
Sep 5, 2019
I know that the Skyview with ADSB In module will receive TFR NOTAMs but does it receive airport NOTAMs (those for closed runways, etc etc). Is this information broadcast on the ADSB stream and is there a way to view it in the HDX. Recently had to divert to an airport and was looking for a way to check out the NOTAMs in flight on the fly...

Bill Putney

Active Member
Jul 28, 2019
Hillsboro, OR (KHIO)
I know that the Skyview with ADSB In module will receive TFR NOTAMs but does it receive airport NOTAMs (those for closed runways, etc etc). Is this information broadcast on the ADSB stream and is there a way to view it in the HDX. Recently had to divert to an airport and was looking for a way to check out the NOTAMs in flight on the fly...
The UAT in gets you FIS-B which should include airport NOTAMs. I presume Dynon doesn’t filter things out of what’s available.



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
NOTAM-D information is included in FIS-B broadcasts and your Dynon system technically receives them, but that doesn't mean it uses or displays them. To my knowledge it doesn't, but someone else here can correct me if I'm wrong. I know that NOTAM information isn't included in at least some flight plans uploaded to the HDX, so it likely won't get them that way either. Keep in mind the FAA does not consider FIS-B to be an approved source for checking NOTAMs. Even if you manage to get them that way, it won't legally cover you.


Sep 5, 2019
NOTAM-D information is included in FIS-B broadcasts and your Dynon system technically receives them, but that doesn't mean it uses or displays them. To my knowledge it doesn't, but someone else here can correct me if I'm wrong. I know that NOTAM information isn't included in at least some flight plans uploaded to the HDX, so it likely won't get them that way either. Keep in mind the FAA does not consider FIS-B to be an approved source for checking NOTAMs. Even if you manage to get them that way, it won't legally cover you.
I had to divert on a recent flight and couldn't get a hold of flight service. Foreflight had not downloaded the NOTAMs for some reason so I was looking at the HDX wondering if I could get them that way. Would have been nice. I read NOTAMs from the briefing but not NOTAMs for every single airport in the states I am flying over... LOL


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
If you cannot get in touch with Flight Service call the nearest ATC facility. They all have access to the NOTAM information. Naturally, they will want to know why you are diverting.


Sep 5, 2019
SkyView does not currently decode or display the NOTAM-D information.
I'd like to add that as a feature request. The info is there- would be great to decode and display it as another TAB in the INFO page. :) Would make it easier/safer when diverting especially if doing an instrument approach at an unexpected airport. A LOT of approaches seem to have some kind of NOTAM lately (usually changing the DH or MDA)


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
That might be interesting to see, but probably much easier said than done. NOTAM-D data includes two different types of NOTAMS, (U) unofficial and (O) 'other' (my definition). U NOTAMs come from a local source and are not 'officially' verified. They'd be most likely to contain the information you want. The interesting part would be O NOTAMs. They don't fit the official NOTAM criteria, but I can't find if that means content criteria, format criteria, or both. If they don't conform to standard format criteria, I could see where decoding and displaying them could be problematic. I suppose the straight text could be displayed, and the job of deciphering it would be left up to the pilot, but that probably isn't a situation most avionics manufacturers would want to present in a cockpit. Like I said, interesting to see.


Sep 5, 2019
The information is broadcast over ADSB. Does Foreflight make use of it? Does any device/mfg utilize this part of the ADSB data?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
I believe Foreflight does when you click an instrument approach or look at an airport digram. NOTAM Advisor should display a NOTAMs link at the top of those displayed plates/screens. NOTAM Advisor is included with all Foreflight subscriptions, but you may need to have Flight Notifications turned on.

Nov 11, 2021
Rehashing this, not sure if the most recent update has this or not. Still learning the system and all of the features, have only flown with it twice since its been installed.

But on the way to the avionics shop on a long cross country, I had to divert due to weather. For whatever reason foreflight picked up some NOTAMS but not all. It picked up that one airport was closed, so we go to the next. Got barked at for an aerobatic box per NOTAM. Airport wasn't closed but not seeing the details of the NOTAM decided to back out. The next airport on downwind we see the X's on the runway as they were grinding it. So 2 airports closed with only 1 shown on foreflight. The other with an aerobatic box and no NOTAM shown. Sent the file to foreflight and haven't heard back. Having 2-10" HDX it'd be really nice if it could show notams.

If it doesn't pick it up via adsb, could it be shown when you load a plan via USB connectivity from foreflight? Load it on the ground then put the table away..