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  1. C

    Feature Requests

    I'm up for displaying the name of the currently selected "nearest" airport as well. I've found that unless I already know it, I've got to find the airport designation on the moving map (if i can see it, fly with track up, somtimes its behind me), and then search for that in the nearest list to...
  2. C

    ICOM A210E

    I think for the time being, I'll use that very valuable and rare serial port Rx/Tx pair for something more important than pushing frequencies to the XRX/APRS.
  3. C

    Wiring (RF interference) question

    Bill, have a look at the pic I posted here: If your antenna is similar, you might have a very difficult time finding a quiet enough place for it. Chris
  4. C

    Icom A210 opens AM squelch when Skyview turns on

    Problem solved: I replaced my antenna, which uses a pigtail with about 3" of exposed (unshielded) signal wire on a terminal screw(see pic), with one that has a BNC connector moulded right into it, effectively bringing the antenna shielding through the aircraft skin. So, yes, the skyview screen...
  5. C

    Icom A210 opens AM squelch when Skyview turns on

    Quote from me from above: "- Antenna is pretty far away from everything...will leave that for last" Well, here's last. Wow, what a bear! But finally, some success.  :D Previously, I hooked the SV1000 up to another battery, and as soon as I got close to the airplane, the squelch opened. Well, I...
  6. C

    Icom A210 opens AM squelch when Skyview turns on

    I've spent the weekend doing some additional testing with my unit. Replacing the L-com filters had no additional positive effect (but definately an improvement with them vs without them). Also, adding a case ground to the SV1000 had no effect in the aircraft. Some of the bench testing I've done...
  7. C

    Icom A210 opens AM squelch when Skyview turns on

    One more piece to the puzzle...if I connect all the ground wires AND ground the skyview case using one of the screws on the back of the unit, I only get radio noise with the antenna within about 2ft of the unit, even with no capacitance filter installed at all. This is quite acceptable. Also...
  8. C

    Wiring (RF interference) question

    Bill, I've believe I've traced my similar issue to a faulty LCOM capacitance filter. Even with my skyview screen connected only to a battery on the bench (no connections to the aircraft), I get radio interference on both my aircraft radio and on a handheld A24 when the antenna is within about...
  9. C

    Icom A210 opens AM squelch when Skyview turns on

    Well, I can't think of any more conclusive test than this. I've hooked my Skyview screen to a battery on the coffee table, turned on my handheld Icom A24 radio with the squelch turned to max, then turned on the Skyview. With the radio a good 10ft from the Skyview screen, the squelch opens. Turn...
  10. C

    OAT reading high?

    I had my OAT probe mounted under the tail cone on my RV9A, and was also reading high. I determined it was the exhaust gas causing it. I've temporarily moved it to inside the tail cone and seems to be reading nearly ok now (still some rise as the cabin heat/sun warms things up). I'll probably...
  11. C

    Icom A210 opens AM squelch when Skyview turns on

    Was out testing again this weekend...disconnected the aircraft antenna, put on a new cable. With a terminator, no issue, but put an A24 antenna on, and problem comes back, even 10ft away from the aircraft (this sort of suggests to me that maybe the problem isn't actually the antenna - if it was...
  12. C

    Icom A210 opens AM squelch when Skyview turns on update (been out of the country for two weeks). I've managed to try a number of things, and got some interesting results. There are a couple of things I still plan to look into, so not screaming for more help just yet. - plugged SV1000 into EFIS-2 harness, problem is still there - plugged...
  13. C

    Icom A210 opens AM squelch when Skyview turns on

    One thing I can try is plugging the screen into my future "EFIS-2" harness. Maybe I just need to fly from the right seat! lol Thanks, Richard. I'll look into that as a possibilty as well. Chris
  14. C

    Icom A210 opens AM squelch when Skyview turns on

    Some new information... - Problem is on all frequencies. - When I disconnect Skyview from master power, and run off backup battery, the noise stops - When I disconnect the radio antenna cable at the radio, the noise stops - turning off power to the transponder, or anything else that was running...
  15. C

    Icom A210 opens AM squelch when Skyview turns on

    Thanks Dynon, some good ideas in there that I hadn't thought of yet, so I'll be looking into those things and will report back - especially using the dummy load to check the antenna cable, running Skyview from the backup battery, and checking different frequencies. For everything else on the...
  16. C

    Icom A210 opens AM squelch when Skyview turns on

    So, at 21hrs, I've resolved many of the Icom A210 noise issues, but still having one issue in particular. As soon as the skyview display turns on, the AM Squelch opens on my radio, which causes all sorts of random static as people hundreds of miles away from me are picked at as radio noise. -...
  17. C

    Problem identified by the datalog...

    So, the data from the 5.1 datalog was able to show a potential problem with one cylinder during cold starts, which I've eventually traced to an incorrect primer nozzle installed on the engine. A minor thing, and probably not much of a flight safety issue...but definately one to chaulk up to the...
  18. C

    System Reliability

    I'd also like to toss in that, if you read through these forums you might get the impression that these electronic components get tossed together in someone's basement and never even turned on before being shipped...but the reality is you never hear from the vast majority of the people that...
  19. C

    System Reliability

    How have my aircraft electronics failed me, let me count the ways... - VPX Sport - flaps wouldn't come up, so RMA (burnt diode) - SV1000 - some kind of weird failure, so RMA - SV-EMS-220 - egt/cht issue...will send it back when I get around to it - Narco XPNDR - puff of smoke when plugged in...
  20. C

    Checklist page

    Where my "Like" button...