2006 Oshkosh Announcements


New Member
Jul 25, 2006
I would also like the brighter display for the D10A....The brighter the better especially in a Lancair 320 :cool:


New Member
Jul 26, 2006
A few questions regarding the new stuff, if I may...

Will it be possible to have both a GPS and an SL30 connected at the same time, or will it be necessary to "switch" them?

If both can be connected at the same time, will you be able to select which unit will drive the course arrow/CDI, with perhaps the other unit showing as a bearing pointer?

Will the Dynon unit allow you to select the desired radial on the SL30, or will you select it on the radio front panel?

It's really early, so that's all I have for now...unfortunately, eventually I'll wake up and probably have more!



New Member
Jun 26, 2006
Dear DynonSupport,

Thanks for the explanation on the display. Transmissivity improvements normally come at the cost of colour saturation. Is there any noticeable washout of colours or loss of contrast as the brightness is cranked up with the new glass?

Also, I have one other series of questions which isn't directly related but is somewhat related... What is Dynon's warranty policy on displays? I'm thinking more specifically about pixel shorts/opens. So far I haven't seen anything in the documentation which specifically addresses this question, which means that Dynon in the interest of good business practices and maintaining customer satisfaction would likely work on a case-by-case basis. So far everything I've seen indicates Dynon works this way, ie putting customer satisfaction first. I can only hope this trend continues!



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You can only conect one SL30 or one GPS at a time. If you have both, you can install an external switch that will change the input to the EFIS. The EFIS auto-detects if it has an SL30 or GPS input, so you just throw the switch, wait about 2 seconds, and the screen will automatically change to the new source. The color will change to indicate this as well.

The OBS knob (desired radial) will need to be set on the SL30. We display the setting on the HSI, but in this release we don't set it.

We do display a bearing pointer for GPS, and we also display a bearing pointer for both the main VOR and secondary VOR on the SL30.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The Dynon EFIS displays only use a few colors. It's not like an LCD TV with a huge color palette, so this may hide anything like that. In any case, the screen doesn't look washed out or anything bad. It just looks like a brighter version of the current screen. Maybe a customer that has seen one at OSH will step in here and give their opinion.

We've shipped thousands of units and never had a bad pixel as far as I know, so it's never come up. Our warranty is 3 years, and we would look at a case individually if it ever happened. If you look around at our forum and other places on-line you'll see that we are known for having phenomenal support so you can be assured we'd have the same customer-focused policies around a faulty LCD as well.

We have a dedicated manufacturing team, so we'd even be able to fix a unit for you during a week like this when many employess are off at Oshkosh.


New Member
Jul 26, 2006
You guys are coming through big time!

Now, could you please email my girlfriend at tell her that I really should buy an airplane before I buy her a house?


New Member
Jul 26, 2006
I would definitely order a dual screen set-up(D-100&EMS) IF....I could fit the screens in my instrument panel!
The screen ends up being about 3/8 to 1/2 inch too deep! (not enough space behind the panel)  :'(
This is almost forcing me to use another manufacturer, which I REALLY do not want to do....
Can Dynon possibly supply some sort(or tell me where to get) of "bezel", etc. that could "space  out" the screen just a bit from the panel?
Please???    :)



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I don't know what kind of plane you have, but take a look at our customer gallery for what a customer did on an RV-6 in order to get a lttle more depth. He just brought the whole panel forward about 1".


You could build something to bring the unit out an inch or so as well, but I don't know of anyone that makes something like this right now.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

Well, here are some screenshots that you have been asking for! Please remember that we're still working on these and cleaning them up, so it's not exactly what we'll ship. Don't worry- we'll have a bearing pointer on both the GPS and NAV pages even though they aren't shown here. We'll even show the standby NAV bearing from the SL30.

HSI from a GPS source:


HSI from an SL30, including Glide Slope:


The EMS main page, showing trim indicators, flap position indicator, and the fuel economy info item:


The EMS fuel page, now with economy information:



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Oh yeah- the yellow band in the middle of the RPM range is new too. This is used for prop/engine combinations that have a restricted RPM band. We also now allow you to put the MAP on the left and tach on the right, kind of like every other airplane on the planet.


