I am SO sick of the SA app


I love flying!
Aug 27, 2015
Hi Steve,

We're following up with folks who had problems downloading data for Dynon.

I was wondering how things went recently. As you might know, we just released a new version of the Data Manager that fixes a problem that affected a small number of users, probably including you.

Please click 'Update Now' for the new version to be automatically installed. The new version is (shown in the lower left corner of the app).

Please let us know how it goes. And sorry for the problem.

Should this new version NOT resolve the problem, please send us a log file generated by the Data Manager by clicking the Options button then Advanced then 'Email log file to Support'

Steve Podradchik
CEO, Seattle Avionics


I love flying!
Aug 27, 2015

I'm Steve Podradchik, the CEO of Seattle Avionics.

As you know, we make the ChartData used by Dynon as well as many other apps and devices.  We also make FlyQ EFB for the iPad.

I plan to monitor this forum for issues related to our ChartData.

Each month about 500 people download and install our ChartData for Dynon.  In the past, we've received about 10 problem reports each cycle.  While that's a small percent, it should be 0% and we'd like to understand and fix any problems you may have.  You can contact me publicly here, send me an email (stevep@seattleavionics.com), or email our support team (support@seattleavionics.com).  I really want to understand what your concerns are so we can address them.

We were very concerned about the people who had problems and, with the help on a great Dynon user, we found an issue that affected some people (something we never saw in testing).  We had the problem fixed and deployed to all users within the day.  That version is and it was released late afternoon last Friday (8/21/15).  In looking at our technical support system, we don't see any reports of problems with this version but I'd like to confirm that.  if anyone has had a problem with version 5.1.6, please contact me as soon as you can.

Steve Podradchik


I love flying!
Aug 27, 2015

Some folks have asked why it takes so much longer to download the data for Dynon than it does for an iPad app. That's a great question but the answer may not be so obvious. Let me try to explain. This is long but I encourage you to read it and ask questions either publicly or to me personally if you prefer.

Both Dynon and FlyQ EFB for the iPad use the SAME data. With FlyQ EFB, downloads take just a few minutes while downloads may take hours with Dynon. This, unfortunately, is not bad programming on our part but the realities of how the systems differ. Let me explain.

First, some differences between handling data on an iPad and data for a SkyView:

1. With FlyQ EFB, data is downloaded over WiFi directly to the super-fast SSD drive on the iPad. The iPad's SSD is faster than a USB memory stick. By a lot. And data is downloaded directly, not transferred via a memory stick.

2. With Dynon, the data is stored on a USB memory stick. Most people had been using USB 2.0 memory sticks. We suggested in the Help of the Data Manager that folks use a USB 3.0 stick if their PC supports it but I realize that not everyone read the Help file. Not only are USB sticks slow (esp. the USB 2.0 types), they tend to get file corruption relatively easily. And, at minimum, it means copying downloaded data from PC to memory stick which can be painfully slow. More about this later.

3. The iPad is most definitely not a certified device. Technically SkyView isn't either but we treat it as if it were certified since you rely on it as a primary flight instrument, not a backup or "information only" device. That means we do a lot of data validation and are absolutely paranoid that the data on the stick is accurate. We validate each and every file as it gets downloaded, validate it when we prepare to copy to the USB stick, and validate each and every file written to the USB stick. If we have any reason to believe the data is bad in any way (like even one corrupted approach plate), we take the position that finding this in-flight is a bad idea so intentionally disable the data on the stick.

3. The difference between a direct download to the iPad versus a download to a PC then a file copy to a USB is like night and day. The Data Manager downloads data rapidly, in fact more rapidly than the iPad, because we download multiple approach plates at the same time and, should any errors happen, we retry the file in question later. This is super-efficient (more than any iPad app uses) but we did have a problem that we just corrected with version 5.1.6 in which the problem files were sometimes not re-downloaded. That meant the data on the PC didn't validate so we didn't copy it to the card (see the certified discussion above). Again, this should have been corrected in the most recent DM version and we apologize for missing this in our testing.

So what does this mean?

Copying files to a USB stick can be very slow. You'd think that the only factor is the size of the files being copied but it's also a function of a fixed overhead per file. That is, copying 10,000 files that are just 100 bytes is WAY WAY slower than copying one 1 MB file (10,000 * 100). On a PC, there isn’t much of a difference and with a USB 3.0 stick, the difference isn’t too bad, either, but on a USB 2.0 stick, it’s like running in molasses.

