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  1. K

    High Fuel Pressure Alert

    Thanks for the reply. I have ordered the Kavlico sensor.  Some users have recommended that a capacitor be installed between the sense wire and ground with these sensors.  What does Dynon recommend?
  2. K

    High Fuel Pressure Alert

    The D-120 in my RV6 is displaying a high fuel pressure alert occasionally.  At the time of the alert the fuel pressure is indicated in the normal range.  The engine is carbureted and the fuel pressure is showing in the 6 - 7 psi range.  The yellow line starts at 8.5 psi and the red line is 11...
  3. K

    Display traffic/ weather on EMS-120?

    Has Dynon considered using the EMS-120 to display information from XM  or ADS-B receiver?  It could possibly be done with software only.
  4. K


    The problem exists in low light. At least I have not noticed it in bright light. The light sensor reading is very unstable, changing from 100 to 270 in just a few seconds. Ken RV-6
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    The problem with auto dim still exists after installing the new firmware. I noticed that the light sensor value on the dim page is not steady at all. The values are constantly changing by significant amounts; e.g. plus or minus 75 units in just a few seconds (this is from memory, I will take...
  6. K

    Loss of airspeed

    The new D-100 users manual states: "If a problem develops with your airspeed reading, treat all of the instruments on your EFIS with skepticism – especially attitude." In previous discussions with Dynon, I was told that the dependency on airspeed was being addressed with revisions to the...
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    I have a D-100 and an HS34 that are functioning very well except for an annoying flicker every 10 seconds or so when flying at night. If I turn the autodim to off, the flicker stops. Any suggestions for trouble shooting? Ken Harrill RV-6, 800 hrs
  8. K

    Bearing pointer to SBY source?

    I am very pleased with my upgrade from D-10A to D-100/HS34 (guess you get tired of hearing that). Great product and even better product support. Thanks. I am experiencing the phenomemon described earlier on this forum. The SBY bearing pointer will not point to the standby VOR in the SL-30...
  9. K

    Troubleshooting SL30/HS34 problem

    Problem solved! Setting the SL30 to "none" for the indicator type fixed the problem. I had the SL30 setup for a "serial" connection to the HS34. That made sense to me. I must have missed something in the manuals. It works beautifully now. Thanks again for the excellent support. Ken Harrill
  10. K

    Troubleshooting SL30/HS34 problem

    Thanks for the prompt response. The problem is when the SL30 is tuned to a VOR, the HSI is flagged and there is no indication on the CDI needle. When tuned to a localizer everything works as it should. I haven't tried the GS yet. The SL30 installation manual states: "If serial OBS data...
  11. K

    Troubleshooting SL30/HS34 problem

    I just finished a panel upgrade resulting in an SL-30, HS34, and D-100. It is very nice. My compliments to Dynon. The only problem I have encountered is a NAV flag on the HSI when tuned to a VOR. The HSI works great when the SL-30 is tuned to a localizer or when using the GPS. The SL-30 is...
  12. K

    June download

    Thanks Dynon! I am very pleased with the new firmware. No problems. The new features are great, and the VSI is much appreciated.
  13. K

    Repeater EFIS

    I would probably pay $1500, I would certainly pay $1200. When you consider that installation would be much easier that installing another 10A; the CDI for the SL 30 cost $1700, and the repeater HSI display would be far superior to a CDI. Yes, please build one and sell it for $1200!!!!!!!! Ken...
  14. K

    New HSI

    Let me add my support to the suggestion of a "repeater" display or an HSI only display fed by the DSAB. I have the D-10A and I'm so pleased with the HSI, yet frestrated that I have to choose between PFD and HSI. To upgrade to the "100" would be a major rebuild of my panel and would reduce the...
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    New Firmware Release Questions

    Regarding the experience that I had with erratic winds indication, it appears that the inclination setting was lost on my unit at some point. I reset the inclination and recalibrated the mag compass, and now the winds indication seems to be working properly. Ken Harrill
  16. K

    New Firmware Release Questions

    Thanks for the prompt reply. As soon as the weather clears, I will get some more detailed inflight information about the "winds" indication. Ken Harrill
  17. K

    New Firmware Release Questions

    I have a D10A connected to a Skymap IIIC. The new firmware is very impressive. Congratulations to Dynon! I have flown twice and it seems the winds information is unstable sometimes and not "believable" at times. What could cause the winds information to be inaccurate when everything else...