Recent content by jaroberts2pe

  1. J

    how to connect fltplan go to drx

    Dynon drx is not listed on the "external" page of Fltplan Go. What connection (wifi) will work?
  2. J

    oil temp rapid fluctuation

    my oil temp on D-180 shows temp climbing as engine warms but when it reaches about 220 it starts fluctuating wildly, between 220 and 262. I tried different oil temp sender, same results.
  3. J

    oil temp fluctuation

    I have the same problem with my D180, and it is a new problem. The engine is a Lycoming 0-360 in a Lancair. Temps read solidly until this summer. Now the oil temp reads high and the higher it reads, the greater the fluctuation, so that on a recent flight it fluctuated between 234-260F. Until...
  4. J

    D100 Display: Right Turn Drift

    My D180 also shows intermittent 5 degree turn to left after start, sometimes lasting 5-10 minutes into flight. Always corrects in time. Did not correct with installation of 5.1. Don't like it but am getting used to it.
  5. J

    aircraft battery

    But unless you purchase the Dynon battery, your clock will require setting every time to start the aircraft.
  6. J

    Lazy Horizon

    I thought when I installed 5.1.1 this would be fixed. Wrong. After take-off (sometimes) the horizon is tilted about 5 degrees to the left. It straightens out after about 5 minutes. Please tell me there is an easy fix because when I tried to install 5.1.1 I got the dreaded flashing blue screen.
  7. J

    Simulation program

    I can't find in my manual how to display MP and RPM on the EFIS. Which menu item?
  8. J

    Simulation program

    Is there a simulation program for the Dynon EFIS so that I could be come used to locations within the menus while at my computer rather than at 200 mph? Also is there a way I can put MP and RPM on the EFIS screen so when I have the HSI page open (split screen) I still have power information...
  9. J

    D-180 EFIS shows wrong wind direction, speed

    I understand the version in the HS-34 is the same as the EFIS, which is version 4.0.0. Guess I need to download the new 5.1.1 and install and see how that works.
  10. J

    D-180 EFIS shows wrong wind direction, speed

    Will check Monday. I know how to determine version of EFIS. How about the HS-34?
  11. J

    D-180 EFIS shows wrong wind direction, speed

    These pictures were taken on the taxiway, moving slowely west. The Garmin 430 shows the correct track, consistent with the DG and thw wiskey compass. Even the TruTrak auto pilot which will fly the GPS flies the correct way. The only discrepency seems to be the track on the EFIS HSI page. How...
  12. J

    D-180 EFIS shows wrong wind direction, speed

    Flying west at that time.
  13. J

    D-180 EFIS shows wrong wind direction, speed

    IAS was 176 at that moment.
  14. J

    D-180 EFIS shows wrong wind direction, speed

    OK, I've reattached the wings and got her back in the air and here is a picture with the HSI screen and EFIS showing wind direction and speed. Any suggestions???