Dynon and Avidyne IFD


I love flying!
Jun 21, 2014
Regarding the sending flight plan to an IFD from Foreflight when connected to Skyview network it still does not work reliably. This is a Foreflight issue. If you have more than one device that can accept a flight plan it assumes the first device it sees, Skyview. However, you can get a flight plan from an IFD to Foreflight by using the MORE, DEVICES, select the IFD, tap the displayed flight plan. It will then load into Foreflight active flight plan.

regarding the Skyview ADS-B traffic and Weather displayed on the IFD. It does not work. I Wiresharked the Skyview network and discovered that when the IFD connects to Skyview network it auto assigns the IP address However, the ads-b traffic is UDP broadcast on IP This is a different subnet. So, the IFD is not configuring the WiFi connection correctly ie. Subnet masking correctly.

when I connect my tablet running Foreflight to the Skyview network it auto configures the WiFi to IP: with the Subnet Mask of it has no problem seeing the UDP data stream.

i also configured my IFD to connect to another airplane in my hanger that has a Stratux. This works, traffic seen on the IFD. The Wireshark data shows the ADS-b data is on the main IP address. Does not use a subnet. I believe this is the problem regarding the ADS-B data. I have provided this data to Avidyne. I asked if they had a way to manually configure the network interface but they have not responded.


New Member
Sep 24, 2021
Home base: KFDK
I was hoping 10.3 would change the way changed/updated flight plans from FF are handled. Does it still come across as a completely new flight plan that, when activated, tries to send you back to the original waypoint?


New Member
Jul 19, 2021
Regarding the sending flight plan to an IFD from Foreflight when connected to Skyview network it still does not work reliably. This is a Foreflight issue. If you have more than one device that can accept a flight plan it assumes the first device it sees, Skyview. However, you can get a flight plan from an IFD to Foreflight by using the MORE, DEVICES, select the IFD, tap the displayed flight plan. It will then load into Foreflight active flight plan.

regarding the Skyview ADS-B traffic and Weather displayed on the IFD. It does not work. I Wiresharked the Skyview network and discovered that when the IFD connects to Skyview network it auto assigns the IP address However, the ads-b traffic is UDP broadcast on IP This is a different subnet. So, the IFD is not configuring the WiFi connection correctly ie. Subnet masking correctly.

when I connect my tablet running Foreflight to the Skyview network it auto configures the WiFi to IP: with the Subnet Mask of it has no problem seeing the UDP data stream.

i also configured my IFD to connect to another airplane in my hanger that has a Stratux. This works, traffic seen on the IFD. The Wireshark data shows the ADS-b data is on the main IP address. Does not use a subnet. I believe this is the problem regarding the ADS-B data. I have provided this data to Avidyne. I asked if they had a way to manually configure the network interface but they have not responded.
There MUST be some way to configure the correct IP address range with an appropriate subnet mask buried in some hidden menu....


I love flying!
Jun 21, 2014
I was hoping 10.3 would change the way changed/updated flight plans from FF are handled. Does it still come across as a completely new flight plan that, when activated, tries to send you back to the original waypoint?
I don’t expect that to change. Do you really want a push from Foreflight to change the active flight plan. I have accidently hit soft keys in Foreflight. What if it cancels an approach when you are in the middle of shooting an approach. I like the idea of making all my changes in flight on the IFD then load them into Foreflight. Pushing flight plans from Foreflight is only for loading IFD on the ground.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
ADS-B would be nice, but the ball's in Avidynes' court for addressing this problem.


I love flying!
Apr 29, 2013
Spent about an hour on trying to get two iPADs with FF and IFD100 apps to work with my SV-D1000 and IFD540. Avidyne 10.3 made some changes to the network setup and operation, so the first error I made was renaming the default IFD network to the SkyView network name. The default IFD network is an IFD Hotspot, so the iPads were unable to connect. I added a second network on the IFD (user configuration setup) as the Skyview network and used the new CONNECT lsk to start it. Took a few tries but I finally managed to get the Devices page on FF to show SV, IFD, ADS-B, and the other iPad all at the same time. I was able to load a FF flight Plan using the Send to Panel function, the IFD and SV both accepted the flight plan. The flight plan showed up on the IFD FMS Routes page. I noted on the SV Flight Plan page the SV side updated to the sent plan, however the 540 plan source did not update. Once I activated the FF originated route on the IFD, the SV's 540 flight plan page updated to the match the SV side. It looks like ADS-B data may be going to the IFD, no traffic was showing up and the weather was clear, so that will require another look. Next item is to get the IDF100 working again, worked fine before the 10.3 update and now it appears to have no connection. Pages 5-31 to 5-38 in the IFD Pilot's Guide were very helpful.


