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  1. aguiraf


    Found a loose wire, P1001 connector pin 46
  2. aguiraf


    The Flight Plan from the IFD 440 is not displaying on the HDX PFD MAP. Selecting the FLP MENU, and the IFD source, the FLP from the IFD is shown, but it does not show on the MAP Any thoughts ? Does this information comes through the ARINC 429? I’m thinking there is a loose wire
  3. aguiraf

    HDX for XPlane 11

    Does anyone knows if there is an RV6 or RV7 with Dynon equipment for XPlane 11. Or, an SDK available?
  4. aguiraf

    430W / ARINC 429 problems

    Check the settings. Here is mine:
  5. aguiraf

    Terrain databases

    My second USB stick is also the 16gb cruzer sandisk recommended by Dynon.
  6. aguiraf

    Terrain databases

    Re: Terrain databases -Success   :D I have successfully installed the three databases. It took a number of times going back and forth from the home to the hangar 10 miles away. I don't know exactly what is the root cause preventing the installation of the database but here is a final summary...
  7. aguiraf

    Terrain databases

    • Every time I tried to upload I get a “Failed Validation” and/or “File Error” • I have downloaded the databases 3 times to the original USB stick I have been using since I purchased Skyview • Prior to trying to load the databases I was successful  to load Version 11 • I...
  8. aguiraf

    Terrain databases

    I assumed this to be the case. I am now downloading it for the 3rd. time. We'll see if it works.
  9. aguiraf

    Terrain databases

    Attempting to upload both databases "reg_02.. and Low resol..." the following two messages are displayed: "Failed validation" and "File Error".  Any advice will be appreciated.
  10. aguiraf

    Seattle Avionics

    I finally received a response from SA via Email. Charts have been downloaded. Don't know exactly the problem but I was asked to delete my email address and password and re-input them. The only difference to what I was doing is not re-inputting the email address. I did suggest to SA the...
  11. aguiraf

    Seattle Avionics

    I purchased a subscription last Friday April 18, 2014. I have not been able to download the charts. The same problems outlined in previous emails. I have tried to contact SA throughout the weekend and today. Message " we are at Sun&Fun". Sun and Fun finished April 6. I am frustrated and would...
  12. aguiraf

    upgrade issues

    Check the thread "Battery". I have reported my issues in relatio to the battery test. It may help your problem.
  13. aguiraf

    Battery test

    Pictures of Battery Test process 1. Pre-Test 2. Starting Test screen after pressing #8 button "TEST BAT" 3. End of Test 4. Pass Test
  14. aguiraf

    Battery test

    Success! Finally got the battery test done with the help of Steve at Dynon. The reason I could not get the "test battery" page to come on was because the air speed was not calibrated, my bad, it was reading 18 kts at rest. Therefore Skyview believed I was still flying and would not let me go...
  15. aguiraf

    Battery test

    I am using the 6amp Odyseey charger and you are right. The battery charger does not provide enough charge. I flew Saturday for 2 hours and the Skyview battery charged. It showed as "Charged" on the Battery 320 page. Voltage of 12.25. However I still can't get the test going. When I turn off...
  16. aguiraf

    Battery test

    The battery test I started this AM did not work since the unit never went into the test procedure. The battery discharged to 10.99 v. I have now upgraded to 6.2 and left the battery charging. Will checked after 4 hours and see if the test can be started.
  17. aguiraf

    Battery test

    I have just downloaded Skyview 6.2 and will update my Skyview system at noon time. This most likely will resolve the previous noted issue.
  18. aguiraf

    Battery test

    I charged the battery last night. I have a Odyssee PC680 and used the charger to keep the main battery charged, Skyview on in order to charge the 320 battery. After 4 hours the Skyview battery page showed "Charged". This morning I followed the procedure described in the Skyview intallation...
  19. aguiraf

    Trip from KTFP - KBHB - KTFP

    Like Dynon says, you have a choice to show WX and/or/both WX/Terrain. Under WX/Terrain I am able to tell the difference. On the second picture, the red is the TFR around Washington DC. I had no problem going through the red portion due to being under IFR flight plan. This is a really a great...
  20. aguiraf

    Trip from KTFP - KBHB - KTFP

    Just completed a vacation trip from KTFP, T.P. McCampbell Airport in Texas to Pittsburgh, Niagara Fallas, Bar Harbor, ME, Philadelphia, Virginia and back to Texas (4200 miles). I have just completed the installation of the ADS-B receiver the week prior to the trip and I would like to thank Dynon...