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  1. P

    EMS with Tach indications from a surefly mag

    “have that wired directly into pin 35 (blue wire) for the left side low-voltage input.” Blue which is pin 34 is correct be sure you don’t have 35 configured on gauge. ;)
  2. P

    Dynon Checklist Editor

    works beautifully now! nice job putting this together! Thank you!
  3. P

    Dynon Checklist Editor

    Great app for creating the checklist, I had a problem with saving however. Everytime I saved the checklist it adds a space that doesn’t show any “item” lines on the bottom right preview screen. I went into .txt and removed spaces that made the item lines viewable again, but if I try saving that...
  4. P

    Oil pressure fluctuating

    I had this issue but it showed up to 7psi with the engine off so I cleaned up the connections (no change) Grabbed an ammeter and checked the resistance (connector and ground on sensor). for me it was at 29 resistance than down to 10 when I tapped sensor body lightly with screwdriver. I have a...
  5. P

    PA calibration

    Thank you! I seem to definitely have an older version of .sfg. Appreciate you bringing that to my attention and the detailed reply with steps!
  6. P

    PA calibration

    interesting i don’t get that option.. wonder what else I am missing.
  7. P

    PA calibration

    I tried your steps RV8JD, I dont have any of the adjustments you show. Just the name of the sensor "100434-000"when selected. Maybe a newer firmware change? Im still on 16.1 version with older skyview.
  8. P

    Auto Pilot Flies Left Wing Low

    The plane flying straight without AP would tell me the plane is fine and to recalibrate the inflight autopilot. I would do the full autopilot steps, including ground, and inflight calibration to assure that’s not the issue. what firmware are you running?
  9. P

    Dynon screen won’t turn on, when backup battery is connected.

    Have you tried starting the panel using the button1 versus master? In other words without master on can you power on the display using the backup battery? if Yes what happens if you turn on master While the screen is powered solely by BU BATTERY ?Honestly nothing, but asking to assure it...
  10. P

    Dynon screen won’t turn on, when backup battery is connected.

    Post in thread 'Skyview will not boot up with Backup Battery Installed' search the forums and there may be more but in summary call Dynon you may have a bad battery interface let us know...
  11. P

    Flight Plan Altitudes?

    As much as I want this feature, all that was said is “ in development” back in October 2019. Nothing was promised. i can think of a few items in the last 10 years in development that took a few releases to finally get released, than there are others that still have not been released. I believe...
  12. P

    Erratic tach readings

    Is this the only time it has happened? has it happened before and not as bad? if first time, wait until it does it a few times, Ive had this happen randomly if its happened before, Ive had that as well over time. Ive replaced the resistor between the plead and mag a couple of times as it works...
  13. P

    Power constraint for software updates

    Yes, if you lose power during upgrade, it corrupts the OS. Only way to resolve is send the unit back to dynon.(or at least that is the way it was in the past)
  14. P

    Traffic display from Uavionics Ping receiver

    No You need the dynon ADSB receiver to see the traffic on displays I certainly wish dynon would allow 3rd party receivers but alas…
  15. P

    Rpm jumping about and reading very high on take off

    I would be quite concerned about the (L) Right Mag causing the engine to almost die.. or do you mean the RPM on the HDX shows no RPM but engine is running normally? The spike is from lack of resistance between the plead and switch, which would cause spikes, not sure why there would be no RPM...
  16. P

    Rpm jumping about and reading very high on take off

    My io540 needed a 150K resistor before it settled correctly. keep going up (both mag pleads) per GKC response until it settles.
  17. P

    SkyView Software Version 16.2.4 Now Available

    What is the “magnetic model updated for 2020”?
  18. P

    Viewing TRSA's in Skyview Classic map

    Swatson is correct, the largest TRSA in SoCal is Palm Springs and it is NOT shown on MAP. another point on what is shown in MAP- just me but if there is another just me out there, permanent TFRs (Disney) and no ADSB on MAP are also not shown. Only stadium TFR are shown and unless you have ADSB...
  19. P

    Erratic CHT Reading

    since you mention that it goes away when warm, and you have a new CHT probe, you’re in right direction by replacing the connectors on #4 EMS side. But usually your symptoms are a loose connection, or maybe a broken wire, as already mentioned, so start by swapping 4 with another known working...
  20. P

    Fuel quantity indicator

    I assume since you press a button after getting gas that you are referencing the computer fuel remaining versus the fuel levels. what are you using? red cube? For your fuel flow. have you calibrated it ( this first time using ) or did it work and now it is not? - if you have a red cube and it...