I am SO sick of the SA app


AirCam Twin
Jan 22, 2016
So with the help of Steve at SA Support (mostly between 6-8PM last night) I succeeded in updating 3 USB sticks. I had to reformat and reinstall all of the data. It takes 2.5 hours per stick  (these are USB 2.0) after the files have been downloaded. I am not loading any IFR charts and only 25 states.

The progress bar at the bottom is comical. It races across 99% in about 3 seconds and then it takes 2.5 hours to complete the last 1%. It's like building a kit plane. "99% complete. 99% to go"

Cudos for Steve's patience and timely communication.


I love flying!
Apr 28, 2014
Wichita, KS
5.  "Will Try Later" is NOT an error message and most definitely does not indicate a bug or "beta" software -- rather the exact opposite, actually.  We'll probably remove the message from the the next DM release because of the confusion.
I, for one, would recommend not changing the "try later" message unless the file download will automatically be attempted again immediately. I have had good success using the download manager and when I get that message, it is no trouble to...try again. HOWEVER, while it may make sense for many people to leave the application running in the background, I choose not to do so. If I left every app running whose developer thought it was more convenient that way, my computer would bog down to 286-era speeds. So I run it when I need to update, download the charts and come back occasionally to swap my three thumb drives (overnight usually). If I miss files and am not told, I'll likely not be getting them.  So, if something is incomplete, do tell me so I can manually try again and don't assume the DM will just be sitting resident on my PC always.

P.S. As a feature upgrade, how about the ability to update more than one USB drive at a time (or queue them to update sequentially)? That would save me some manual effort swapping thumb drives and restarting the process.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
OMG WTF is it doing NOW?

I just got back from two weeks of travel, so time to update my charts. I put in a USB stick and hit Update Now, all green balls on the computer side of the app. And it proceeds to tell me:

Verifying downloaded file XX of 4,685

in blocks of 50 files (50,100, 150...), taking nearly *40 seconds per block). At this rate, we are talking AN HOUR *just for this first set of files*.

I hate hate HATE this app...it's fine if I can just leave a USB stick in my computer all the time (which I do when I'm at work, but can't *always* do with my laptop), but in the name of all that is decent and holy, please figure out a way to speed this thing up. The last improvement was significant, and I appreciate it, but this is just not that much data in the grand scheme of things to take such a long time to download and/or install.

And the GUI sucks, btw...


AirCam Twin
Jan 22, 2016
Another data point.

Same computer hardware configuration. All chart data previously downloaded. I'm loading all data onto the sticks except IFR Charts. 25 regions.

It takes 2.5 hours per stick with 2.0USB sticks.
It takes 1.0 hours per stick with 3.0USB sticks.


I love flying!
Aug 27, 2015
Data Manager

In Steve W's post above about taking a long time to copy x of 4,865 files -- that is specific to the new SA Airport Diagrams and ONE time since it's downloading all of them as they're all new. Next time it will only have to download a very small fraction of the 4700 so won't take long at all just like it only downloads incremental changes to the plates every cycle so it fast.

Sorry but one-time thing.

And, as always, it's MUCH more efficient to ask us (Seattle Avionics) a question rather than hope we see the post on Dynon. Please please please please email us directly at Support@seattleavionics.com



AirCam Twin
Jan 22, 2016
I agree. In my experience, SA's emailed tech support is responsive, even in the evenings (on the East Coast). Steve got me up and running.


I love flying!
Mar 1, 2015
ChartData is normally available the Monday or Tuesday  before a new cycle (which is always on Thursday) starts. 

Anyone able to download the new charts yet? Not available this morning for me.  Here we go again. ::)


I love flying!
May 4, 2012
NOPE! Still Dated 3/2/2016 as current. Seems we will have to wait until the morrow yet again! :-/


I love flying!
Aug 27, 2015

Today is Tuesday.  To quote myself from last month:

"ChartData is normally available the Monday or Tuesday  before a new cycle (which is always on Thursday) starts."

The data is done and will be released today, as stated last month. In fact, data for some of our apps and products has already been released. The Dynon and FlyQ EFB data is always last because they are the most feature-rich (more testing).

As for asking us when it will be ready -- you don't need to do that. We have 100,000 pilots who use our data so it's always our top priority (along with ensuring exceptional accuracy). In addition, we make a blog post every month when the data has been enabled for all apps and devices. See:


I believe there is a Follow button on the right side of the page. If you Follow it, you'll get an email when the data has been released for all apps and devices.

And, of course, if you leave the Data Manager running, it checks every 4 hours and will automatically download the data without any manual intervention or button clicks.  Better still, leave the USB stick in your PC and the data is automatically copied to it.

Finally, we expect a beta version of the Data Manager to be ready today or tomorrow. Along with faster and more reliable updates, it will add the ability to copy data to multiple USB sticks simultaneously, saving many of you a lot of time. I'll be posting more information about this later today. Please email support@seattleavionics.com if you're interested in trying the new Data Manager.

Thanks, Steve


I love flying!
Aug 27, 2015
FYI -- Dynon ChartData for the 1603 (March 3 - March 30) cycle has now been tested and activated.  From the FAA's perspective, this data becomes effective for flight at 12:01 AM Eastern Time this Thursday morning.

