Search results

  1. GalinHdz

    Problem with AOA_BAR  on EFIS D100

    I am having the same problem, one red bar at all times on the AOA display after calibration. Your situation sounds like mine. During a full power on stall my airplane hangs on the prop, the airspeed is very low and it just "mushes" down with little to no actual stall. Your solution, a single...
  2. GalinHdz

    How many DYNON EFIS have been sold?

    Just curious to find out how many total DYNON EFIS units (D10A, D6, D100, D180, SKYVIEWS, etc.) have been sold worldwide? 8-)
  3. GalinHdz

    AOA Calibration?

    THANKS! 8-)
  4. GalinHdz

    SKYVIEW and Glide Slope

    THANKS! That means I will have GI-102A CDI for sale soon. 8-)
  5. GalinHdz

    Houston Air Show?

    Does anybody know if there will be a DYNON exhibit at the Houston Air Show this weekend?  8-)
  6. GalinHdz

    Stormscope Display

    Is there a way to display Storm Scope data on the Skyview? Not sure if this has been brought up before. 8-)
  7. GalinHdz

    vertical screen orientation

    But two D10As don't have the features of the Skyview. This would provide builders more options. BUT, I can see the logic of not having to go to a more expensive screen. 8-)
  8. GalinHdz

    vertical screen orientation

    Yes, but a vertical orientation would help those of us that have vertical  space in our panel but little horizontal panel space due to existing instruments. The option to mount vertical instead of horizontal is a huge factor for some of us. That is one reason ASPEN can sell it's expensive...
  9. GalinHdz

    Basic Clock for the D6

    How about a clock to the D6 EFIS. Nothing fancy, just a basic digital clock with hour, minutes, seconds somewhere in the bottom corner of the display. Or the ability to display the clock from a connected GPS. Kind of like it already does with the GPS speed assist mode. 8-)
  10. GalinHdz

    Dynon D6 Install

    Got it. THANKS 8-)
  11. GalinHdz

    Dynon D6 Install

    Ok, so you don't use a remote magnetic compass. Do you recommend the wire harness to connect a GPS to the D6? 8-)
  12. GalinHdz

    Dynon D6 Install

    I am interested in installing a Skyview system in the future but for now I want to replace my old Attitude Indicator with a Dynon D6. The D6 will eventually be a backup to the Skyview. What would I need to purchase in order to maximize the D6's capabilities until I get the Skyview? 8-)
  13. GalinHdz

    Pitot Tube holes

    I installed a Dynon heated AOA Pitot tube and saw very small holes on the bottom of the tube. What are they for? Are they used with the ram air or the AOA part of the tube? What will happen if they clog/ice up?  8-)
  14. GalinHdz

    HSI overlay on the AI

    SORRY, I should have posted this on the D100 page. ::)
  15. GalinHdz

    HSI overlay on the AI

    Will there be a way to superimpose the HSI display on the main page instead of on a separate "window"? 8-)
  16. GalinHdz

    GPS Interface - Size

    Does the system have its own GPS receiver or does it need to interface with an external GPS? Will it come in the size of the D10A? 8-)
  17. GalinHdz

    Pitot Installation Question

    THANKS! I hadn't thought of that but it makes sense. I am going to go ahead and run the line up to the instrument panel and cap it off there. So when I buy my EFIS, the line will already be there.
  18. GalinHdz

    Pitot Installation Question

    Even though I don't have a Dynon EFIS (yet) I bought a Dynon Pitot since someone broke mine while parked on the ground and I had to replace it. I am going to install it as a regular Pitot until I buy an EFIS. Do I have to seal/close off the AOA portion of the tube or do I just leave the AOA...
  19. GalinHdz

    Hobbs / Tach Time

    GREAT! Two less "steam" gauges I need on my dream panel. PS, loved chatting with your reps at Sun-n-Fun! :)
  20. GalinHdz

    What kind of airplane are you flying?

    I fly a KIS TR-4 Cruiser. It was also called the TRI-R Cruiser and now is known is built as the Pulsar Super Cruiser.