Search results

  1. N

    First Flight with the Skyview HDX

    Nicely done! You are going to love it.
  2. N

    Mooney autopilot

    Thanks, That's kinda what I figured but was stumped a bit when the KFC 150 was in the right wing. Left wing also has the brackets on the bellcrank.
  3. N

    Mooney autopilot

    Where did you run the servo wiring for the AP servos? I asked Dynon where they were planning to put them and their tech support wouldn't answer. I'm doing an M20K now and planned to install the wiring but would like at least a reasonable chance of getting it correct. I'm assuming tail and...
  4. N

    Weather Colors

    Page 5-77 of manual
  5. N

    Help me decide on a backup

    AV30 hands down for me. Wish it were an option for Skyview certifiied systems.
  6. N

    AGL on Skyview display?

    If you select a point on the map - it will tell you distance, but also how far below or above you the point is.
  7. N

    STC for Mooney

    Beautiful job. Do you happen to have CAD files in DXF or some other format for the panel you could share?
  8. N

    1962 Cessna 182 Dynon panel coming soon

    Hi John, looks great! Just curious why you chose the JPI engine monitor over the Dynon? Is it something you already had or some other reason? Thanks.
  9. N

    Software Update v16

    OK, who is going to be first to build a super cool iPad app incorporating the ADAHRS, positon and now EMS data streamed over WiFi? Would make a really nice rear seat display for a tandem aircraft or a copilot display.
  10. N

    Skyview Touch AV database not up to date

    I wonder if SA realizes how poorly this POS software reflects on them? They are continually pushing their ipad app as an alternative to foreflight/fltplango etc. I can’t imagine buying a piece of software from a company that can’t even get this relatively straightforward database downloader...
  11. N

    Installation in a K35

    Brent do you tips have sensors installed or is there an option for sensors with your tips? If so you can wire them right into the Skyview. I have 80 gallons in the mains and another 40 in the tips - way more endurance than I'm capable of but nice to ferry fuel from cheap stops. Calibrating...
  12. N

    E-35 Bonanza. New dynon panel

    Very nice!
  13. N

    (2) Skyview Classic Touch panels

    Have two Skyview Classic Touch panels with SynVis for sale. Will sell one or both - in two different planes so I can separate easy enough. No Harness Great condition, see pics. $2250 each. email: n(one) (use number instead of text in N-number format - avoiding bots)
  14. N

    C172N Skyview HDX Install

    That makes more sense. Very nice looking install.
  15. N

    C172N Skyview HDX Install

    That looks fantastic, I suspect you are going to love it. Why did it take months? That seems WAY excessive. I would think a competent installer could get it done in 4-6 weeks max.
  16. N

    fuel contents on a taildragger

    I calibrated with tail elevated.
  17. N

    V35TC new Dynon panel

    Finished, signed off yesterday and flew today. Two minor squawks - forgot to plug in KI204 indicator so it wasn't working, and fuel flow sensor is intermittent. I re-used the JPI fuel flow sensor and it had been acting up before so must just be time to replace it. Some pictures of before...
  18. N

    vacuum pump delete cover plate

    I had to make one of these for my Dynon install. Minimum quantity order I have 4 extras available if anybody needs them. 1/4" 6061 bare aluminum. $10 shipped to cover my costs. email:
  19. N

    My V35 Bonanza setup

    Thanks much, finishing up my install. I too had to slot the roll servo mounting points to move it aft about 1/4" to provide adequate clearance. The avionics shelf for the right display interferes with the yoke/scissor mechanism so could only use one avionics tray behind the leftmost display...
  20. N

    AOA install in a Bonanza?

    Has anyone installed AOA option in a V35? If so, curious about how to run the AOA line? Thanks, Steve