Special thanks to everyone who submitted changes for the new Seattle Avionics Airport Diagrams.  Every change submitted by yesterday morning was integrated into this data set.  You should see the revised SA Airport Diagrams in your SkyView and FlyQ EFB systems now.  You'll see them a little later today in FlyQ Online (it's still using the 1602 cycle data -- updating it now).  http://flyq.seattleavionics.com

Thanks, Steve


Active Member
Mar 3, 2008
2.  ChartData expires every 4th Thursday at 12:01 AM Eastern time.  Although we released the data for this cycle a few days later than usual to get the new SA Diagrams to replace the ancient Flight Guide diagrams, the data was released in advance of the new cycle and would be downloaded and installed to your USB stick automatically if you had the DM running in the background (see item below on this).  There seems to be some confusion where folks think the data is already expired on Wednesday.  In fact, it's equally against FAA regs to use the new data early as it is to use old data after the cycle starts.
Just because I download the data does not mean I am immediately using it. DYNON, JEPPESSEN, FOREFLIGHT, FltPlanGO and others make the next cycle of data available several days before it becomes "active" so we can download it. Many times I need to download the data a few days before it becomes "active" because I will be on a long trip and will not have access to the INTERNET during most of that time. IMHO this is something you really should look into changing.



Just because I download the data does not mean I am immediately using it. DYNON, JEPPESSEN, FOREFLIGHT, FltPlanGO and others make the next cycle of data available several days before it becomes "active" so we can download it. Many times I need to download the data a few days before it becomes "active" because I will be on a long trip and will not have access to the INTERNET during most of that time. IMHO this is something you really should look into changing. :cool:
Concur totally. :cool:


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We've passed this along to Seattle Avionics via our channels.

Just because I download the data does not mean I am immediately using it. DYNON, JEPPESSEN, FOREFLIGHT, FltPlanGO and others make the next cycle of data available several days before it becomes "active" so we can download it. Many times I need to download the data a few days before it becomes "active" because I will be on a long trip and will not have access to the INTERNET during most of that time. IMHO this is something you really should look into changing.



I love flying!
Aug 27, 2015

Easy .. Don't copy the data to the USB stick until you're ready.

The download can happen at any point you want. If you want to download but not put on the USB stick, simply don't put the USB stick into the PC until you're ready to copy. Or use two different USB sticks -- one for "current" and one for "next" cycle.

Thanks, Steve


I love flying!
Aug 27, 2015
Data is NOT expired on Wednesday. The data is legal until 12:01 AM Thursday Eastern time. In fact, it's just as illegal (or against FAA regs anyway) to use data too early. Is something telling you otherwise?

Thanks, Steve


I love flying!
Mar 1, 2015

Easy .. Don't copy the data to the USB stick until you're ready. 

The download can happen at any point you want.  If you want to download but not put on the USB stick, simply don't put the USB stick into the PC until you're ready to copy.  Or use two different USB sticks -- one for "current" and one for "next" cycle.

Thanks, Steve
Steve, I think what myself and others are saying is, we go on trips.  To places other than our homes.  Where there is no internet and no PC.  Camping, perhaps.  That's what our airplanes are for, right?  Let's explore.

I leave town in my airplane to go camping on Sunday.  I'm landing on a piece of dirt, hundreds of miles away, with no technology around for hours.  I'm not returning until Thursday.  If my trip happens to fall on a week where a new data cycle becomes active, I have current SA charts and plates when I leave.  Everything's great....for now.

Until my return trip on Thursday.  I get up Thursday morning, pack up my cooler and my tent, and realize all my charts are expired.  Illegal, kaput, can't use them.  I have no computer, no internet, no nothing to shove a USB stick into (well, nothing that would do any good, anyway. I guess I could use it as a fishing lure).  What now?

If I'd been able to download the new cycle of SA charts a few days earlier, to a second USB stick, then I pop the new stick into my Skyview display and all is well again.  Alas, I couldn't.

However If I instead placed my money with one of your competitors (FF, perhaps), I would have been able to download the new cycle much further in advance.

It doesn't even need to be this extreme of an example.  Unless we all carry a laptop, we're usually unable to install software on someone else's PC.  Even if we could, waiting around until whatever time the data gets released plus 2 or more hours for the data to download and write to the USB stick kills that option.

That is the point.  Please get us the data earlier.  Then we could truly use your product and not be forced to treat it only as a luxury, an afterthought purchased only after we've already spent money with your competitors.


I love flying!
Aug 27, 2015
SA Data Manager


The point is valid and it's something on our list to add but I would mention out a few things:

1. This is not a new issue. We have a lot of users with Aspen, Bendix-King, etc who have use our data for many, many years. Most of them (Aspen esp. for whom the IFR data is critical) use two data cards so they always have one in the plane and then keep the 2nd card (they don't use USB sticks) at home for the new data update. They then rotate the cards. This is a good idea, IMHO, because you always have data in the plane ready to go. And it solves the issue you raise quite nicely. All you need is a 2nd cheap USB stick. Please make is USB 3.0, BTW.

2. You should be using FlyQ EFB rather than ForeFlight in my entirely unbiased opinion ;) Much easier to use, higher-rated, few taps to get to info, easier to read text, larger buttons, less expensive, etc. And yes, the next release (2.3) will include flight plan transfer to SkyView. The work is already underway and we don't expect it to take very long. if you're interested in beta testing the new support, please email us at beta@seattleavionics.com.. Even more useful things in the works for later..

3. ForeFlight data was not available "much further" in advance. I keep a subscription to check on what they do and their data was available on Saturday; ours on Tuesday. Splitting hairs? Maybe but how far in advance is required? I'd argue that if you plan on that weekend fishing trip, Tuesday is fine. Yes, if you go during the work week and return exactly on Thursday, it might help to have it Saturday but why not the previous Thursday in case of a really long trip? Where do you draw the line? Surely a day or two would be nice in some cases, of course, and we're working towards that. As I've said before, our goal is "Monday or Tuesday." Would Monday be OK to most people?

Thanks, Steve