Well-Known Member
Steve W. and Jakej,
While you are entitled to your opinions, I do not share them. Every time someone complains, you “experts” put on your Dynon defender hats. It’s really getting old. What I wanted was a current status FROM Dynon, not a kiss off from you. Thanks anyway.
Relax Alexe, IMO it ain't that important
My advice to Dynon is to just do something. A year of promising solutions any day now is no way to run a business. Just makes otherwise reasonable people upset.
I solved most of my problems with $14 filter that Dynon acknowledged might be the solution for some installations.
As my Dad used to say "If it is worth doing, it is worth doing right." I have no problem waiting for it to be done right.I'd rather wait for the *correct* solution than an incomplete or, worse, incorrect "solution". YMMV.
So I bought the 472 last march when it was announced. So have been storing an $800 box that I havent installed for a year now because Dynon said fix probably will probably involve both software and hardware changes. I see both sides, I want a fix that works, but its also almost been a year and that's a long time to me. Dynon, what is plans for those of us who bought these units? I sure hope we don't get charged a fee to trade in our unused 472s for a new version or can we send them back for a full refund?
For planning purposes, will the form factor be the same as the current original 472 box and connectors?
will the form factor be the same as the current original 472 box and connectors?