For approach plates and airport diagrams, we mitigate this by only copying the plates and diagrams that have actually changed per cycle. We’ve been supplying plates to apps, experimental systems, and certified systems for 10years so have some experience with this. The FAA has about 18,000 approach plates and airport diagrams for the US. Every 56 days, what they refer to as a “Book Cycle” since it results in a series of printed books, they change about 2000-4000 of these 18,000. On the “in between” 28 cycles, they change about 200-500 plates. So the DM compares what’s on your PC and only downloads the files that have changed since the last cycle. That saves a TON of time. But if you do a first-time install or the DM has reason to think the data on your PC is completely invalid, it has to download all 18,000 just to be safe. Again, we’re paranoid and treat this stuff as if your life depends on it — because it might.

After the data is downloaded to the PC, it gets copied to the memory card. We use the same “only copy the differences” system as we do for downloads to just copy the plates that have changed. Again, so long as your USB stick is reasonably up to date to begin with, this results in a small number of copied files. But it will take a while for the first-time copy of 18,000 files.

The scanned charts (Sectionals, IFR Enroute, etc.) present a much bigger problem. In the system used for SkyView 12 and earlier, the system has tens of thousands of tiny “tiles” that form the map at multiple zoom resolutions. I think it’s about 60,000 tiles for Sectionals and over 100,000 for IFR charts (larger coverage area). And that was the issue — copying 60,000 files to a USB 2.0 drive was like waiting for your kids to learn to pick up their clothes (takes forever).

This particular problem went away with SkyView 13 as it uses a different system to handle the files so there are a very small number of larger files — basically one large file per state — rather than 60,000 tiny files. This is why copying Sectionals, etc. using a SkyView 13 system is SO much faster (the tiles also look better, btw).

One final note. The DM is designed to run in the background when Windows is on. When new data is released, so long as the DM is running, it will be downloaded and ready to go. There is no reason to specifically fire-up the DM once a month and sit there and watch it download data. Even better, if you leave the USB stick connected to your PC, the DM will automatically copy the new data to the USB stick without any intervention on your part. In other words, just make sure the DM is set to autostart when Windows boots and the system will generally take care of itself. You can control this from the Options button in the Data Manager.

I hope this helps explain things. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Steve Podradchik


I love flying!
Jun 21, 2014
I just purchased two 32GB SanDisk Ultra Fit USB 3.0 Flash Drives and could not be happier. I used the SA app to create SkyView drive and downloaded to the USB drive the entire Continental USA - Flight guide airports, VFR sectionals, IFR approach, IFR Low, and IFR Hi in about 45mins. This used to take 2+ hours.

My computer is a HP Pro 350 with two 3.0 USB ports. You have to make sure you are plugging USB drive in the 3.0 port.

I do not work for or have any interest in SA. In fact, I too have had many problems with their app. I have been a SV user for about a year now.

Keeping my fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
Thank you for that well explained info re computer & Usb downloads, I now have a better understanding of what happens & why sometimes downloads can take so long - we don't have SA here but the same info applies to a lot of other downloading situations, thanks again. :)

Jake J


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
I've only had one chance with the very latest software to test it (laid up for a couple of months due to some stupid foot surgery :( ), but it did work okay and was much quicker than the old thousands-of-tile-files method.

Only had one flight after that, which had the SV1000 reset-in-flight problem, subsequently loaded new software but then wasn't able to fly after that.

I'm Jonesing for flight now, but it will be at least 2-3 months until I'm back on my feet, pun intended :(


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
Richmond Hill, GA
Sorry for the delay in responding. I appreciate SA and Dynon's input into the thread. I'll add my plate load issue into this thread as I think they were probably related.

I wasn't able to download the new version prior to departing on my trip, but I imagine the previous version was what was causing my download issues - and my plate loading issues, too. That issue was very random. I have an extension cable plugged into a port in the EFIS - never had the issue before. Sometimes it would load as normal, sometimes take a few minutes, sometimes never load... No rhyme or reason. Load fine once, close, attempt to load again, and nothing. Again, I believe this was due to the issues I had with the download using the previous version - I got a lot of 'unable to download xx' messages that I never received previously - or maybe I did, but never noticed it.

Today I updated to the latest version, deleted the old files, reformatted my thumb drive, and everything downloaded successfully. Again, I received a bunch of 'unable to download xx' messages, but it completed successfully, so...

I'll report back on the plates the next time I'm at the plane.