I love flying!
Apr 29, 2013
Updated to 16.4.0 today and could not load a FF flight plan to the IFD over the SykView network. Interestingly, the IDF100 is now working on both iPads. The IDF is showing up on FF Devices and lists receiving flight plans in the capability box (same as SkyView). The other odd item is nether iPad is showing up on the IFD network devices to allow a connection. Was working fine with both listed prior to 16.4.0. I suspect if the IFD is not seeing the iPads as authorized network devices, the FF Load to Panel flight plan is being ignored by the IFD. Now on to figuring out why the SkyView Network is not telling the IFD the iPads are on the network. Maybe someone can sneak a Dynon ADS-B to IFD fix into the 10.3 update that will be coming out to fix the default frequency issue.


New Member
Jul 11, 2022
With Skyview 16.4.0 and AviOS 10.3, I assume the IP addresses are the same as Kurt's post above? (The IFD auto assigns and the Skyview still broadcasts ads-b traffic via UDP on IP If so, looks like we're stuck waiting for an AviOS update and there's nothing to be done from the Dynon side?


New Member
Jul 19, 2021
With Skyview 16.4.0 and AviOS 10.3, I assume the IP addresses are the same as Kurt's post above? (The IFD auto assigns and the Skyview still broadcasts ads-b traffic via UDP on IP If so, looks like we're stuck waiting for an AviOS update and there's nothing to be done from the Dynon side?
There is another hurdle. I was told by Avidyne that Dynon HDX streams out its ADSB data using an "Extended" ADSB format. Avidyne IFD expects and will only accept the straight up "Capstone" format also called "Open ADSB." Likey Dynon would need to change their format or create an option of which fomat to broadcast. Very disappointing!


Oct 6, 2020
Any updates here? I'm considering to get an Avidyne IFD and the ads-b would be a plus.


Dec 13, 2019
Las Vegas
Any updates here? I'm considering to get an Avidyne IFD and the ads-b would be a plus.
I have no idea what the rest of your cockpit looks like. If you are using the Skyview screen(s) the Dynon ADSB receiver works great, but as far as I know you can’t display their ADSB on another device. I have 3 Skyview screens in my RV 10 and a Garmin GTN650. The Garmin screen is too small to use effectively for anything but programing so I only use it as a COM, IFR navigator and the VOR receiver for an ILS. The screen is too small to use as a moving map.
It is a shame that the avionics manufacturers can’t get together with some common communications protocols so all these different avionics packages could be totally integrated. Perhaps someday. For now we are going to have to generally stick with one brand for most things. Dynon has at least figured out how to display NAV data from another source on their equipment, which solves the biggest problem. If you want completely integrated avionics you have to buy everything from one company. I don’t use my IPAD in the cockpit for traffic. Mostly I use it to for flight planning and filing and rarely pick it up while flying except to display approach charts. I use Seattle Avionics charts so I can display procedures charts where the moving map would be on the Dynon screen. As a result I look at the IPAD to brief myself for the approach, but then just use the chart on the Dynon screen to fly it. It is geo referenced so ships position is always displayed. That works for me. For others it would be really nice if traffic, weather and charts could be displayed on their IPAD.
I agree that the manufacturers should figure out how to make that happen. Some of them don’t want to because they want to hook you in with everything from their company (Yes I am talking about you Garmin). At least I can now get software updates for my GTN650 and install them myself instead of having to bootleg them as I have done in the past. That was a small step in the right direction. Garmin makes great equipment, but I don’t like their efforts to make their equipment incompatible with everyone else’s. I can’t help but think that will hurt them in the long run.


