I really like my Skyview system, but a pox upon Dynon for not embracing a published protocol (GDL90) unlike organizations like Avidyne, Advanced, GRT, and others have done. Dynon can't deliver, and their proprietary approach has negatively impacted their customers because of it.
I agree 100%. Dynon's position in this makes them look like the dark side supplier Brand G.
I think Dynon's initial position was understandable, but technology has overtaken them and their strategy is fizzling before their eyes. Best they contemplate their navel and throw in the towel on this one.
The 470 was their going-in position, and it was noble. And it works. Priced reasonably at about $1200. But then we, the customer base, complained about not having the dual freq capability. So, they responded with the 472. Dual freq solutions began appearing in the marketplace at ever lower prices. One was uAvionix's PingBuddy. I posted here about it. Then came the PingBuddy 2. $149. Dynon must be reading this stuff, for lo and behold, the Ping Buddy seems to have been adopted as a quick and dirty solution to dual freq in, with their circuit board showing up in the 472 ("powered by uAvionix.") New price - $795. Smaller, Better, Cheaper.
Meanwhile, it seems everyone and his uncle began banging these ADS-B IN boxes together in their garage and new ones are appearing daily in the $150-200 price range, and some kit built ones for even less. ADS-B IN is becoming readily available, and on-the-cheap. Some are good and some are bad, but eventually, they'll be just like a bunch of other tech hardware, they'll become generic, cheap and reliable.
Have you noticed they are being embraced by much of the industry? ForeFlight has abandoned their long time pal Stratus and are advertising compatibility with these new cheap gadgets. FlyQ also. Why, both those vendors are actually selling the Cheapo's on their websites and promoting them in their mailings! Dynon - are you paying attention?
These new gadgets seem to do a respectable job feeding our tablets. Using my ipad has never been a satisfactory experience for me, altho I do use it a fair amount. But I don't want to be grabbing it for traffic alerts, trying to read it while trying to look for the conflict and fly my airplane too. I want it on my Skyview screen. My tablet apps can talk back and forth to Skyview via my Wi-Fi dongle. So why can't this feature as well, either via FF as the intermediary or direct?
The answer is - it could if Dynon wanted to make it possible - via accepting the protocols as described in these threads. But, they won't. Initially, they were protecting their market for their $1200 box, which became a $800 box. Understandable. But, in my view, this market is evaporating in front of their eyes as the ADS-B IN feeds are soon gonna be $100 gizmos.
Worse yet, they've not only expended the R&D bucks to develop first the 470, and then later the 472, but are now burning cash as they try to solve the problems in the 472. It seems to me this is now the Hold 'em or Fold 'em time and they would be smart to Fold 'em and cut their losses.
My solution: Continue to offer the 470, maybe at reduced price; Deep-six the 472; and offer protocol compatibility so that the new new cheap gizmos can talk to Skyview. Then any disconnects can be referred to the gizmo maker.
Me? I love these things, but I held off on the 470 because I could see a downward spiral coming in the prices. Guys were selling really cheap and really attractive kits. With upgrades coming every week. It was clear this was a feature in full development turmoil, and I figured I'd wait until it shook out. I didn't really want to run coax to the back of my ship, install a new antenna, yadda yadda. I'm still waiting, but I figure Dynon will see the light.
Bob Bogash