I love flying!
Dec 6, 2011
I just attempted to update my data base today for a D-1000 still running version 12.  When I opened SA it automatically updated to the new version.  It also asked if I was using version 13 and I selected NO.  Now after 4 hours this is what I'm getting. Any hints. A blank SA screen with no data in it. Still running an old version of windows as this is the only thing I use a PC for.


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I love flying!
Aug 27, 2015
Hi Edward. Take a close look at the screenshot and you'll see a "shield" icon which is Windows way of asking your permission to do something -- like probably install the new version of the Data Manager (the version # is hidden in the screenshot you sent). Please toggle to the Windows Shield icon and say Yes or OK or whatever to install the new version.

Thanks, Steve


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
Richmond Hill, GA
Update on all my issues last month. It looks like the software update fixed both of my issues. My update downloaded relatively quickly and without any hiccups this month, and the slow loading approach plates, as well, seems to have been an anomaly from last month's software issues.


Aug 4, 2008
Stumbled across this and see it seems to be resolved. I want to say that I have used the SA data for 2 years with zero problems. I am writing because I did not notice anyone suggesting 2 USB drives. I don't know if mine are 2.0 or 3.0 but they are 2 years old. I leave one in my desktop and one in the Dynon. When I am going flying, I click in the Data Manager to check and both the computer data and USB date are always up to date, I pull the USB drive out and swap it with the Dynon one before starting the flight. I never get a chart out of date warning. When I get back home, I put the 2nd USB drive in the desktop and let the Data Manager do it's magic.
When I update the Dynon software or data, I just copy to the same USB as it is already in the desktop.
I am sure there were other issues but it would seem a lot of the frustration comes from starting the update just before needing it for flying. Taking advantage of the SA Data Manager ability to download in the background, and upload to the USB also in the background with zero user intervention is the way to go. I want to say that SA has a great product and it works flawlessly with my Dynon.

Now Steve get that WIFI interface going to connect the Dynon to your other outstanding product, FlyQ EFB. I want to be your first tester.

Roger Smart


I love flying!
Dec 6, 2011
If SA would just develop a program for the MAC to do the same thing then this non-PC user would be happy.  I am using a very old PC with the only version of Windows I have for just one reason which is to update the 1000.  Other then that it is not turned on.  Since I am not that familiar with Windows, if the update doesn't go right it takes way too long to figure out why.  And I'm too cheap to buy a new PC. 
Additionally I would like to see the SA site do the data updates at the same time so there would be no necessity to visit two sites to update the whole system.  I use the data manager and PC to update the charts etc and then use the Mac to update the Data Base and Obstacle data.  I got tired of manually doing the chart updates with the MAC,  Just a thought. ::)


I love flying!
Mar 28, 2014
Count me among those frustrated with this APP. I am relatively new to the system, having installed it in a PA-18 Kit, dual D700s. The aircraft is getting inspected next week, and i have been trying to get the SA charts to work correctly on the system. My issue is that I originally could not get sectional layer to show up. I only downloaded my home state (CA), the HI and LO charts worked, but no sectional. I have read this thread, Have the latest software, have the Sandisk 32 GB USB 3.2/2.0 Drive, properly formatted, etc. So I loaded the Oregon sectional, and it shows up, you can see it on the Dynon, but still no California. So It seems I am doing something correctly, but the SA program or the Dynon is not seeing Californias sectional layer for some reason. When you look at the files on the disc, there are files that imply that the scanned sectionals are there. (See photos) I have deleted everything on the disc and re-loaded, reloaded software, etc. It seems that something is corrupt. But in general, my impression is this sucks :(


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New Member
Dec 21, 2009
DP, i dont think your California chart data is completely downloaded. My California.SEC.chartdata file is showing 303,651 KB. Yours is only showing 148,096 KB.


DP, i dont think your California chart data is completely downloaded. My California.SEC.chartdata file is showing 303,651 KB. Yours is only showing 148,096 KB.


I love flying!
Mar 28, 2014
Good to know the size it needs to be. I'll delete it (again) and force it to re-download. Why the App shows all greens as if the downloads are correct I do not know... It will be interesting to see if the download on the PC is also incomplete.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
DP - what's the version number of the datamanager at the bottom left of the app's window?


I love flying!
Mar 28, 2014
I erased and reformatted the thumbdrive,
and deleted the
California.SEC.MBTiles.sqlite and
California.SEC.chartdata.Dynon.key files from the data manager folder. Thus forcing the program to re-download them. The California.SEC.Chartdata file is now 300,000+ KB on then thumbdrive. Hoping it will work tomorrow when I plug it in.
Thx doug