Active Member
Apr 1, 2021
Any updates here? I'm considering to get an Avidyne IFD and the ads-b would be a plus.
I would suggest that it does not matter all that much if or how the SV 472 unit presents on the IFD screen. I have an IFD540 and two 10" Skyview screens and the 472 for ADSB-in. The IFD540 screen is great for its primary mission, but it would be a poor second choice to display traffic compared to the way traffic is displayed on the map on a 10" Dynon screen. The ADSB-in text products are clear and logically organized on the Dynon screen. On an IFD screen they would almost certainly be *a lot* smaller print and/or require significantly more scrolling.

The same goes for approach charts. The Jep charts used on the IFD540 are useable, but entire charts are unreadably small, so slices have to be displayed. The NOS charts that come with your SA subscription when displayed in their entirety are readable and can be quickly pinch-zoomed if you need to look more closely at any given section. Just my take on things; YMMV.

Maps and charts of any sort on an IFD440 are, shall we say, 'minuscule'. That's just one of many reasons why Avidyne's IFD100 app is a great tool. Now, if there was a reliable way to display SV-ADSB-472 > Skyview > IFD540/440 > IFD100 app on an iPad, THAT would be a game changer for a lot of folks, especially for those w/ the IFD440.
Last edited:


Dec 13, 2019
Las Vegas
I would suggest that it does not matter all that much if or how the SV 472 unit presents on the IFD screen. I have an IFD540 and two 10" Skyview screens and the 472 for ADSB-in. The IFD540 screen is great for its primary mission, but it would be a poor second choice to display traffic compared to the way traffic is displayed on the map on a 10" Dynon screen. The ADSB-in text products are clear and logically organized on the Dynon screen. On an IFD screen they would almost certainly be *a lot* smaller print and/or require significantly more scrolling.

The same goes for approach charts. The Jep charts used on the IFD540 are useable, but entire charts are unreadably small, so slices have to be displayed. The NOS charts that come with your SA subscription when displayed in their entirety are readable and can be quickly pinch-zoomed if you need to look more closely at any given section. Just my take on things; YMMV.

Maps and charts of any sort on an IFD440 are, shall we say, 'minuscule'. That's just one of many reasons why Avidyne's IFD100 app is a great tool. Now, if there was a reliable way to display SV-ADSB-422 > Skyview > IFD540/440 > IFD100 app on an iPad, THAT would be a game changer for a lot of folks, especially for those w/ the IFD440.
I agree. I have two HDX1100 set up as PFD’s and an 800 for engine instruments/everything else.


Sep 5, 2019
is it possible to display Dynon ADSB info on the iPad with Foreflight? I think the answer is no but just checking here again with the updates...


New Member
May 16, 2024
I have an IFD440 and two Dynon HDX displays with the Dynon ADS-B receiver, and use an iPad with Foreflight on a yoke mount. Here is what I think I know about the ADS-B sharing problem. With a perfectly good Dynon ADS-B receiver in the plane, nobody wants to have to add a second Avidyne ADS-B receiver.
  • The iPad can only connect to one wifi network at a time. There appears to be no way to add a second plug-in wifi adapter to connect to both the Dynon and the Avidyne wifi's.
  • The iPad is generally kept connected to the Avidyne wifi to allow use of the IFD100 app.
  • Switching the iPad to the Dynon wifi allows Foreflight to get ADS-B data; this works perfectly.
  • Switching between wifi connections while flying is not very practical, so the iPad usually stays on the Avidyne wifi.
  • If the IFD440 was receiving ADS-B data, it would share it with Foreflight, and probably with the IFD100 display, although I'm not sure about the latter.
  • The Avidyne IFDs have provisions to accept ADS-B from a hardwired cable connection or through a wifi connection, albeit in standard capstone format. The IFDs can connect to portable ADS-B receivers through wifi.
  • IFDs don't need the extended ADS-B format with AHRS info, just the basic weather and traffic data.
  • All attempts by others to connect an IFD to the Dynon wifi to receive ADS-B data have failed.
  • Everyone using this setup would like for weather and traffic to show up on all displays.
Either Dynon needs to provide ADS-B data in capstone format, or Avidyne needs to be able to accept Dynon's possibly proprietary format. Personally, I would prefer that this be done through a serial cable that system installers could add to the setup, but a wifi connection should work.

