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  1. D

    what's next

    My failure was a infant mortality problem. I have never seen the report if a failure analysis was done. The day I had my plane inspected by the FAA, my EMS-220 failed and when it did, the network was shutdown by the system. My ADAHRS was functioning properly, but I had three big Xs on my...
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    Approach "Not recieving Transponder recycle..."

    I have had my transponder tested and approved for use by a certified avionics shop. I have experienced the same issues with Approach not getting my replies. I believe there are some issues at several approach control locations in the South East US. I think my transponder is working fine.
  3. D

    what's next

    I am hoping that this new update will correct the unacceptable response to a failure of the EMS. Currently such a failure kills the entire display.
  4. D

    Blew a 3A Fuse duing engine testing

    I am personally opposed to the use of fuses in aircraft and intend to change mine all to breakers. What does Dynon Support think about this?
  5. D

    EMS spikes etc

    My problem has been reduced to about 15 degree spikes in my EGT CHT temp readings. I think I'll have to live with it. I got rid of the movement on my vertical speed indicator by installing a 9 pin L-Comm capacitive filter on the ADAHRS. I added extra ground wires from both the ADAHRS and EMS...
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    Skyvew Seminar at Sun-N-Fun

    I want to commend Kirk and his team for the fine seminar he put on at Sun-N-Fun. The class was informative and very helpful. Both my wife (an ATP and CFII) and I were very impressed and recommend that if you have purchased a Skyview system or are flying one that you take this class. Please...
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    Does this release correct the network failure if the EMS module fails? I can't remember if that is coming mid summer or with this release.
  8. D

    Update on CHT & EGT jumping when I press the PTT

    Yesterday, I moved the L-Comm filter from the EMS to the ADAHRS. This fixed the vertical speed movement when I pushed the PTT. It did not make any difference in the EGT and CHT changes, so no worse, no better. Maybe a little filtering in the computers might be a good thing for those of us...
  9. D

    Trim Sensors

    I'll try some of these ideas and see what happens. I suspect a re-calibration may be necessary. I did not actually set this up myself. The Lightning dealer set this up before I flew her home. He was not sure how to fix it either.
  10. D

    Update on CHT & EGT jumping when I press the PTT

    Ok, the other day I checked the change in CHT/EGT change for Comm 1 and Comm 2. Comm 1 had a change of over 100 degrees when pushing the PTT. Comm 2 was around 10 degrees difference. The difference between the two? The RF cable for Comm 1 runs very close to the cable that runs from the...
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    Show us your Skyview Panel!

    The panel in my Arion Lightning.
  12. D

    Trim Sensors

    Jake, I have the Ray Allen elevator trim on my system, but the display only shows part of the elevator trim travel. So far, I have not been able to get it to show full trim travel. Have you seen this before? If so, what could I be doing wrong? Thanks,
  13. D

    Airspace display & SYNVISION

    When I was working on synthetic vision at NASA a few years ago, we decided the same thing that Dynon has decided about airspace depiction, however, Special Use Airspace (SUA) depiction would be wonderful. Especially for TFRs and active SUA, but this can only happen once you have a datalink...
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    Update on CHT & EGT jumping when I press the PTT

    I know how to use a SWR meter, but I don't have one. I will eventually get this done at the avionics shop. Thanks.
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    Update on CHT & EGT jumping when I press the PTT

    I am an electrical engineer, I would not have covered the ADAHRS with mu-metal. I have used this before in other applications. The ground straps can't hurt and might help. I'll do that and let everyone know if anything changes.
  16. D

    Update on CHT & EGT jumping when I press the PTT

    I need to look, but I think both PTTs are grounded to my ground buss mounted under the pilot's seat. This is the master ground buss, I have another mounted behind my 10 inch screen on the instrument panel mount. Both are strapped together and tied to the engine block.
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    Update on CHT & EGT jumping when I press the PTT

    My system has the alternator tied to the master switch (one switch, not two). I have tested the system without the engine running and the temps still jump.
  18. D

    Update on CHT & EGT jumping when I press the PTT

    Jake, the issue is not with the display, but with RF getting into the EMS.
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    Update on CHT & EGT jumping when I press the PTT

    Jake, If you have the newer versions of the displays, they already have filters, so adding additional filters could actually hurt the system rather than help.
  20. D

    Update on CHT & EGT jumping when I press the PTT

    I'm going to go to the airport with a roll of aluminum foil and find out where the noise is getting in. With the Dynon wiring harness, there are open cables everywhere for additional ADAHRS, EMS, GPS units, so in my opinion, they are just antennas waiting for a signal. After I cover up a few...