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  1. P

    Skyview comm radio

    What has the feed back been on the radio so far?
  2. P

    EGT reading X

    So it sounds like I must get a new EGT probe
  3. P

    EGT reading X

    After a while the X goes away and the EGT returns to a normal reading without the X What i cannott understand is when i disconnect the probe from the Dynon the X remains. Is this correct?
  4. P

    EGT reading X

    I get a big X next to my EGT reading on cylinder 4 and after flying for a while it goes away When I disconnect the probe the X still stays I also get spiking on the Skyview with all temps in red when transmitting. Does it sound like the EMS module needs scrutinizing?
  5. P

    upgrade issues

    I Live in South Africa. Therefore i load Method 2...Correct? When i load i go 7+8 then SETUP-SYSTEM SOFTWARE-LOAD FILES (NOT UPDATE TO SOFTWARE VERSION) Is that correct? I can remember what the last update was that i uploaded 5.1 maybe! Does it matter? Is it safe to load ??
  6. P

    Erratic readings on EGT when push to talk keyed

    just wave your handheld aerial over the panel and you will find the culprit very qyuickly. severe static over the handheld
  7. P

    Erratic readings on EGT when push to talk keyed

    I have the same problem and worked out it is the RF from the Garmin 296 that is causing the trouble.Turn off the 296 and the problem goes away
  8. P

    Skyview Fuel Flow Questions

    So i take it this is not a problem you have experienced before? Any possible advice for me ? I have tried running the fuel pump to try and eliminate any air bubbles. The pipe flows down towards the carb like it always has before i had issues
  9. P

    Skyview Fuel Flow Questions

    Yes when i filled up the computer told me i had used 84 Litres when in fact i had used 72 litres actual. The K setting is still at 68000 so if i make the changes 84/72 x 68000 will this rectify the lag time as well? What must i do to rectify the lag time?
  10. P

    Skyview Fuel Flow Questions

    I have the Skyview and just installed the red cube fuel flow meter as i had another type from JPI. What i am finding is : When i come off full power it can take up to 10 minutes for the fuel flow on my skyview to come down from say 40 litres per hour to 21 litres per hour. Is there a refresher...
  11. P

    EMS spikes etc

    Hi i live in South Africa so difficult to phone US Please advise what i should be doing to rectify this problem? Does it mean sending the unit back to the US or is there a local fix? Please advise as my problem is particularly bad with all in the extreme red when i transmit :(
  12. P

    EMS spikes etc

    Just returned from a trip around africa and those spikes really starting to freak me out as everything goes red when you transmit.Any update on a fix :)
  13. P


    Bought a new one. Cheap enough. One thing to consider is when you format the stick check whether it is FAT 32 or the other format. I can only get FAT32 but i know some of the others have both. Havent checked whether the skyview stick has options.
  14. P

    Saving flight plan to Skyview

    Sky view saves one flight plan so yes you should be able to take the stick out and it will load the FP
  15. P


    So are you saying the Dynon sticks are dodgy
  16. P


    The stick is in permanently Is that a problem?
  17. P


    i keep getting this error message when i try and take the snapshot :'( Then this is what it looked like when i downloaded. Obviously the memory stick is connected
  18. P

    Q & A

    Thanks will give all the connections a good tweek.
  19. P

    Q & A

    Please answer my Q: * I got a Caution "Standy Network Error' and then it went away.Please explain? * When i went into the menu i went to Serial Port 5 and i found numbers rolling upwards under: TX Counter & Good Sentences.Please explain?? Many thanks
  20. P

    EGT Reading

    When i replace the probe do i replace only the probe and reconnect to existing wire or do i get new probe with wire and plug in as before?