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
What you show us here is absolutely awesome. I can't wait to load it on mine! One thing coming up to my mind, for those of us building a cockpit with multiple D10A's:
Would it in future be possible to configurate one of the EFIS in a mode, making the HSI coming up as default instead of the ADI? Would be nice in a cockpit, having two of them stacked.

Kind regards

Thomas  ;)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Actually, that's already possible! :) Hold down the right-most button to bring up the screen list, then go into the SETUP->ROTATN menu and set which screen you want to boot by default.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
GPS and SL30 connection points

Depending on the number and types of Dynon units you own, you have several options for connecting a GPS unit and/or Garmin/Apollo SL30 to your Dynon system. The GPS can be used as a source for both the HSI and Fuel pages. The SL30 can be used as a VOR or localizer source for the HSI. If you wish to connect a GPS and/or SL30 to your Dynon system, read the section below which corresponds to your set of Dynon products.

To fully use the GPS-related features on your EFIS and/or EMS, your GPS must output the following NMEA sentences in its serial stream: $GPRMC, $GPRMB, $GPGGA, $GPBOD, and $GPAPB. All of these connection schemes assume that the external devices share a common ground with the Dynon product(s). If your GPS is battery powered, and not normally connected to aircraft ground, you must connect the ground pin on its serial output to a ground common to the EFIS or EMS that your GPS is connected to (e.g., pin 9 on the EFIS DB25, or pin 16 on the EMS DB37).

When a Dynon product is connected to a GPS, it will synchronize its Zulu clock to that output by the GPS.

If you own only an EFIS-D10A or EFIS-D100:

Hook the GPS or SL30 transmit line into pin 22. This is the same Serial RX line that is used for firmware updates. You'll need a way to disconnect this when you hook up a PC.

If you have both a GPS unit and an SL 30, you'll need to hook the two transmit lines to a switch and use this switch to decide which one you want displayed on the HSI. The HSI will auto-detect the switch being changed and will change modes automatically.

If you own an EMS-D10 or EMS-D120:

Hook the GPS transmit line into the EMS pin 19 on the D-37 connector. This is labeled "Fadec RX." This connection will give you range, MPG, etc. No point in hooking up an SL 30 since that only sources info for the HSI display which requires an EFIS. No need to break this connection when doing PC updates.

If you own an EMS AND an EFIS:

Hook the GPS or SL30 transmit line into the EMS pin 19 on the D-37 connector. This is labeled "Fadec RX." This will share the data between the EMS and EFIS and allow you to display an HSI on either product, as well as do EMS economy displays.

If you have a GPS and an SL 30, hook the GPS up as above. Hook the SL 30 to pin 22 on the EFIS. This will allow you to use the "NAVSRC" button on the HSI to flip between inputs. The only tradeoff here is that you can only display a GPS HSI on the EMS. You can see either the SL 30 or GPS on the EFIS. You'll need to disconnect the SL 30 from the EFIS when doing software updates.

Alternatley, you can use a switch into the EMS which will allow you to see both the SL 30 and GPS on both the EFIS and EMS, but you will only be able to see one at a time.

If you own a D180:
Hook the SL 30 unit to pin 22 on the EFIS (vertical D-25) and the GPS to pin 19 on the D-37. You can display either source on the HSI with the "NAVSRC" button. You'll need to disconnect the SL 30 from the EFIS when doing software updates.

If you own a D180 AND an EFIS:
Hook the SL 30 unit to pin 22 on the EFIS (vertical D-25) and the GPS to pin 19 on the D-37. You can display either source on the HSI with the "NAVSRC" button, and you can display either on the standlone EFIS as well. You'll need to disconnect the SL 30 from the EFIS when doing software updates.


New Member
Jun 26, 2006
Dear DynonSupport,

Once again, thank you for your honest answers. I cruised around on these discussion pages a while before even giving consideration to a purchase. A great product is nothin' if it doesn't have best-in-class support. What I've seen in these discussions reflects the kind of support which goes the extra mile. I'm quite certain that I will enjoy my EFIS D100, and just as certain that if anything goes wrong with it you'll make it right.

