Search results

  1. S

    Static and Pitot Checks

    Perhaps a menu item in the setup that places the unit in "Baro Test" mode or something could be done. The unit would then ignore these airspeed/altitude changes for purposes of system adjustments. I would suggest replacing the PFD with "TEST ONLY" and then the airspeed, altitude and vertical...
  2. S

    Master Caution Light Requirement With Skyview

    For those that are space constrained bear in mind that the Skyview display itself will flash a warning message based on the parameters you set. It is the same event that triggers the external master caution you wish to install. A master caution light would simply be an additional signal but I...
  3. S

    Static and Pitot Checks

    I would like to see this as well.
  4. S

    Conditional Contact or Alarm

    The first use I would plan for this capability would be a canopy alarm. My plane (like Mmarien) has canopies that will detach from the airframe and be lost while possibly damaging the tail surfaces if opened in flight. I suggested several triggers as possible in my original post. For my primary...
  5. S

    Transponder code reset

    I confused GND with STBY. Thanks for the info.
  6. S

    Transponder code reset

    One small point to remember if you fly to one of the 140 or so airports in the US that have scheduled air carrier service is that Auto will need to be temporarily disabled. These airports have surface movement tracking based on transponder returns (ASDE is the name of the system I believe)...
  7. S

    What else is required to be IFR legal

    The Dynon GPS does not meet the requirements for stand alone navigation under IFR rules as it is not certified to do so. A navigation receiver must be certified to act in this capacity. Dynon explains this in the instructions. The Dynon may act as a navigation display to show the output of a...
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    Autopilot Warning Horn

    I would second Steve W.'s suggestion to ask them. Bear in mind regulations written to require a "warning horn" on disengage were written long ago when everything was analog. There was no synthetic digital voice to tell you a specific event occurred. It is likely the voice will meet the...
  9. S

    Conditional Contact or Alarm

    Fair enough. That was part of my reluctance to ask. I too envisioned everyone wanting to tie any two (or more) parameters together. Any chance we might gain access to the trigger you use for the AOA alarms? Even I it were triggered at a low but repeatable airspeed below flight speed a chance to...
  10. S

    Conditional Contact or Alarm

    Is there a chance Dynon might have a conditional contact and/or alarm in the Skyview? The first example that jumps to mind is a contact which determines canopy closed/locked status. I can currently set a contact to monitor this but it would be a real bonus if this could be set to only alarm...
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    Really like this idea as well.
  12. S

    Version 5.1

    You have to press buttons 7 & 8 simultaneously to enter Setup. Once there navigate to the update menu. If you do not enter Setup the Skyview will not look at the system files on the drive. It is only expecting to use it for flight plans unless in Setup mode.
  13. S

    More on the Black Box data logging

    Dynon, is there a way to disable data storage or delete it? I am not interested in making this data available to anyone. I can live without it myself if that is what is necessary to remove this record keeping. Perhaps a choice in the setup would allow users to choose to activate the datalogging...
  14. S

    Wind direction and Outside air temperature

    The easiest way to tell is a simple check. My D10A does the same thing but it is because the previous owner (who installed it) mounted the OAT probe in the NACA vent for the cabin air. Air leaking out of the engine cowling during flight goes right to the probe. The probe is very sensative. It...
  15. S

    Winds Aloft Error?

    If your static port does not stand proud of the surface and "trip" the air going past, there are often times errors in the static pressure. Small errors in static pressure can affect altitude and indicated airspeed. Both of these are used to compute TAS as shown above so an error is static...
  16. S

    CHT PROBES installation + IMPORTANT

    Nice catch. That was some good investigative work. I will check mine as well. Thanks!
  17. S


    I have the same setup as you do Warren. Your connection strategy is correct. The Skyview will show the RPM using the ignition system still operating as you secure each during a pre takeoff check. This will happen seamlessly to you. If one signal becomes invalid (you just turned it off) the other...
  18. S

    What input a general contact seeks

    I am finally beginning to wire the EMS module to the various sensors. I am curious as to how the units seeks it's information. For instance, in the oil pressure, oil temperature and fuel pressure inputs there is only one wire with the sender requiring a very good ground. It makes sense to me...
  19. S

    ICAO equipment codes?

    The Dynon GPS is not a certified navigation device. You should not use any of the RNAV codes. VOR/DME with Mode C is close but the Dynon transponder is also Mode S. There are codes dealing with this in the chart. I am not sure if it uses extended squitter but hopefully Support will be along to...
  20. S

    stewart warner fuel sender

    Dynon Support will probably be along after the holiday to confirm but I think all resistive senders should be compatible. Just remember you will need to do the calibration. The procedure is available in the manual. There is a copy on the site if you do not have yours.