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  1. S

    How to copy flight plan

    Thanks J, That's a good idea. I was really surprised that the GTN did not save the active flight plan automatically.
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    Differences between HDX and Classic worth the cost?

    I have both an GTN-650 and a GPS-2020. My thinking at the time was that the GPS-2020 was not that much money and everything seems to work better with it's own brand accessories. It seems like overkill, but I had an electrical transient a few weeks ago that caused the GTN to reboot so it was...
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    Skyview Wish List

    A one second average would be great. I cleaned all the thermocouple connections and it helped a lot to settle them down, but a one second average on the display would be great in my mind. Some of mine jump around at 2-3 hertz sometimes. I see you're point about wanting real time data when...
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    How to copy flight plan

    I have GTN-650 and Skyview classic system with its own GPS. How do I copy the GTN-650 flight plan to the Skyview flight plan in the Skyview? I tried to search for the answer, but no luck. I ask because I had an electrical transient that triggered the GTN to restart and the flight plan was...
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    One CHT reads high

    Yes thanks, just bought some from Electronics international....
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    Skyview Wish List

    I would like to see all thermocouples display a 1-2 second average rather than instantaneous data so the displayed temps don't jump around. It can be distracting.
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    Own Ship Being Called Out As Traffic

    Yeah, I've done a few crazy ivan's thinking someone was trailing me, but it was just me. It does seem to be getting less and less common.
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    Skyview Radio "constant low buzzing"

    Yes, +1 for any USB chargers you might have going. RF is magic.
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    One CHT reads high

    When I power up my Dynon Skyview classic system about half the time the #1 cylinder CHT reads about 20 F higher than the other cylinders with the engine cold. It's about 80F right now and three cylinders read about 80F, but #1 reads 102F. That cylinder in also erratic in flight at times. I...
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    averaging some engine data

    Hello, It would be great to add the option of a few second average on displayed fuel flow and CHT data. My fuel flow wanders by a few tenths of a gallon and the CHTs bounce around by 5-10 degrees. It's a little distracting and annoying and I think it would be easily solved by averaging a few...
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    VOR problem with GTN-650 and Skyview

    That's it! Thank you.
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    VOR problem with GTN-650 and Skyview

    I have a GTN-650 running through the ARINC-429 box. The VOR will work via the bearing pointers, but the "HSI SRC" will not toggle to the VOR. The ARINC-429 VOR signal is clearly getting to the Skyview since the bearing pointers work, but why will the "HSI SRC" not toggle to the VOR? The...
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    Charging power for iPad

    I had a COMM problem (the squelch would cut in frequently, really annoying). It took me a while to figure out it was the USB adaptor in the cigarette lighter. RF is magic.. ;-)
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    Keeping backup battery charged while building

    The backup batteries will only charge if you get the voltage up to around 14V Volts so you need a power supply. You'll want one anyhow to power the system for testing and set up. Something like this...
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    ARINC 429 configuration

    I have a trutrak Vision 385 autopilot and a GTN-650 working through the Skyview system. According to Garmin the GTN-650 can not output both the ARINC 429 signal for the Skyview at the same time it outputs the different signal the Trutrak A/P needs. They said this is not just in the Garmin...
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    D-180, Disappearing data when I key mic

    I had the same problem with my Trutrak A/P pitching up or down when I keyed the mike.  It seemed to me that the pitch servo would just shut down when the mike was keyed.  The solution for me was to install an RF filter adaptor on the D-sub connector to the A/P computer. ...
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    My plane reported as traffic?

    I would suggest that Dynon program the system to ignore any traffic within 1/4 mile or so. That's only about 2 seconds with a 300 knot closure speed so you're probably not going to be able to react anyhow and that should stop the false alerts which over time will slow our reactions to the real...
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    ARINC 429 problem, Skyview-Trutrak-GTN-650

    I think I figured it out. I forgot that Trutrak has a special SkyView supplement. The supplement does not address the ARINC, but the A/P uses one of the SkyView serial outputs.
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    ARINC 429 problem, Skyview-Trutrak-GTN-650

    I am trying to interface a GTN-650 with a SkyView system and a Trutrak Vizion autopilot. Both the SkyView and the Trutrak need an ARINC 429 output connection from the GTN but with different outputs. The SkyView needs HIGH - GAMA Format 2 on channel 1 and the Trutrak needs LOW - GAMA Format 1...
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    Powering SkyView with battery for bench testing

    Okay, disregard. Galin was right. ::) I found one of my alligator clip leads was intermittent. It works with the power and ground leads directly connected to the battery. Scott