Recent content by mrdaud

  1. M

    Suggestion For Thermocouple Connectors???

    I have posted these before, but it has been a while. I had all sorts of trouble with the Dynon provided connectors, and finally went to what I used professionally years ago (non-aircraft). They can be purchased from Omega Engineering, are about $4 each, and are reusable, and quick...
  2. M

    EGT/CHT Troubles

    From a GE thermocouple training manual comment: "Thus twisting, welding, soldering, crimping - they all work, until... until corrosion sets in between the connections. Thus, twisting is the least preferable over time because the metal is neither fused nor crushed together sufficiently to form...
  3. M

    dynon audio out

    Also take a look at the Flight Data systems audio mixer at: I have this in my plane and it has worked well for me. It provides a different installation format relative to the MakerPlane mixer mentioned by Jake, so you have some options depending...
  4. M

    472 replacement?

    Received my upgraded 472 on May 8th, installed, old unit returned. Haven't flown with it yet, due to really bad weather the last several weeks on the US east coast. Nothing but low clouds and rain! :P
  5. M

    Can 101693-000 Be Used For Fuel

    Actually, the product description says "Oil/Fluid Pressure Sender", but as you stated, it does not specifically state fuel as the other pressure sensors do, so it was a reasonable question.
  6. M

    Updating firmware issues

    The file extension should be .duc per HB101's comment  .duc is a file extension like .doc or .exe that describes the type of file.  The .duc is a dynamic user configuration file for reconfiguring or updating  a system, although Dynon may be using it differently in a proprietary way.  Ray is...
  7. M

    ADSB 472

    Again, just a word of caution regarding the FlightAware filter. There are at least two reports suggesting that the filter may (may, not necessarily does) squelch the 978 signal to the extent it is not processed through the 472. Remember, a by-pass filter passes specific frequencies and blocks...
  8. M

    Software update

    Just saw the new updates for the software and guides have been posted. :D
  9. M

    Clicking Noise Coming From Transponder

    This may or may not be helpful, but Dynon has also recommended that the transponder tray itself be grounded if you have not already done so (see Figure 123 and bottom of page 11.9). Grounding issues can cause all sorts of hard to troubleshoot issues, especially around radiated energy. Also...
  10. M

    External Dimmer Pin 25 and 26

    mmarien - Nicely done!
  11. M

    1090MHz Filter for ADSB 472 Issues?

    TurboPilot - just stating that it is not as simple as "working or not working" in a strategic sense, and that it "is" complicated.  It may be a short-term fix in your case, but it may not be the right solution for everyone.  Again, based on some empirical testing reports I have read, there may...
  12. M

    1090MHz Filter for ADSB 472 Issues?

    I just wanted to suggest a bit of caution on the filter. I had read a couple of reports that suggested the filter may significantly attenuate the 978 MHz signal in some cases. That means one could be back to a single frequency ADS-B with no plane-to-plane 978 signal. You may see improvement...
  13. M

    Using Dynon For Performance Testing

    I suggest everyone go back and look at all the posts by HB101 and George and look at how they employ "civility and respect".  My comments have been directed to some posts as being uneducated and better directed to your local educators (EAA chapters) rather than the forum; however, my main...
  14. M

    Using Dynon For Performance Testing

    Ohh...other than "That Know It All Guy" who send me a nasty PM and told me I should "buy a Garmin" if you are that guy...please do not respond...because you are just a "Delta Hotel" and I would rather buy a Garmin than listen to advice from you...however...I do wish you a nice life...
  15. M


    You are "entitled" to nothing regarding documentation unless Dynon wants to provides it. I Googled the US Penal Codes and couldn't find any law that said you were "entitled". You are only "entitled" to not buy the equipment if you don't like how Dynon is developing the documentation. If you...