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  1. S

    Restore process

    Just to make sure I understand, is this how it works? Let's say I purchase a new Skyview screen. I want to replace the existing screen with the new one. I load the latest software and databases from the Method 1 portion of you site. Then, I import the latest named export file with a .dfg...
  2. S

    Restore process

    I have been diligent about exporting settings after each change in my new system. What is the process to restore? I recently tried to do this and essentially restore onto another screen as part of a troubleshooting process but, while a lot of files were listed none worked. Which file am I...
  3. S

    D10A to D6 swap?

    Ok, thanks for the information.
  4. S

    Skyview display breaker

    Might be worth the small cost to add the second breaker for safety. If both devices are on one breaker and there is a problem in that circuit, a single breaker would take out both displays. With two breakers, only the problem circuit would be disabled.
  5. S

    D10A to D6 swap?

    I have a D10A in the RV6A which I am about to sell. The previous owner installed it when the vacuum pump died as it solved that issue, made the airplane lighter and gave attitude/heading which were not sensitive to aerobatics. It was my first exposure to Dynon products and I was hooked. The...
  6. S

    Whats next

    To be completely accurate, the data is not free in the USA. It was paid for by the taxpayers in this country who are able to access it thereafter. If you live in the USA and pay your taxes, you have paid for this data.
  7. S

    Whats next

    Will it have a Muffler Bearing maintenance schedule built in?
  8. S

    Change labels on widgets?

    Thanks Murray. I will give that a shot.
  9. S

    Change labels on widgets?

    Is there a way to change or eliminate labels on the widgets? On my 20% engine page I can make everything fit. The only problem is the label for the Flaps widget is overwritten by the fuel computer. I know that widget is for the flaps (looks just like it should so nice work to the Dynon design...
  10. S

    Magnetic North Compass, HSI and GPS !!!

    Do the compass and GPS match up when you taxi in a straight line on the ground? If so, the difference when flying may be crosswind since a GPS displays ground track, not heading.
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    ADAHRS Cross check errors

    I thought the message said Cross Check Error in a single system which is why I thought it wrong but I will recheck the system before contacting Support. Thanks.
  12. S

    ADAHRS Cross check errors

    What if this error is being reported in a single screen/single ADAHRS installation?
  13. S


    Graham, I am on the road at the moment but will consult my documentation to confirm the correct connector and pins. Shoot me a PM if you will to remind me. Home this weekend.
  14. S

    Capacitance fuel guages

    Make sure the Dynon thinks the probe is a capacitive probe even though you have the voltage/frequency converter. The single set point mode of the CP10A converter (only empty) works fine. I just did my Glasair this weekend with the same Vision Microsystems capacitive probe and CP10A converter. It...
  15. S

    Capacitance fuel guages

    The converters from Princeton need to be calibrated first. I will do that this week. Basically, the process is that you put the converter into calibration mode and set the "empty" point. You then completely fill the tank and set the "full" point on the converter. Now, empty the tank. Put the...
  16. S


    Are the charts you plan approach plates, Sectionals, Low IFR,High IFR or some combination?
  17. S

    Seperate trim displays

    I have electric pitch trim with a position sensor routed to display on the D1000. This works just fine. The issue I have is that the widget to display this is designed to display 2 axis trim. I do not have roll trim. The current trim widget shows the pitch trim position but there is a large...
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    AOA boom add on

    Dynon Support will be along shortly to confirm but I believe the units compare the pressures between the AOA and pitot ports and as such both are necessary.
  19. S

    SV Transponder Software Update

    Russ, Tech Support will probably be along shortly to confirm but up to now all software upgrades were cumulative such that if you loaded the latest, you had all previous changes without having to load any previous versions. I suspect this is the same.
  20. S


    Surely this doesn't mean you are not going to support 1948 Thiokol ST-147 Loran to ADF trans-interrogators does it? Rats! Oh the humanity!