

I love flying!
Jul 17, 2012
Do you have a simulator that i can use to exercise , practice your system,a simulator is necessary for developing high skills, in flight it is difficult to do so!. A simulator system  allows to exercise having comfortable conditions and without pressure


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Not at this time, although, it's something we'd like to be able to offer. For now, we have our always-expanding Dynon Channel, which covers a variety of topics. We also occasionally offer in-person training, usually at shows, and occasionally at our home office here near Seattle. Sign up for our newsletter (home page, top left, blue button) to be notified when we're offering our next training sessions.


I love flying!
Jul 17, 2012
I live in Israel ...... my recommendetion :this days its possible to perform online tutorials I'm sure there will be many in Israel and in world that will use it.


I love flying!
Dec 4, 2011
I can agree we all need more instruction. I THOUGHT I knew about the Skyview - until I attended the class at Oshkosh this year. That class taught me that I have LOTS MORE to learn before I even consider flying behind mine. Some sort of simulator program would be ideal I think, something we could spend some hours behind our own unit for instance.


New Member
Apr 15, 2010
Any chance of training sessions in western europe, say Holland, Belgium, France, Germany, Switserland?


New Member
Sep 18, 2010
A simulator would be nice BUT.... I will say what is hard for the company to say. A simulator would drain programming resources. Builders of experimental aircraft are hot to fly their aircraft that are under construction. Having built three aircraft I understand that. A simulator would allow them to "play" with their Skyview before it is ready to fly. BUT there is a cost to that piece of software. I am 68 yrs old, But I adapted to the flow of Skyview within 5 hrs of flight. I like dynons dedication to getting the product out, and prioritizing so they stay in business. I like how dynon is not going out of business like Blue mountain. I have a slick garmin GTN 750 simulator which they charged me $20 bucks for even though I spent 14k for the unit. The simulator was useful. About $20 useful.
Let these guys do their job. In my experience, they are very responsive To requests, but respect their priorities. They are rights on in how they progress.


I love flying!
Oct 26, 2011
I agree with the previous poster, a simulator seems like an interesting idea but how much time do you really want to sit behind it and practice. I have the free simulator for the older Garmin, which may be of more useful as the sequences to enter flight plans are more confusing. As for the Dynon, I agree that you should practice before you do the first flight with the new instrument, but just get an external power supply connected to your plane and sit in the plane and then practice with the actual Dynon instrument on the ground, this makes sure that you also get the feel of the instrument in the actual plane so you won't be distracted by the Dynon operations on the first flight. As for Dynon I agree wholeheartedly with keeping their priorities focussed on the actual instrument.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We're always considering new venues for our training classes. Offering them overseas is a possibility, but I can't speak to specific plans at this point. I'll let our classroom instructor, Kirk, know about this thread though.

The last couple of posters hit exactly on the reason that we haven't done sim software to date. We recognize the need for training aids, hence the classes and videos at The Dynon Channel. But, with relatively fixed resources, and a software "to-do" list that stretches out for years - literally, it's been hard for us to justify the cost.

There are two things that I personally advise customers to look into when trying to learn how to fly glass and learn about all of the neat features in their Dynon products:

1) If you're not of the video game generation, and you're not used to flying behind glass panels, it'll probably take an hour or few to get acclimated to the new instrument presentation. To that end, ANY flight simulator that you can find has EFIS displays that have the same basic instrument layout on the PFD display. Everything from Microsoft Flight Simulator, to X-Plane, to all of the apps that you can get for your smartphone or tablet (X-plane has a great app for both Android and iOS devices that's between free and a few bucks. All of them have EFIS displays that will help get you familiar with using tapes and having a huge attitude indicator). Even Google Earth has a "flight simulator" mode with an EFIS overlay (click around in the menus).

2) For learning your specific system, before you ever go flying: Put your aircraft in a hangar, hook up a battery charger, flick on the master, and spend an afternoon chair flying. You won't see the PFD move around (the above exercise helped you learn how to read an EFIS in motion, right?), but all of the mapping features, the autopilot mode changes, transponder programming, etc, can all be learned on the ground. Use the Pilots User Guide as a reference, or don't. Push lots of buttons. Dig through every menu. Look at everything on the screen and understand what it is. And give us a call at 425-402-0433 if you're stumped. We're here to help!

Michael Schofield
Product Manager
Dynon Avionics


New Member
Aug 15, 2008
This is the kind of thing that would be ideal for the X-Plane developers to handle. You should check on their website and in the forums, someone's probably already made Dynon Skyview display for the sim. I took a quick look on their website this morning and found this Vertical Power add-in that looks really cool- This kind of functionality would be great if added to the Dynon. Hint.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The reason the Vertical Power product is in X-Plane is that the developer of X-plane is the person that designed the Vertical Power stuff. Designing SkyView inside a simulator would be almost as hard as writing SkyView itself.


