configurations a way of naming configurations so that it's a easy switch between configurations. Something like the swap mode between screens.


I love flying!
Dec 3, 2011
Marshall, TX (KASL)
I spent a lot of time on my custom 20% page too. Very happy with it. Having the 5% option doesn't get rid of the other sizes.

There is so much room on the 50% page you can everything on it in almost any way you want. Why have more than one 50% page- what would be different?

Describe the use for more than one 20% - not seeing it but open to it. See the original post. If I had to have a full size Manifold pressure gauge, and another fuel tank, it might get crowded and some seldom used stuff (tach hours, Hobbs meter, etc.) moved to the 50 percent page.

There are some ideas for improved compact widgets. For example, a single vertical bar for fuel with a LEFT and RIGHT pointer would take up less space than 2 bars. There could even be a combo RPM/MP double-arc gauge with 2 pointers. Might do some mockups...


I love flying!
Jun 6, 2013
As I pointed out previously, having the 5% window does not mean you have to use it if you don't want to, anymore than having the 6 pack instruments requires you to use them.

In a flight critical situation, such as a take-off or landing, you might well opt for the 20% or 50% EMS screens, even if you used 5% for cruising.

But if you have only one screen or a 7" screen, this is a real advantage for you.

While I have two 10" screens and can, and usually do, leave an EMS page open on the right hand screen, having a small engine monitor, in my direct line of vision, is a much more relaxing way to use it than having to constantly look to my right and interpret what I am seeing.

A simple row of widgets that says, "all OK" while still giving me basic information is all I need in cruise


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
Describe the use for more than one 20% - not seeing it but open to it.
As an example I don't have room for my flaps indicator on the 20% screen. So for takeoff/landing I could swap my fuel gauges for the flap indicator. I could use the 50% EMS page as I can get everything on there, but I've become accustom to the 40/40/20 layout. Takeoff or landing is the last place I want to be trying to react to something on a not so familiar display.



I love flying!
Jun 6, 2013
Hi mmarien, I absolutely agree that I would not use a 5% screen for take-off, in fact, my own SOP is to run the PFD on the left side of my left screen, (I have two) and on take-off and landing, run the EMS at 50% on the right of this screen.

Then, once comfortably airborne and cleaned up, I usually bring up the map to right side, left Skyview, PFD on the left, and EMS at 50% (or 100% if my passenger is not a pilot, as she normally is) on the left side, right Skyview, with a second PFD on the remaining territory for my co-pilot.

The 5% screen means that I can monitor "ops normal" on my side, without taking up much space and my co-pilot can use both PFD, map and monitor the engine on her side.

That's the beauty of Dynon, we can set it up the way we are most comfortable with, the 5% screen is just another way of facilitating that for those that want to use it


Jul 13, 2010
Rather than a 5% EMS, which I wouldn't use, how about access to the numbers as map data items.. probably just RPM,MAP,Max CHT,etc


Active Member
May 7, 2006
Why not just allow a more comprehensive set of screen layouts? If Dynon opens up the code for screen layouts, here's what I suggest:

A selection of EMS widths: 5, 10, 15 , 20...
A selection of EMS heights: 5 , 10 would work for horizontal strips.
The ability to split the EMS into multiple strips, eg 5% left/PFD/5% right, or the vertical equivalent.

Right now there is no config that allows the PFD to be centered other than full screen.

Of course, new widgets would be required.

While we are at it, I would like two map pages that can be independently zoomed.

The more we think about this, the more generality we would like in screen configuration.


I love flying!
Nov 16, 2014
For what it's worth, I really, REALLY, like the 5% layout for the following reason...

When flying VFR my eyes should be, and usually are, pointed firmly out of the canopy enjoying the view and looking for traffic. When my eyes look in it is usually for 3 reasons:

1. Am I as straight and level as I think I am?

2. What is my direction / position?

3. Are T's n P's all good?

The 5% layout allows me to answer all three questions more quickly than the 20%. In particular checking critical engine parameters can be done quickly and efficiently.

Having the 20% view available for more detailed information when necessary is also great, occasionally.

I know this is a lot of work, but I for one, think it would be a great boost to reducing eyes in time.



I would like to see a provision for 10%, since my SkyView is a D-700.
5% would be fine for the D-1000, but it would be too small for D-700's.

Better yet, why not let the operator scale his own? :)


I love flying!
Jan 22, 2014
Wow, took a small hiatus from the forum and missed this really great idea. A 5% EMS would be a great addition. Our aircraft does not have analog fuel gauges for its two tanks. Therefore we are required always to show the EMS page in order to have fuel level information. A really narrow EMS strip would be a big improvement for our situation.

