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  1. D

    Any Lycoming IO-540 Drivers With A FLOSCAN 201B Out There???

    Thanks Ya"all!!! What is the response from the red it pretty accurate right out of the box or do you need to fiddle with it??? All this talk of pancakes I am getting hungry...
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    Suggestion For Thermocouple Connectors???

    >but the most reliable I have found are the EI Overlap connectors: Thanks Kelly...Those are the ones I am using and I do reinforce them with heat shrink tubing and it is a pain each time I remove them. >I just use the AMP brand push on spades with a good crimper- Yup...that was Plan A and I...
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    Suggestion For Thermocouple Connectors???

    I am using the barrel type thermocouple connectors and the other day whilst walking through the hangar I saw a new-ish Cessna and it had yellow connectors for the thermocouple wires. Does anyone out there have a suggestion for the best quick connect (and reliable) thermocouple connectors for...
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    Any Lycoming IO-540 Drivers With A FLOSCAN 201B Out There???

    I have a Lycoming IO-540 and I am running a FLOSCAN 201B without any kind of return line/port to the fuel tank and I was hoping that someone can please give me your pulses/gallon number you are using so that I have something to start with. My fuel flow is showing 0.0 GPH at idle and it should...
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    Update Did Not Load Onto Both Screens

    Thank you very much for your help!!!
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    Is There A Description Of Update Features

    So other than the Release Notes short description, is there some other way to understand more about what the changes are??? As an example...I just updated to 15.4.7 and since I skipped 15.3.5 I read through those release notes and that update states "Added: New EGT/CHT styles to support...
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    Update Did Not Load Onto Both Screens

    I have two SV1000 displays and today I updated the system software and I made sure that both screens and other network devices were all powered. After the update the second screen said "Software Mismatch". I seem to recall that if one display is updated then the other display should also...
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    Wide Band Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) Indication

    mmarien Thank you for your reply. I did a search of afr and absolutely nothing came up. Just now I realised that the automatic option of replies this week had been selected and therefore I was surprised that only my post in your response popped up . Looking through some of the other posts I...
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    Wide Band Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) Indication

    Has anyone setup an AFR indication on their Dynon SV? I would love to have two AFR indicators on my screen.  Would be most helpful when yu have an engine roughness you can see what side has a stuck injector/ intake leak/ bad plug/ etc. I am looking at various aftermarket units and since I want...
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    Color Overlays For Data Blocks

    On my moving map display I have the various data blocks shown on the left and right sides and it is hard to see the digits with all of the clutter from the moving map. Is there a way to make the background color of the data blocks to be black so I can see the digits?
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    Color Overlays For Data Blocks

    On my moving map display I have the various data blocks shown on the left and right sides and it is hard to see the digits with all of the clutter from the moving map. Is there a way to make the background color of the data blocks to be black so I can see the digits?
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    USB Drives, Databases, and subscriptions

    THANKS guys for your quick response!!! Yes I read and study and read and study the manuals(S) THOUSANDS of pages for ALL of the building/equipment/etc (cyber yelling intended) and sometimes that causes some over thinking... >How are you going to fly IFR? Dynon equipment can't do it by itself...
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    USB Drives, Databases, and subscriptions

    THANKS for the quick reply. perhaps learning is taking place... So I understand that when I update the "Vector" data from Dynon using the Method 1 (I need to insert the update drive into only one of the ports and this will update both SVs) then I can remove the USB drive and the SV...
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    IO-540 Fuel Flow Setup

    For those who have a IO-540 what fuel flow do you show at 1000 RPM idle and what value do you have entered at P14? The Backstory: I am upgrading (adding a SV-1000 and all new wiring) a new-to-me airplane with a Lycosaurus IO-540 and the fuel flow is showing 0.0 GPH at idle however the fuel...
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    USB Drives, Databases, and subscriptions

    I am just now getting back to working on my airplane...been a can someone please help me remember how to manage my USB drives and the various databases? I have a dual SV-1000 system and two SanDisk Cruzer Fit CZ33 32GB USB 2.0 Low-Profile Flash Drives. I just did the "Method One"...
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    Can EGT and CHT Digits Change Color???

    I guess my question was not typed correctly. I see that the digits change color when the bar graph get to the next level however does the bar itself also change color as the temperature changes? Example, I want my EGT bar graph to be red when the temp is too high, yellow when it is warm, green...
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    Can EGT and CHT Digits Change Color???

    My oil temperature (and some other widgets) have the "dial indicator" and also a digital readout above the indicator that shows a numerical readout of the oil temperature in degrees F...and when the needle of the indicator moves to the different color bands the digital readout above the dial...
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    Skipping a Couple of Software Updates

    There was an instruction sheet that came with the repaired device. It said to...BEFORE installing the repaired check the software update status on the non-repaired screen and to ensure that it was the same revision as the screen that was repaired. If not then FIRST update the...
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    Running MOGAS and AVGAS Calibration

    My sensors are capacitance probes so hence the delema.
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    Running MOGAS and AVGAS Calibration

    I calibrated my fuel tanks using AVGAS 100 LL however I think I will now be mostly burning MOGAS. I know the readings will be off when uploading "other" fuel so I was wondering what would be the best technique...Calibrate for MOGAS...or...Calibrate for AVGAS? I anticipate that I will be using...