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  1. GalinHdz

    Traffic targets between ADS-B and Mode S

    Is there a way of identifying which system (ADSB Module vs SV-261) received a particular target? 8-)
  2. GalinHdz


    SUCCESS. At about 11:45am after 5 months working on my new Skyview panel I took the airplane on a maintenance shakedown flight here at David Wayne Hooks (KDWH) airport. Everything worked exactly as advertised with not even a minor issue showing up in flight. Adjusted the Skyview PFD and the D6...
  3. GalinHdz

    Garmin 430 OBS Question

    I am asking about the test page and how it acts with the Skyview ARINC-429 module connected. Not having a VOR at my field limits what I can test on the ground. BTW: A localizer does transmit a radial but only one. That is why you can't select another radial like you can with a VOR.  ;)
  4. GalinHdz

    Garmin 430 OBS Question

    When you have a GI-106 connected and you are in the "start-up test page" as you turn the OBS on the GI-106 the OBS data on the G430 test page changes. I have a very good idea of how the G430 functions. I wanted to know if this is also true with a Skyview connected. I am not interested in the...
  5. GalinHdz

    Garmin 430 OBS Question

    Correct. And if you are supposed to see the radial selected on the G430W test page. 8-)
  6. GalinHdz

    Garmin 430 OBS Question

    Now I am confused. So how do I select which VOR radial from the G430W is to be displayed on the Skyview HSI?  :-?
  7. GalinHdz

    Garmin 430 OBS Question

    Is the Garmin 430W OBS supposed to display something when you turn the Skyview CRS joystick? Mine shows nothing so I am not sure I am changing the VOR OBS when I move the bug. The ARINC-429 seems to be working fine since the G430 gets altitude from the Skyview. I have not started flight testing...
  8. GalinHdz

    Amp meter goes off scale when radio is keyed

    RATS!!! That means I will have to wait until I take the airplane down for maintenance to correct this annoying issue. THANKS.  :'(
  9. GalinHdz

    430 GPS signal to XPDR

    THANKS! I think I will stick with my "uncertified SV-GPS" until Dec 31, 2019.  8-)
  10. GalinHdz

    430 GPS signal to XPDR

    Ok so let me see if I got this right. The SKYVIEW RS232 signal to the Xponder contains "non certified" GPS data for the Xponder and it will still work with ADSB. But if I decide to connect my 430W in addition to the SKYVIEW RS232 signal I need a 1.21K resisitor in the line (pin-3) and the...
  11. GalinHdz

    Pulse oximeter / CO detector display

    But can you connect the CO Guardian remote alert relay (pin 4 or 6) to the Skyview EMS as a general purpose contact and have it display as an alert?  8-)
  12. GalinHdz

    OAT Probe in NACA Duct?

    Is it a good/doesn't matter/bad idea to install the OAT probe in a NACA duct?  8-)
  13. GalinHdz

    New Installation Question

    THANKS! I am sure I will have more questions as we get deeper in to the install. 8-)
  14. GalinHdz

    New Installation Question

    DYNON: Is there a reason to use separate cables to connect the ARINC and EMS modules to the NetHub? My modules are just inches from the NetHub so I was going to use a 1ft splitter cable for the connection as I show in my blog: I can...
  15. GalinHdz

    New Installation Question

    My drawing doesn't show it but that is the way I have it. I guess I should update my drawing to reflect this. THANKS! I thought so but wasn't quite sure.  8-)
  16. GalinHdz

    New Installation Question

    I am in finalizing my SKYVIEW installation and wonder if I can connect the displays to the network hub as in this image and not to each other as shown in the installation guide. :cool:
  17. GalinHdz

    Skyview and "Stormscope" type equipment

    But is this being considered/planned? There are a lot of us that fly outside the US.  8-)
  18. GalinHdz

    Skyview and "Stormscope" type equipment

    Is the Skyview compatible with any "Stormscope" type lightning detector system? 8-)
  19. GalinHdz

    Skyview compatibility with TruTrak

    Yes, that is what I meant, provide it track data that it can follow. Just like it is presently doing with my 496. THANKS! 8-)