Well, I'm with Bob M. Top Cat shows up on the various Forums (here and Vans) and it's "let the threats and hyperbole flow." He gets told by Dynon that they're working to fix a problem he reported and expect something in January, so he reports to all how mad he is that he called them nine times in one day - in December - I guess to check hourly how well they're doing. I'm glad I'm not in customer
service, 'cause my fuse would be way too short.
OK, SA ain't the greatest data provider out there, but they're OK. I had trouble with the downloads early on, but I've gone over two years with no problems. The download is slow, but not as slow as it used to be - not a problem for me, I plug it in and come back in a while and all the balls are green and I go do my thing.
If you don't like the value, don't buy the product instead of complaining about everything else. I actually use very little of the SA stuff except for airport diags and Approach Plates; I prefer the Dynon maps. I probably wouldn't renew - actually I didn't renew recently - EXCEPT - SA has a yearly SALE - half price. That makes it $49/year - hard to beat. I have to buy a Sectional and a TAC chart twice/year - that's about $40. For $9 extra, I get the whole country and all the other goodies too. Seems like a no brainer to me.
As to Foreflight, why spend the $75 when you can get Avare and SA's FlyQ Pocket for nothing, nada, zilch - and they work great. They're my backup (along with a couple of other freebies - I recommend GPS Test), and work great on my Android phone. Frankly, I don't understand why anyone would carry an iPad with FF around in an airplane that has Skyview. i like to say my iPad is bolted to the panel. And I can read it in sunlight too! I don't know where I would ever carry an iPad in my airplane anyway - there ain't no room.
Bob Bogash
RV-12 N737G
511 flights in the last 2 years
Bob Bogash,
Just for the record.
When I originally had the map screen problem I called Tech Support. The answer they gave me then is different than the responses they posted on this Forum.
The reason I called them 9 times in one day was to see if I could speak to someone,anyone, and get an update. Yes I made 9 calls but didn't actually speak to anyone, or leave a message, except once when directed by reception and it turns it it was just to voicemail.
Your implication that I pestered them all day is false. Your 'guess' about why I called is also wrong.
The comment about 'threats and hyperbole' is just false. What 'threats' for example?
I did leave ONE message and the next day spoke with a guy at manager level who apologized that no-one answered the phone, including the receptionist, and said he'll look into why that was.
He also said that the Tech Support guys response that it "was a glitch the required a software fix' wasn't true and that it was looking like false data inputted into the ADSB system. All information that could have easily been reported by Dynon and saved some people a lot of time. They could have also mentioned possible remedies that they've talked about previously, including on this forum. I made a few positive suggestions and he made notes, and thanked me for the input.
By the way, regarding your comment about 'why anyone would fly with FF on an iPad when they have Skyview?'. If it was alluding to a comment I made in a previous post I'll tell you why. My airplane was almost brand new and about a year old when my Skyview unit completely failed in flight. Black screen.
Fortunately I wasn't too far from home field but I still landed with nothing but a radio. No compass, heading, airspeed, engine instruments etc Just the radio, seat of my pants and my experience in the plane. The reason it failed was because it was part of a number of faulty memory modules and Dynon knew about the problem and had since changed vendors. A couple of other SLSA customers had the same problems and we shared experiences with it on VAF. Like me they too had to spend approx $150 each to ship units for repair, and they too were frustrated. Sharing the experience was nonetheless helpful to us.
I'm still contemplating backup which may include a second ADHRS and second screen but for now the iPad at least provides chart, and GPS altitude and heading info in case it happens again. SkyView is a remarkable piece of technology, until it fails, and now I know what can happen. Again, I posted previously about this as a way of sharing the experience to others.
Bob, I'm entitled to my opinion, as you are yours. Unlike you, I haven't ever felt the need to go on a forum and publicly make negative remarks about someone.
I posted my experience, both here and on VAF, because in the spirit of fellowship I thought it might help another owner who was perhaps having the same issue in the SouthEast/East Coast and who also hadn't found the cause. More people have responded positively than negatively.
In the future I will avoid posting here and on VAF because of the vitriol and snarky comments by those such as yourself.
Feel free to have the last word.