It's hard to believe that two great companies with this much tech savvy can't get this done. The Dynon/Avidyne panel is fantastic except for this one glaring deficiency.


Dec 13, 2019
Las Vegas
If you can see the traffic on your moving map on the Dynon, why is it important to see it on the 440? I suppose it would be nice if every manufacturers products communicated with everyone else’s, but I doubt that will ever happen. Garmin in particular goes out of their way to make sure that does not happen.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
You could ask this guy if he's had any luck.


I love flying!
Jun 21, 2014
I have an IFD440 and two Dynon HDX displays with the Dynon ADS-B receiver, and use an iPad with Foreflight on a yoke mount. Here is what I think I know about the ADS-B sharing problem. With a perfectly good Dynon ADS-B receiver in the plane, nobody wants to have to add a second Avidyne ADS-B receiver.
  • The iPad can only connect to one wifi network at a time. There appears to be no way to add a second plug-in wifi adapter to connect to both the Dynon and the Avidyne wifi's.
  • The iPad is generally kept connected to the Avidyne wifi to allow use of the IFD100 app.
  • Switching the iPad to the Dynon wifi allows Foreflight to get ADS-B data; this works perfectly.
  • Switching between wifi connections while flying is not very practical, so the iPad usually stays on the Avidyne wifi.
  • If the IFD440 was receiving ADS-B data, it would share it with Foreflight, and probably with the IFD100 display, although I'm not sure about the latter.
  • The Avidyne IFDs have provisions to accept ADS-B from a hardwired cable connection or through a wifi connection, albeit in standard capstone format. The IFDs can connect to portable ADS-B receivers through wifi.
  • IFDs don't need the extended ADS-B format with AHRS info, just the basic weather and traffic data.
  • All attempts by others to connect an IFD to the Dynon wifi to receive ADS-B data have failed.
  • Everyone using this setup would like for weather and traffic to show up on all displays.
Either Dynon needs to provide ADS-B data in capstone format, or Avidyne needs to be able to accept Dynon's possibly proprietary format. Personally, I would prefer that this be done through a serial cable that system installers could add to the setup, but a wifi connection should work.

It's hard to believe that two great companies with this much tech savvy can't get this done. The Dynon/Avidyne panel is fantastic except for this one glaring deficiency.
The Avidyne can connect to the Skyview network as a remote device. Foreflight IPad also connects as a remote device to Skyview. Foreflight will now automatically detect the IFD on the Skyview network and prompt you if you want to transfer the flight plan after you connect. No need to switch networks. Everything is on Skyview network. Still not able to display Skyview weather or traffic on Avidyne. Don’t expect it either. Avidyne told me last year at Oshkosh that they are done with the cross company sharing and feel it will tax the IFD processor to hard to allow this.

I Wiresharked the Skyview network and a Stratus network. The main difference I see it Skyview multicast the ADS data (239.xxx.xxx.xxx) whereas, IFD IP protocol does not allow this. The sub net is set, without the ability to open it up. IFD only looks on the 192.168.xxx.xxx

The bottom line is if you really want to share everything your only option is to stick with one vendor. You’ll have to take the good with the bad.

Kurt Rutkowski


New Member
May 16, 2024
If you can see the traffic on your moving map on the Dynon, why is it important to see it on the 440? I suppose it would be nice if every manufacturers products communicated with everyone else’s, but I doubt that will ever happen. Garmin in particular goes out of their way to make sure that does not happen.
Agreed that there is no reason to display traffic and weather on the tiny IFD440 display. I just don't want to have to switch wifi connections to get that information on the iPad in Foreflight, where it actually aids in flight planning by incorporating wind data. Having weather and traffic on the IFD100 would be nice too. It's not the end of the world, but it seems like it should be an easy and useful improvement to make without adding a second ADS-B receiver.

Like Rhino, I thought that maybe a data format translator might be worth building. It shouldn't be necessary, however, and I'm not sure I'd want to connect it to a certified panel.