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  1. S


    I have a friend with a D100 he would sell. He has the display harness and the magnetometer as well. I can put you in touch with him if you like.
  2. S

    Dual HDX maps don't match colors

    The folks above are correct. The left screen has weather selected on but ADSB data has not been received to display it. The right screen has weather deselected. Look under Screen>Layers. Weather will be the far right button.
  3. S

    SkyView Software v16.5.2 for Experimental & Light Sport Released 8/3/2023

    If you leave a message with your name, email and phone number as their voicemail suggests they will absolutely return your call. I have never had them not return my call. Dynon Tech Support is the best in the business in my book.
  4. S

    Skyview Classic restarts repeatedly.

    Sounds like time to contact Dynon Tech Support directly. I would venture that without the ability to create a diagnostic file they will want you to send the unit.
  5. S

    Several Issues

    Both issues are addressed from Setup. Look in Skyview Network to see if the servos are listed. Bear in mind the servos must be powered (verify any separate CB is in or fuse is good if your system contains these) to be seen. Both servos should be shown and show Online. If not, let us know what...
  6. S

    Fuel Flow Calibration Screen out of Sync with Fuel Flow Sensors.

    You can ignore the second fuel flow sensor input. It is designed for aircraft which have fuel injection utilizing a continuous return to tank of all fuel supplied to the engine which is not used. Traditional aircraft fuel systems using a carb or a Bendix type fuel injection do not have fuel...
  7. S

    How to Disable ADS-B for Formation Flight?

    Putting your transponder in Standby will indeed disable your ADSB out as desired assuming the Dynon transponder is your ADSB out source. Since my Echo UAT is my ADSB out I installed a switch to disable that for formation flight.
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    System Event 3

    I would recommend you pull at least one of the Skyviews out and send it back to let them look at it on the bench. They will get to the bottom of the issue there. Let me suggest you consider the GRT Mini X (as opposed to the G5) as a backup for your Dynon. They work together quite well whereas...
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    Garmin 430 429 integration

    Non WAAS 430 will show the glideslope deviations during the boot up test sequence since it has ILS capability.
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    Garmin 430 429 integration

    The first thing to check is the HSI Source on the Skyview is set to your 430 when it is powered up.
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    No TAF or METAR data

    I saw the same thing this morning flying from Atlanta to Nashville. It was a problem with the FAA side of the system. All traffic was showing correctly on both of my systems (Skyview ADSB 472 and Echo UAT providing GDL 90 data) and neither showed any METARS/TAF or winds at fields. Verified good...
  12. S

    Gps-250 fail again

    Dynon Support does nor monitor this forum continuously. Contact them via email or phone 425-402-0433. Response to either of those two choices is excellent.
  13. S

    Holds, hits and course guidance

    The hold point will be the active waypoint during a hold procedure. As such, the distance will be shown on your HSI at all times until you pass that point leaving the hold at which time the flight plan will sequence and it will give distance to the next point inbound which is the new active...
  14. S

    Holds, hits and course guidance

    Check with you instructor but I would think he would want you to turn HITS off. Pushing a wind corrected velocity vector through a HITS box will not teach much in the way of instruments and will actually degrade your scan. Does not solve your issue but you would hate to plan a checkride and find...
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    VNAV Blue Tick Gone

    If they have added it back, I was unaware of this subsequent change. Which version were you running previous to 16.4.4?
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    VNAV Blue Tick Gone

    That was removed along with the ability to arm VNAV descent as soon as the aircraft levels from the climb with firmware version 16. It is the reason I reverted to 15.4. The VNAV will still work in your version but you can only arm it within a few minutes of the top of descent for the computed...
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    EMS module installation problem

    I think he may mean the entire Engine page is an X. Did you go into setup and do a network configuration? This is required for the Skyview to "see" the EMS (and any other modules).
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    Tie Flight Plan SRC to HSI NAV SRC

    The Navigate soft key will come up under the Autopilot> Roll> Navigate. It does no show on the Flight Plan menu.
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    Do not assume that. The system can keep the map current using airspeed and heading. Go into setup and look at the GPS satellite reception. Then go further and make sure you are getting good traffic and not accumulating errors on Serial Port 5.
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    Donald, Your Dynon GPS 2020 antenna is offline. This is the GPS source for your ADSB out according to your photo. It should be installed on Serial Port 5 normally. Check your serial ports to make sure the antenna is showing a flow of good sentences and no Bad Groups or Errors count increasing...