Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-327


New Member
May 30, 2008
Marion, VA
I have a D-180, D-100, HS-34, AP-74, GNS-300XL, SL-30, GTX-327. My wire harness between these the above was done by Stark Avionics per the Dynon wiring diagrams in the installation manuals. I am having trouble figuring out all the settings to get them to interface correctly. I can find bits and pieces, but not a comprehensive instruction. Is there anyone that can provide the settings for each instrument and a set-up sequence to get everything talking to each other and the interface settings correct. For example: what settings do I need to have in the 300XL and how to I go about getting to the right menus to enter them, etc.? It would be extremely helpful to have this for each instrument. Thanks in advance for any help.
Scott Freeman


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Jul 27, 2007
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

Wiring from the SL30 and Garmin 300XL are referenced here on the Wiki. The 300xl is not listed separately, but should be identical to the 250xl. You may wish to register for the Wiki and update that page to say "250/300XL" once you confirm the installation works. Also, update the individual pages and share what configuration settings you use that work.

Altitude Encoder wiring is described on page 4-8 of the D180 installation manual.

Make sure all units share a common Ground. A large % of "gremlins" trace back to poor ground...


New Member
Jun 14, 2006
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

If you still have some problem, next time i go to the airport, I will take the setting that I have put in my avionics and i will give i tto you. I have the same avionic as you ( gnc 300xl, sl30 ann gtx327) I knew everything when I've install everything but i don't remember.
Do you have the instalation manual for the 300xl, the sl-30 and gtx 327. If no... let me know.

Lan VInh Do


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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32


Just curious - which way did you go with the interconnects re the GNC300XL, SL30, Annunciators and CDI ? with the Dynons ? or are those separately wired ?

Jake J


New Member
Jun 14, 2006
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

My gnc 300xl and sl-30 are connected to the HS 34 ( arinc 429 for gnc 300xkl and serial for the sl 30 and everything work fine) . Only my GNC 300xl is connected to the annunciator and from there to the cdi/gs. Like this, when I use de GPS, I have the display on the Dynon HSi and on the CDI at the same time as a back up . When I push the HOLD button on the annunciator, I can rotate the obs on the CDI and it turn at the same time on the Dynon HSI.
I could connect the SL-30 to the annunciator but i didn't. The Sl-30 can't send serial and analog output at the same time and i prefer the HSI( serial) to the CDI( analog) . You can connect it but if you want it to work, you have to turn off you sl-30, enter the setting and put the output to analog. If I have a dynon failure in flight, I will use the cdi on the sl-30 display before i loose some precious time to enter the setup of the radio.
I have attach a picture of my avionic connection.


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New Member
May 30, 2008
Marion, VA
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

Thanks for your answer. I had Stark Avionics do my wire harness and it appears that they connected the Dynon altitude data to the GTX-327 and the 327 to the 300 just as you show in your schematic. If yours works, then mine should too....but if you get a chance, can you look at what your settings are in the Dynon and 300 and pass them on to me ? I assume that is where my problem is. Thanks again for your time and help. You are starting to give me some real hope!



New Member
Jun 14, 2006
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

I will go to the airport tonight and give this to you
Lan Vinh Do


New Member
May 30, 2008
Marion, VA
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

Thank you very much. One more thought.....since the altitude info is going from the Dynon to the 327 and from there to the 300, did you have any settings you had to do in the 327?


New Member
Jun 14, 2006
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

The setting in the dynon efis : in the setup menu and then to the HSI hs34 setup. In the serial 2 put ( my sl-30 is connect to my serial 2)
- input SL30
- output sl30 cmd.
Baudrate 9600

Then lower in the menu go to ARINC 429
- input 1: GAMA GPS
- input 2: NONE( for me. I only connected one of my gps to the dynon)
- Speed : LOW

The other things lower in the menu, I don't know if they are important but I have put
- output data : OFF
- Output speed : low

FOR THE SL- 30 : you have to press the frequency switch button and the sys button and hold it when you turn it on until complete power up to enter the setup mode.
Then ou have to use the big knob , the SEL button , the small knob and the ENTER button to navigate.
So, you have to select the indicator head type. Rotate the large knob to the SELECT INDICATOR HEAD TYPE then press SEL and turn the small knob to select SERIAL and press ENT to save the option.
I think it's the only thing to do for the SL-30

you have to press the ENTER button and maintaint it when you turn it on until you have a black and green screen. Then use the outer knob to navigate in the pages. Go to the page that show
I/O CHANEL 1 and select:
-In icarus alt
-out: AViation

then on another page you will find ARINC 429
- in : OFF
- out : Collins PL2 EFS

On another page: RS232 ( I don't know if it's important but this is my value)
- CH1 : open
- CH 2 : OPEN
- 429: OPEN

FOR THE GTX 327 you have to press the FONCTION KEY and hold it when you power up the unit to enter the setup mode.
you can then use the FONCTION and START/STOP key to navigate to the different pages. The CRSR key highlights selectable field, and teh key 8 and 9 are use to select the option. You then press on CRSR again to accept the selection ( if not, it will not be saved)
So go and find the page with
CHNL1 and select ICARUS alt
OUTPUT : icarus alt.

