Search results

  1. F

    Flight Director display without Autopilot Installed?

    I was just looking for the FD functionality in my Dynon for certified without autopilot (not yet STC’d for my Pa32). Sure would be nice to have the Fd function. I used to have a GRT mini-GA installed as a PED in my old 180 and even that had flight director bars. Hopefully it can be included in...
  2. F

    Panel Pics

    Pipe Piper Cherokee 6 PA32-300 (already had the JPI)
  3. F

    Glideslope depiction options in HDX?

    I like the HSI. I think I probably just need to practice my scan some more. The GS is small and easy to ignore and requires a dedicated scan action to attend to. Just used to the CDI with both large needles. It kind of linked lateral and vertical adjustments intuitively. The HDX HSI and GS...
  4. F

    Glideslope depiction options in HDX?

    I don’t love the small graphic depiction of the glidelsope next to the HSI. Are there any options for a different graphical representation in the skyview HDX? Referring primarily to a glideslope put out by an IFR gps navigator like the avidyne 540.
  5. F

    Can blue Bearing Pointer be changed back to yellow?

    If Avidyne can have BLUE METAR flags for VFR and GREEN METAR flags for MVFR on their certified gear (basically the opposite from EVERY SINGLE EFB or weather icon Ive seen), then you should be able to make that pointer rainbow colored!!!!
  6. F

    D10A with HDX System

    The D10A is super intuitive. I didn't read anything about it or watch any videos and started using it right away when my HDX was installed. The menus are very well designed and super intuitive. I think it is a great simple backup to the HDX. Yes just remember if you're going to refer to it for...
  7. F

    Dynon HDX Installed in a PA32-300

    Thought I would share- I had the HDX installed in my PA32-300. I already had the JPI EDM 900 and the avionics stack. Dynon AP not avail for PA32-300 so I went with a competitor's product. The HDX is an amazing unit. Here is a tour of the panel....
  8. F

    New FIS-B Offerings

    Maybe this question belongs in the certified forum but will lightning feature make its way in to a certified release? I am assuming the software releases are either completely separate or certified lags behind?
  9. F

    Happy to see this Certified Forum.

    Super excited that this forum exists. My HDX for certified install is under way right now. Just a suggestion for Dynon- would be very nice to have individual user names for Dynon representatives posting on this forum. It would be a more personal touch for the support and help us users follow...