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  1. M

    what's next

    How about a dedicated small panel for heading, altitude and course. Kinda like the older Dynon equipment. A start on a guidance panel. Highway in the Sky.
  2. M

    what's next

    How about all US approach procedures including waypoints and the missed approach. It seems that there is room in the database area to hold it. Had that on a Chelton System and loved it. In fact there are a lot of great features in the Chelton that could be emulated (Highway in the Sky for one)...
  3. M

    Non documented airport

    Is there a way to store a non documented airport (my strip at my farm) in the nav database without having it overwritten by the update?
  4. M

    what's next

    I would like to see an option to display time to next WP or time to final WP in one of the corners of the map display. The GPS altitude is not that useful. It also seems as if all waypoints in a flight plan are fly over. Could we get fly by turns and turn anticipation? Thanks Mike Kullenberg...
  5. M

    Development priority

    I am wondering if there is any chance ADS-B in FIS radar and weather data will be incorporated in the software possibly through your ADS-B transponder. Any chance? I have this using the Sky Radar receiver displayed on the iPad and love it, but would like to see it on the D1000 display.
  6. M

    Back Up Battery

    OK, using your advice, I moved the batt to a better location. Lengthened the wires, as you indicated. No adverse effects. No radio noise, and the screen recognizes the batt fine. My original question still stands though. What is the technical reason for not lengthening the wires. I would have...
  7. M

    Back Up Battery

    A related question. What is the reason to not allow the backup battery wires to be extended? It makes for an awkward install. If I could make the wires just another 18" longer, it would put the batt in a much more accessible place.
  8. M

    CHT and EGT off scale when transmitting

    I just installed the L-Com filters on all 3 connectors on the EMS module. The problem is completely solved. I see just the tiniest movement of the gauges when talking, otherwise the indications are the same with keyed mic, as with no keyed mic. The installation was a breeze. Unscrew the...
  9. M

    CHT and EGT off scale when transmitting

    Ordering them as we speak, thanks for the info.
  10. M

    CHT and EGT off scale when transmitting

    I just finished installation of a D1000 with EMS in a Vans RV-9A The EMS module is mounted on the sub panel LH side between the firewall and the sub panel. During initial checkout noticed that the EGT and CHT indications were going off scale when transmitting on the SL30. All other indications...