OK yesterday I did it - I added the one missing wire (I originally figured I'd have to add three for Rx, Tx, Serial Ground + grounding the shield.
I do not understand why Vans had Steinair set up the harness the way they did - with two wires present and one missing. Pulling the radio and the rack is a real PITA.
I set up Serial Port 4 - it was easy using Dynon's device selector - just hit SL-40 and it configured the port automatically.
And - VOILA! It all worked perfectly - pushing and pulling the freqs between the SV and the radio. Really, really slick!!!!!!
Now - during ops to an airport, I can just call up the Info page and select and Tune by pushing buttons - Approach - Tower - Ground -- and not using charts, guides, or the Index cards I have been using. Plus - the SV tells me what the freq is that I have tuned or is in Standby - instead of me wondering and trying to reverse engineer the freq back to a function or airport.
This is a HUGE improvement to the flow, and makes the Skyview even slicker - thanks guys!
Bob Bogash