I'm looking for information on how the SV-BAT-320 charges when it is connected to the Advanced ACM-ECB. I had the main ship battery run down while the aircraft was sitting for a month, and at the same time a warning that the backup battery was low. I charged the main battery at 2 amps for several hours, but was then reading in the Dynon Skyview System Installation Guide section 9 that the EFIS needs to be on to charge the backup battery. I have one HDX-1100. I have the Advanced ACM so the wiring is from the battery to the ACM. I then set the charger to the main ship battery to 10 amps and turned on the EFIS and left that for a couple hours. I notice that the circuit light on the ACM was off, unless I also turned on the avionics. But with the avionics switch on, the BKUP BATT CHRG shows 0.0 A. So I'm wondering if it charged the day before when the main battery was charging at 2 amps but the EFIS was off, due to the presence of the ACM - as opposed to the commentary in the Skyview System Installation Guide. I would appreciate any insights into how this system is working.