And by the way, those screen shots are wonderful. Hate to have to wait for the new superbrite glass, but it will look sooooo good in my panel once it arrives. Yeehaaw - I can hardly wait!

Kind Regards,
Davis DA-2A C-GJOY


New Member
Jul 27, 2006
• HSI with Glide Slope from SL30 Radio

Our next firmware release will include an HSI overlay on the DG screen that we just released. If you have an SL30 radio, you can hook the serial output of that to your Dynon EFIS product and display the CDI, Glide Slope, VOR frequency and VOR id as an EHSI display.

• HSI with CDI from GPS

Another way to get an HSI display is by hooking up a GPS to your EFIS. This will allow the EFIS to display a CDI needle on the DG display for a virtual HSI. The screen will also show various info from the GPS such as ground track and distance to waypoint.

Excellent news, gentlemen...
A build partner and I are actively installing our D-100 this week, and were already pumped about the DG firmware upgrade. The HSI makes it even better....

Now.. I completely understand the complexities of dealing with non-serial nav radios, and have no expectation of you guys offering support/handling the signal from non-serial nav's as the input source for a HSI, but would you know of any 3rd party vendors that DO provide such a device (in this instance, from a King KX 125 {composite OR ARINC signal} and a KN-75 GS receiver) and translate it to your unit. I am guessing such a beast doesnt exist, but it doesnt hurt to ask.

Also, do you expect at some point in the future to support GPS vertical guidance/WAAS precision approach display, or is that simply not in the cards from a hardware/architecture standpoint?

GOOD WORK guys.. so far your product is turning into some of the best money we've spent in aviation so far.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We hope to support Analog resolvers and digital (ARINC 429) in the future, but this would require an additional hardware purchase if we do it.

We don't know of anyone that makes an analog-to-SL30 serial converter. That would be an interesting product for sure, but the market for it is probably pretty limited.

As for GPS vertical guidance, we believe that this is only possible via the Analog outputs from something like 430/530 or via the ARINC 429 digital stream. As far as we know, nobody publishes vertical guidance over the serial stream, so this functionality will have to wait until we have a way to get ARINC 429 or analog into our unit.


New Member
Feb 22, 2006
Great news.....just more reasons to make me reasured at becoming a loyal Dynon customer. I will be happy to send y'all $200.00 (if'n it stays prestine) or $300.00 if we scratch it during panel install over the next few weeks when you start taking orders. The other upgrades make my mouth water and are solidifying my confidance that Dynon will continue to be the unit to "trust in flight". Steady, constant, safe improvment will win the day. Even though the "bells and whistles" of your competitors seem to tempt many, and are pretty nice, I feel comforted in y'all's methodical, pragmatic approach. There is true elegance in simplicity.

Thanks for showing YOUR loyalty to your established customer base, I am certain it will garner continued dividends and continued company growth. I am thrilled to have a company I can hopefully continue to have some faith in. I wrote to you a few years ago after Osh 2002 when your first products came out stating that I planned to become a customer. Four years later I am happy I was able to follow through as my Velocity SE project heads for first flight with the D-100 right at eye level. Thanks. :)

All the best,

Chris Barber


New Member
Jul 27, 2006
We hope to support Analog resolvers and digital (ARINC 429) in the future, but this would require an additional hardware purchase if we do it.

If and when that day comes, let me know what the price is.. because I am a FIRM believer on HSI functionality, and someday hope to have it in my panel, on your product. I know I could have that functionality in a few weeks if I went digital, but unfortunately, the SL30 is not in the works at this time for me. I can buy two brand new KX 125's for the cost of ONE SL30. (not that its YA'LL's fault or anything :)

Again, strong work gentlemen.. looking forward to progress.


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
George, South Africa
Do you have guidelines yet on how to wire for flap position and fuel pump ON so long?

I would assume Fuel pump can go to pin 9 or 10 on the EMS, but don't have an idea for flap position.

Thanx, Carl.