Even though an all numbers version would work, I suggest giving some widgets an overhaul. A fuel level display as vertical bar with a pointer on the left and another pointer on the right side would be a great space saver.

I would leave "normal" values white (as is the standard now), with cautian and alarm yellow and red, respectively. Actually, the latter two would probably best be displayed as black digits on a yellow or red background.

Although a new 5% option would multiply possible screen layout possibilities, I would impose reasonable restrictions: 5% is limited to EMS. New screens layouts would then be: 5/47.5/47.5 and 5/95.

Care must be taken to separate numbers and labels visually so that it is clear which value belongs to which label. How about introducing a purely graphical widget like a simple line which the user can position to group items. It would function like a horizontal or vertical divider grouping certain elements like, e.g., the fuel section and setting each widget apart. The user should be able to select start and end points, line thickness and color. Alternatively, restricting to hoizontal and vertical lines, start point, length, thickness and color.

Again, what a great idea!!

-- Chris.


Active Member
May 7, 2006
Some kind of 5% strip (or two) would be very useful when using the 6-pack PFD. I have a 10 inch with PFD/engine and a 7 inch with map. I would like the option of the 6 pack for acro.

While you are at it, allow for larger fonts on the engine and map displays. The 7 inch is legible only during perfect conditions.



I love flying!
Jun 6, 2013
Glad to see this has hit the top of the pile again!

I am a real enthusiast for this idea. While the execution might give Dynon some problems, (I am by no means suggesting that it is something that the guys could do over a drink in the bar), seeing the utility of this, for those of us who want it, is a no-brainer!


New Member
Mar 27, 2014
Bill: I think your idea is great. The pilot side say's, a quick glance Green is good, Yellow keep an eye on it and Red is bad. The home builder in me wants to know the numbers. You have made the best of both worlds. I only have a 7" screen, so this would be a big help to me. Good job Bill

Roy Taylor
Sonex Onex builder :D


I love flying!
Feb 26, 2013
Count me in for this feature. Even with dual 10" screens, I would love to have the 5% EMS bar.


Apr 30, 2006
Independence, OR
I agree that a 50/50 PFD/Map display would be a big improvement over the 40/40/20.  But I don't think a 5% EMS screen is the best answer.

How about a 50/50 PFD/Map with the EMS info on a separate tablet display?  I mounted 7-inch Android tablet on my panel and would like to use it to augment the SkyView screen. 


EMS data is the easiest to access; SkyView exports it on a serial interface.  Imagine a Serial-to-Bluetooth converter such as this one ( connected to a SkyView serial port. 

The tablet would run an app that receives Bluetooth, parses the EMS data (as described in Appendix E of the SkyView Installation Manual), and displays engine gauges and other data on its screen.  Alarms would still be handled by SkyView and the 20%, 50%, and 100% EMS screens would still be available if needed.

The hardware portion is trivial; the software app is not.  I've done a bit of software development but I'm very slow coming up the Android development curve.  (Right now I'm at the "hello world" stage.  Any experienced Android developer want to colaborate?



If 5% percent screen is not doable then putting RPM/MP on PFD screen would be another option, thanks for a great product, Luv the SkyView.


I love flying!
Dec 3, 2011
Marshall, TX (KASL)
CONGRATS DYNON on version 12! Wow. Now, back to this very important addition - the 5% EMS Screen!!!!!

Note to Joe Dubner - with wifi now, it will be more possible to send Skyview data to an app on a tablet or smartphone to display it. But I still want the 5% strip!


I love my RV-12
Feb 18, 2015
The 5% EMS side bar gets my vote to be sure! I feel the 5% side bar, as previously described, would be a very eloquent way to monitor EMS data during a long cruse flight and would be a much welcomed option on my SkyView Touch. If a problem is detected and more information is deemed necessary, a quick switch the traditional “arcs and bars” view can be made to quickly determine visually … just “how bad” is it?

An additional suggestion that would nicely compliment the 5% EMS side bar…

For those of us with stick grips that have an abundance of switches … it would be nice to have the ability to program one of the unused SkyView inputs to allow changing the SkyView’s screen display configurations by pressing one of the stick grip’s switches. The user could pre-program a list of preset screen display configurations deemed desirable for their mission and by pressing the switch on the stick grip, change the SkyView’s display settings by sequencing through that predetermined list.