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  1. kurtfly

    Fuel pressure sensor

    Have you thought about vapor lock. Sounds like you may have bubbles in the fuel. Is there any other indication like fuel or oil dripping out of the diaphragm port? This is the drain port between the two diaphragms on the mechanical fuel pump. Kurt
  2. kurtfly

    SV-XPNDR-261 and IFD440 Settings

    I changed my GNS430 to an IFD540. The serial to the transponder is still set to ADSB OUT +. Same as the GNS. kurt
  3. kurtfly

    Dynon HDX and Avidyne Wifi Connectivity

    BTW, If you are using FlyQ it will crash with the IFD on the Skyview network. This is due to the network having two GPS sources. Skyview and the IFD. The FlyQ is totally confused and try to const. switch between the two GPS sources. Foreflight has enough logic to pick the best source...
  4. kurtfly

    Dynon HDX and Avidyne Wifi Connectivity

    The problem come into play when you try to push a flight plan from Foreflight to the panel. Foreflight will show two devices that can accept a flight plan, Skyview and the IFD. Foreflight has no way for you to select which device to send it to. So, when you push to the panel it will pick...
  5. kurtfly

    Dynon HDX and Avidyne Wifi Connectivity

    I have done this with my Skyview classic touch and my IFD 540. You have to configure the IFD to the same network as Skyview. You must setup the IFD in the configuration pages as a remote / join network device so it joins the Skyview Network. in that setup page you enter the Skyview name and...
  6. kurtfly

    ForeFlight not talking to SkyView

    Are you using VPN? It will not do flight plans if you use VPN. kurt
  7. kurtfly

    Hobbs Time and Tach Time Flight Durations with v16.2.4

    So if you have 2 P-Mags, both at 2 PPR, then you do not have this problem?
  8. kurtfly

    Adjust Baro

    Just press and hold the baro knob. It will automatically grab the closest baro setting. I also have my Foreflight bottom line display nearest baro. That way I can see it change and tune it in before the message comes up. Kurt
  9. kurtfly

    Erratic CHT Reading

    Most likely a broken / intermittent wire. check any bayonet connections and also check the D 25 connector at the EMS module for a pushed in pin or socket. kurt
  10. kurtfly

    ADSB 472 Traffic Not Showing or Erratic?

    Looks like everyone using version 16.0.4 needs to push this patch. Seems like ever couple weeks a new symptom of this bad date issue shows up. Original post had issues with weather and traffic. I had issues with the user log files. Now what seems to be an another traffic drop outs. Dynon...
  11. kurtfly

    Dynon and Avidyne IFD

    Once Avidyne version 10.3 is available it promises to allow the Skyview traffic and weather to transfer to the Avidyne screen via WiFi. This is the first time I am aware an IFR navigator that will accept weather or traffic from a WiFi source. The Avidyne 10.3 is currently in the FAA approval...
  12. kurtfly

    SV 10" Classic Touch-Unable to upload USER LOG files to SAVVY

    After loading the Patch and clearing out all the User Logs. I flew today, downloaded, and uploaded logs to SAVVY. All appears to work correctly! So, now Is it possible to modify the "bad" DATA LOG file? I tried taking a single days flight out of the original USER DATA file and paste it...
  13. kurtfly

    SV 10" Classic Touch-Unable to upload USER LOG files to SAVVY

    thank you! I have loaded the file and cleared the data logs. I will fly later this week to test it out. Thanks, Kurt
  14. kurtfly

    SV 10" Classic Touch-Unable to upload USER LOG files to SAVVY

    I have been unable to upload the User Log file to SAVVY since I upgraded to I contacted SAVVY who said the file had errors in it at the end. He had to delete the end and then he could import, however, every flight had the current date. so, all the flights show up on the same day...
  15. kurtfly

    Localizer inner and outer markers.

    I would guess NO- the GPS 2020 is not a legal GPS position source for IFR navigation. You need to have a IFR navigator, like GNS430 or IFD 540, etc....
  16. kurtfly

    thoughts on upgrading garmin 430w to avidyne 440

    Another thing about the avidyne is you can even jump up to the IFD540 almost as quickly. Just move the connectors to the larger tray. Of course you must have the panel space. Also, with Avidyne version 10.3 coming out real soon it promise to integrate the ADS B information via WIFI. You...
  17. kurtfly

    Wind Direction and Speed Indication on HDX

    That is exactly what it is saying. 51 knots. It is calculated from your track, mag heading, tas and ground speed. If your compass or airspeed are inaccurate by a small amount it will affect this a lot.
  18. kurtfly

    Skyview, IFD and Foreflight integration

    I agree with you 100 %.. I have voiced the very same thing to Dynon and Avidyne on several occasions. Even filled out the online survey they ask for at the shows. Dynon is at an disadvantage if an fully integrated solution is desired. I think Avidyne software 10.3 is a huge step towards this...
  19. kurtfly

    Skyview, IFD and Foreflight integration

    The problem is with Foreflight. this problem only exists when you have two or more devices that can receive a flight plan from Foreflight. In this case the Skyview and the IFD both are able to receive a flight plan from Foreflight. It just has no way of selecting who is to receive. It...
  20. kurtfly

    Skyview, IFD and Foreflight integration

    Another note…. Avidyne released capabilities of the next software version coming to the IFD. Version 10.3 will allow all ADSB products, weather ,traffic,… to be available on the IFD via WiFi network. So, this will allow the IFD to display Skyview ADSB data on the IFD if desired. assuming you...