That should work.
Just one question , when you do your DSAB configuration is the HS 34 found and does it work for the basic fonction ( adjust baro , heading bug etc. ) I had my wiring done in a avionic shop and the hs 34 was not wired correctly because they used the connector pin as describe in the installation manual like if it was the harness and not like if it was the back of the hs34. I had to do it all by myself

Let me know if you have a problem

Lan Vinh Do


New Member
May 30, 2008
Marion, VA
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

Thank you very much for all you effort and time doing this for me. It is exactly the direction I have been trying to find. I will go to the airport tonight after work and put in all the settings and see what happens.

As far as the HS-34 goes, it does function correctly and I have ensured the firmware is up to date with the EFIS and EIS. I am able to enter values directly into the barometer, bugs, etc. with the HS-34, so I should be good on that end of things.

Again, thank you very much for you efforts to help. I will let you know how things go once I enter the values.



New Member
May 30, 2008
Marion, VA
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32


I entered the values you provided tonight and they resulted in very good progress. The good news is that by entering the values you provided the GPS now finds satellites, the D-180 is receiving data from the GPS (magenta arrow in the HSI display as well as the message GPS assist), and the 180 is receiving data from the SL-30 (green arrow in the HSI display).

The only challenge I have left is that the GPS still has the message on boot up "Altitude Input Failure". However, I think the problem may be with the GTX-327 receiving data from the Dynon. The 327 is not displaying any altitude data so in turn in can't provide any to the GPS. I have written John Stark an email asking for any help he may be able to provide, but have not heard back as of yet. Since they did the wire harness between the two and did not send a schematic with it, I am kind of at a loss on how the two are connected. I will try to call Dynon and Stark Avionics tomorrow and see if they can help.

Anyway, you really helped me out a lot with the informaiton you provided. I am mostly there except for the altitude input. Thanks again for all you efforts and help on this. The progress is very encouraging.



New Member
Jun 14, 2006
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

Maybe you transponder problem is in you d180 setup.
If you did the gtx 327 setup as i said, it should at least receive the altittude from your d180.
In the D180 setup you have to select the format use by the transponder. For the GTX 327 , it's the format 4
You have to go in the menu and find the ALTENC page. ( altittude encoder ) Select the format 4 and it should work.
Hope it Will work. Your near your goal and when it work, it work great. I love this avionic combo for IFR.

For more information, It's on the page 4-8 and 4-9 of the d180 installation manual.

Lan VInh Do


New Member
May 30, 2008
Marion, VA
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

I haven't had a chance to try the config from your last email. I will go to the airport tomorrow morning and try it. I don't think I have it set to "4". I am glad to hear you are happy with it for IFR. That was the whole reason I went the way I did. Thanks again and I will let you know what happens.



Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

Lan - thanks for your reply re various avionics connections.

BTW - due to some other interface issues I did some checking with Garmin AT re SL 30 outputs - it can do the serial and analog at the same time ie I'm running SL30 serial to D100 and analog through an ACU (GX60 as well) to a CDI.

Jake J


New Member
Jun 14, 2006
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

Thank you for the information Jake
What is your type of CDI. My only concern is that I have the OBS on my CDI/GS and the other one from the hs34 and I don't know how the sl30 will respond if i am on the nav source on the annunciator and on the hs 34 at the same time. Can you give me some information about this.
Thank You

Lan Vinh Do


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

Hey guys,

There's been some great info posted here - how about updating the Wiki so it's all neatly organized?


New Member
May 30, 2008
Marion, VA
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

I verified today that the GTX-327 settings were as you provided. They were already there but still no altitude input.

As I look at your schematic, it shows the serial out connection from the HS-34 (which I assume is pin 13) and the ground from the D-180(assume pin #21) going directly into the GTX-327. My serial 2 TX (pin 13) is directly connected to the 327, but the ground wire from the shielded pair (#21) goes to the ground block on the back of the firewall. I am wondering if I need to connect that ground wire directly to a ground on the 327...any thoughts?



New Member
Jun 14, 2006
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

There is an error on my schematic. The altitude output don't come from the ems but from the efis d100. My altitude output is connect from de pin 13 of my efis to the pin 19 on my transponder( i think) And it's the pin 20 (rs 232 out) on the gtx that is connect to the GNC300xl pin 17 ( rs 232 chan1 input)
For the Ground. I think i remember that it was connect directly to the transponder but i can't be sure. This was my first panel in 2006 and it wasn't IFR. I cant tell if it's important too. Probably you should call a dynon advisor for this

And just to be sure. I don'T have any connection that go directly from the hs34 to the GTX 327. All the altitude information come from the efis d120 ] (( As I look at your schematic, it shows the serial out connection from the HS-34 (which I assume is pin 13) and the ground from the D-180(assume pin #21) going directly into the GTX-327))

Don't take my shematic too seriously. It was my plan before i did the connection for all the avionic but it was more to send to transport canada for the IFR certification.


New Member
May 30, 2008
Marion, VA
Re: Setup Procedures for Garmin 300, SL-30, GTX-32

I found the problem last night- two wires were in error- gnd and TX2 were switched at a junction splice.

Thanks for all you effort and help on this. All the interfaces seem to be working with no issues.

Thanks again,