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  1. P

    EGT Reading

    My engine has just been blueprinted and is running like a dream (Jabiru 3300 6 cylinder) the EGT's are all reading well within the parameters but when the throttle is wide open the no 6 EGT runs right over 800' and if i pull the throttle back 100 RPM it runs down as fast as it ran up back to its...
  2. P

    Wind Vector Information

    I would mount in the wing but it is full of foam! The temp in the cabin at the base of the fus is pretty close to the OAT as the fus is made of glass fibre so the insulation not that good. When I mounted it outside it got hot exhaust prop wash which was even worse. Just gonna have to live with...
  3. P

    Wind Vector Information

    In the manual it says :"The display of winds aloft requires an active GPS connection and an OAT probe." My OAT probe is located inside the cockpit on the floor under the seat as we fitted it outside and the exhaust severely affected the readings. Does the OAT have to be mounted outside of the...
  4. P

    Winds Aloft

    All of a sudden it is working and giving the correct input Happy days Needed a nice long flight to settle down on :)
  5. P

    Winds Aloft

    For some reason I am getting real Barmy readings for wind speeds and directions aloft.Any advice on how to correct this?
  6. P

    EMS spikes etc

    It's all in the mind hey Updates take you one step forward and 10 steps backwards. Come on Dynon let's have a fix to put our minds at rest this is not cool!
  7. P

    EMS spikes etc

    In the meantime while we wait with bated breath I take it that we are not doing any damage to our Skyview with all these spikes? I am going on a long trip tomorrow and would hate to have a broken screen spiked out
  8. P

    PTT Button - Skyrockets CHT's and EGT's 3.3.2

    Just installed Version 3.3.2 and when i push my PTT button the CHT and EGT go thru the ceiling. Thought the motor was going to explode. Can i do damage as i am goiing away thursday or is there a fix.? Never did this before the upgrade
  9. P

    Upgrade to 3.3

    After i rebooted manually the red crosses went away and everything was back to normal working perfectly
  10. P

    Upgrade to 3.3

    After you have loaded the files and you get the screen back with the red crosses on I take it you have to reboot manually ie Skyview does not reboot automatically?
  11. P

    Upgrade to 3.3

    Once you have downloaded the files onto the Skyview should you remove the USB stick before you reboot or should you leave the stick connected?
  12. P

    v3.3 release date???

  13. P

    General Observations & Questions

    I have recently acquired my Skyview and loving it :) Q: 1.Before i start up should i start the SV from the backup battery by pushing 1 or should i start up from the Main Battery on the aircraft? 2.I am getting an incorrect reading all of a sudden on Cross Winds so should i reboot to rectify 1.2...
  14. P

    what's next

    [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
  15. P

    Jabiru 6 Cylinder Motor -  Mags and RPM

    Re: Jabiru 6 Cylinder Motor -  Mags and RPM Thanks for that info guys, you have been a great help. going to connect up today and will report back :)
  16. P

    Jabiru 6 Cylinder Motor -  Mags and RPM

    When i test my mags the RPM goes to zero with the one mag and with the other mag the RPM shows correctly. Could you plese explain how i can fix this?
  17. P

    Font size in 3.2 curiosity

    Yes but the font is so small i am going to have to wear my glasses to see the numbers cant we make the font bigger pleasse
  18. P

    Font size in 3.2 curiosity

    So is it possible to adjust the font size for the CHT and EGT values as the present ones are minute?
  19. P

    3.2 - 406MHZ ELT

    Now that 3.2 can recognise 406MHZ ELT can anybody recommend which ELT unit is the "Hot Ticket"?
  20. P

    MORE ROBUST user Waypoint system

    Basically, a more robust user waypoint system is coming, but not in 3.2. One cool thing you can do in 3.2 is use the map pointer (cursor) to point anywhere on the map and direct-to or add any number of those points to a flight plan. They're not nameable / saveable except by exporting a flight...