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  1. P

    EMS sfg file mismatch

    Recent massage came up on skyview. EMS SFG file mismatch. Anyone know what this is? Thanks in ad!
  2. P

    One of two skyviews does nor show map bottom.

    I have dual skyvews 10 inch displays. Just today one of the displays will not show an active map button. If I swap screens the one screen with active map button moves to the other side. still have one screen without active map button. Data bases are current on each screen. Any ideas would be...
  3. P

    Auto pilot pitches down

    New install of dual skyview touch with AP panel and knob panel. Center stack is garmin gtr 200, GMA245 and, GNC355. AP panel is configured with auto trim for pitch only. When aircraft is straight and level autopilot is engaged roll hold and pitch hold. Within 10 to 20 seconds the pitch slip...
  4. P

    Audio alert inputs.

    Dynon dual D1000 screens with garmin G245 audio panel. My problem is; I do not receive any audio alerts from Dynon. All settings for aircraft speed are set in setup menu. I do hear the dynon voice when booting up and, voice alert info when turning on individual alert Settings. no audio alerts...
  5. P

    GNC 355 with skyview

    System components: D-1000T dual screens, aads-b 2020, GTR200. GNC355,GMA245, ARINC429,dual ADAHARS, Questions: 1.can Skyview push radio freqs to GTR200 and GNC355. 2. Can the GMA245 be used as switching device for active radio display on skyview screen? 3. When using gnc355 as nav source is...
  6. P

    Sky view 1000 does not see radios

    Recent install of sky view system with garmin GTR 200 and, garmin GNC 355. Sky view does not see either radio. Both items are listed in the serial port setup. Any help would be greatly appreciated !!!!!
  7. P

    Wiring connections

    Installing dual D1000 screens in my RV6. What is the preferred method to connect three wires. I.E. both Dynon to a sensor lead. Thanks in advance!