New Member
Aug 15, 2008
Ah, I see, I wasn't aware of the VP-Xplane link. Still, it would be nice to have a Skyview sim integrated into something like X-plane. But I don't think it should be something Dynon themselves should spend much resources on, there's got to be some Xplane devs out there looking for a little challenge.


I love flying!
Sep 29, 2014
Speaking of 'flight simulator versions' of Dynon instrumentation...

My small firm made a Dynon D100 for our Aerospool Dynamic project a couple of years ago for Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D.  The D100 we created doesnt have the many many features that the actual product has, but has quite a few neat little features.

Right now I am making another project plane (again for Prepar3D and Flight Simulator X) and it will require the Dynon SkyView.

The problem is that FSX / P3D do not have 'synthetic vision' which is where you see the terrain in 3D on the Dynons screen, (sort of like its own simulator view, showing mountains and valleys, etc).  One could make a frozen view and simply go with that for the background of the Navigations screen mode.

It is a LOT of work to code such a screen.  I came here hoping Dynon had such a gauge for Flight Simulator.  It would make my life so much easier. 

Congrats to Dynon on the SkyView.  It is really taking off, pardon the pun.  Really gathering interest and followers.

Lionheart Creations


New Member
Jul 17, 2007
South Africa
Check out the new epic on x-plane has skyview simulator . Perhaps dynon could work with the developer to ensure it stays in sync with latest release . Ideally dynon would provide protocol so flight sims can be connected to real instruments . They must know how to do this as they have a working setup for their training class videos.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
FYI, we sell simulator setups that link X-plane or MS Flight Sim to a real SkyView, so that already exists. If that's something someone wants to do, just give us a ring.


New Member
Jul 17, 2007
South Africa
Thanks for prompt response . Yes I am very interested in connecting skyview to x-plane . This enables hands on practise whilst the airplane is being built . I am based in South Africa so please email details , cost and order procedures to


Feb 11, 2010
I think simulators are fantastic. I recently purchased a Garmin 430W to interface with my skyview system. Garmin has a sim for the 430 and it works great. I can sit and play with it till I'm comfortable with the button press sequences. I've been shooting simulated approaches into my home airports. If I could also have it hooked to my skyview sim wow! A great learning tool. Granted a sim would be a major project.


Blackshape driver
Dec 27, 2016
Dear Dynon

As a new user I have found that the recommended YouTube channel tutorials are not the best tool for learning the intricacies of Skyview, as the featured classes are long,  boring, slow and tedious.
Together with the Skyview I have on-board a Garmin GTN650 and I have found that the GTN650 TRAINER that can be downloaded for free from Garmin'so website is a much proper learning tool, on which a new user can play with a fully functional system.

Nothing replaces the hands-on time when learning to fly and operate any system, and in my experience of 30 years as airline pilot I have learned that operating the systems is the way to go. Airlines and air forces expend millions each year to train their pilot's in hands-on type of training, although sometimes complemented by video, powerpoints, lectures, and other learning tools, but never replaced by those.

Is my believe that a Skyview trainer should have been provided to customers from the begining, as that is the serious and safe approach when addressing to new pilots, specially if they are inexperienced as are many Dynon customers.
You must not ignore the studies and researches done about digital cockpits and safety. The very FAA has a publication about this subject, where it is exposed that fixation of pilots on complex and new (for them) avionic systems become a serious safety factor in General Aviation.
This is serious enough warning for your company to consider developing a proper trainer and/or cooperate with somebody who does.
... The lack of equipment-specific training requirements from the FAA results in a wide range of initial and recurrent training experiences among pilots of glass cockpit aircraft. With the exception of training provided by airframe manufacturers with the purchase of a new aircraft, pilots must currently seek out and obtain equipment-specific glass cockpit training on their own.
The review of accidents involving light aircraft equipped with glass cockpits found that pilots’ experiences and training in conventional cockpits do not prepare them to safely operate the complex and varied glass cockpit systems being installed in light aircraft today. Further, the lack of information provided to pilots about glass cockpit systems may lead them to misunderstand or misinterpret system failures. As a result, there is a need for new training procedures and tools to ensure that pilots are adequately prepared to safely operate aircraft equipped with glass cockpit avionics. ...

Said that, Aerobask has a pretty decent reproduction of Skyview for X-plane 10

I am interested in building a home fix trainer for my Blackshape Prime and I would appreciate it if someone could assist me on information about exporting x-plane or DCS data to a second monitor to be used as a dedicated instrument panel with Skyview, GTN650 and two analog standby (anemometer and altimeter).

Hope to see some progress on this trainer/simulation subject any time soon.

Thank you and best wishes to all.