Recent content by Doug1

  1. D

    Skyview Classic delayed startup

    My 7year old SV has started some weird behaviour on startup. After a short time, coloured bars appear on the screen and it appears that SV has frozen in a weird state. The screen then goes black. After a short time this cycle repeats. After 3 or 4 repetitions SV starts normally and all is well...
  2. D

    Video Replay Feature

    Oops, wrong video Try this one ..
  3. D

    Video Replay Feature

    I have used a program called dashware in conjunction with a video editing program to overlay any data exported from skyview on other footage. You can design what and how the data is displayed, either as text as I have or even have dials and guages. You need to intially sync the gopro footage...
  4. D

    Problem with Savy Aviation uploads of Skyview user data

    I assume you are not modifying the files in any way? Excel will corrupt the date format unless you specifically tell it not to. Doug
  5. D

    Great Dynon Support and Service

    Just a quick acknowledgement of the great service and support I received recently from Dynon. After a number of fellow pilots complained that my radio transmissions were hard to understand I checked the SV-COM-425 radio with a power/swer meter and found the output had dropped to 0.2watt...
  6. D

    Trouble with uploads to Savvyanalysis

    Hi All I have resolved the issue with Savvyanalysis errors. The date-time field format was wrong causing the parser to fail. Here is a summary If you save the user log csv file to excel, it will convert many of the fields to what it thinks is an appropiate format, including the date time field...
  7. D

    Trouble with uploads to Savvyanalysis

    Hi All Anyone else having trouble uploading log files to Savvyanalysis? I now get parser errors, even with previous files that used to work. I have a ticket open with their support but the resolution seems to be taking a long time. Doug
  8. D

    Dynon GPS Quality parameters

    Hi Dynon It would be quite useful if the user data log contained more fields pertaining to gps quality, in particular hdop and vdop which is currently displayed on the gps status screen. This would enable more detailed checking of the gps quality post flight. Fields for each SV would be even...
  9. D

    Analyze Cruise Performance

    Hi All For those of you who download user logs from Skyview to use with Savvyanalysis or just to analyze, here is a little excel macro useful in analyzing the cruise performance of your aircraft by averaging a number of columns over a range of Hobbs times. I use Savvyanalysis to choose a range...
  10. D

    AMP #1 Not Visible In Savvy

    Hi Homebuillt101 This is a bug that dynon says it will fix in 15.4.0 It affects any GP input configured as AMPS See my post under EMS file settings Doug1
  11. D

    Sensor data not output on log

    Hi Dynon Thanks for all the help Look forward to a fix in 15.4.0 Doug
  12. D

    Sensor data not output on log

    Have emailed a sample of the log and config files to Doug
  13. D

    Sensor data not output on log

    Hi Dynon Admin Can you throw any light on this issue? Is there anything I can try? Doug
  14. D

    Sensor data not output on log

    Hi All I have recently added a sensor to C37 P10 (General Input 6) The input is designed to show Generator output current on a Rotax 912ULS and works great, with the displayed current widget working perfectly. But when I export user data logs and inspect the log, the column for this sensor...