Search results

  1. N

    Checklist Creator for Mac

    Thank you!
  2. N

    My V35 Bonanza setup

    Thanks for the detailed and helpful reply. I would be interested in checklist creator for Mac my email is thanks again Steve
  3. N

    My V35 Bonanza setup

    Thank you! Any other gotchas or things I should look forward to?
  4. N

    My V35 Bonanza setup

    Questions on V35 install: 1) Where did you mount the remote compass module? 2) When you take out the beech manifold / fuel flow gauge, what do you do with the fuel & vent ports? Do you just cap them off or connect them together? Thanks, Steve
  5. N

    SA file update

    I did the delete all the data route.  That was the exact advice from SA support.  Tried that, didn't work - awaiting their next reply.   I love having the plates and charts available at a fair price but omg Data Manager is SUCH a piece of crap software. 
  6. N

    SA file update

    Yep, same problem. Good 'ole Data Manager.
  7. N


    Manual for V15 is on the website under product documentation. Page 4-22.
  8. N

    Outstanding customer service!

    Through a combination of my own clumsiness (not quite as flexible as I used to be), a tight RV-4 cockpit and some boots - I managed to kick the volume knob on my SV-COM and broke it off.  :( Called and confessed my situation to Dynon, got the RMA and set off fully expecting to pay the quoted...
  9. N

    User Waypoint file (CSV), can't get to load

    Awesome! Thanks so much.
  10. N

    User Waypoint file (CSV), can't get to load

    I must be missing something obvious. Can anybody see what is wrong with this file that I can't get Skyview to load the User waypoints? Thanks! Steve RV-4 (Full Skyview System) Bearhawk 4PL (Full Skyview System)
  11. N

    What is default squelch setting of SV-COM-C25?

    I love the Dynon COM radio functionality and it works well. One thing I would like to see is the capability to adjust the squelch without going into the setup menu.
  12. N

    fuel flow transducer

    Are you certain the red cube is recommended for gravity feed applications? When I did my research and chose the sensor for my gravity feed bearhawk I chose the "gold" cube which is much more expensive....
  13. N

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    Concur 100%.   In fact you are already losing business.  I use Foreflight - but have no particular allegiance to it.  I have also tried Garmin & WingX.   I wouldn't even consider FlyQ - simply because of the issues I have personally experienced with the SA Datamanager for both Bendix / King...
  14. N

    Skyview Touch

    Is there any way to adjust the squelch on the dynon com other than through the Skyview setup menu? I am surprised that there isn't a way on the radio itself????
  15. N

    Request for 5% Wide EMS Screen!!!!

    Bump. This would be an awesome addition!
  16. N

    Compass calibration - errors and solution found

    I have the Skyview ADAHRS mounted in the fuselage of a steel tube Bearhawk. There really isn't any place in that plane that is ideal and meets the requirements for the ADAHRS and is far away enough from ferrous material that can interfere with the compass - hence the Dynon intro of the SV-236...
  17. N

    4 Place Dynon intercom...

    Subject line says it all. I have everything else in my plane (Bearhawk) Dynon - but have resorted to another intercom because I need 4 place. Not happy with the performance of the other intercom.... Any plans?
  18. N

    Finding location for ADAHRS

    Please add me to the list of Bearhawk (4Place) builders that really would like to see a remote magnetometer. I couldn't find a location for the ADAHRS that satisfied the criteria from centerline that was away from disturbances. I ended up mounting behind the baggage compartment - very likely...