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  1. GalinHdz

    Always shows a headwind

    I sent you a private message. BTW, I am assuming you have an VOR/ILS/LOC receiver in your airplane. :cool:
  2. GalinHdz

    IAS to CAS

    There is no IAS to CAS correction capability in SkyView, or any other name brand EFIS that I know of, because IAS and CAS should be within a few knots of each other. I hate to say this but it sounds like your system has a dynamic airflow error which makes wind, altitude and other calculations...
  3. GalinHdz

    Always shows a headwind

    According to the numbers you posted I calculated your TAS to be 167Kts (for both runs) not the 181Kts you are displaying which agrees with what SUNFISH posted. This is a +14kt difference in EFIS calculated TAS to GPS only calculated TAS. Take the same measurements at a slow but stable speed...
  4. GalinHdz

    Always shows a headwind

    1 - Most of the time GPS altitude will be different than the altitude from your altimeter so don't use that as a verification method. 2 - ATC only sees what is being reported by your EFIS. So if your EFIS has the wrong altitude then ATC will see and report the wrong altitude. IOW, "Garbage in...
  5. GalinHdz

    IAS to CAS

    There is no way to "correct" IAS for CAS in the SkyView becasue, in a well designed system, IAS and CAS should be within a few knots of each other. An error like this normally indicates a problem with the location of your pitot/static system. The problem will show up as errors in speed, winds...
  6. GalinHdz

    ADSB out question

    To start, which GPS position source are you using? If using the G430W, it must have GPS software version 5.0 or higher and the RS232 output going to pin #2 of the transponder (through a 1.2K Ohm resistor) must be set to the ADSB+ format. If you are using a DYNON GPS puck, only the GPS-2020 puck...
  7. GalinHdz

    Engine Monitor Failure?

    The SkyView EMS does not have a current (Amps) sensor. Instead it reads and displays the value from an external shunt or an external Hall Effect Sensor. So your external Amp sensor and the internal volt meter are both showing, independent of each other, something wrong with your charging system...
  8. GalinHdz

    Always shows a headwind

    If the ADAHRS has a leak then for all practical purposes your static system is "vented inside the cockpit" typically an area of low pressure. This would explain what you are seeing. Let us know what you find.
  9. GalinHdz

    Always shows a headwind

    Does not surprise me at all. The faster the air flows (airspeed), the greater the Bernoulli effect, the greater the error becomes. In my particular case, at approach speed (85Kts) IAS and CAS were within 1kt of each other while altitude was within 10ft of actual. At normal cruise (143Kts) the...
  10. GalinHdz

    Always shows a headwind

    1 - If you are seeing higher than actual (your altimeter shows you at 1,000ft but you are actually at 900ft) it means your static source is in an area of "low" pressure so you need to increase it. In this situation you need the tape to be behind the tiny hole. This causes more of the air to...
  11. GalinHdz

    Always shows a headwind

    FWIW: make sure when you use the tape method, if you have two static ports tape both static ports the same way for testing. Don't tape OVER the entire static port hole, just as close behind, or in front of the holes depending on your error, as possible. I have dual static ports so here is a...
  12. GalinHdz

    Always shows a headwind

    You can run the calibration on the ground and do static checks a million times but if it is a dynamic airflow issue due to static port location, nothing will change. If it is a dynamic airflow issue, you have to do the GPS check in order to confirm it. You can also fly a high speed "missed...
  13. GalinHdz

    Update Did Not Load Onto Both Screens

    The DYNON Installation guide (Rev AD, page 1-6, para12) specifically states: "Software on each SkyView display must be updated individually." :cool:
  14. GalinHdz

    Using a Garmin 430 as a source for autopilot

    Before anyone can even attempt to help, you need to post what is included in your SkyView system. What software version is running on your Skyview, do you have the ARINC-429, Autopilot Servos, AP Control Head, etc and if so, how are they connected together. I can tell you from experience, this...
  15. GalinHdz

    No GPS Position Source

    Does the GPS antenna have a clear unobstructed view of the sky? Not inside a hangar or anything with a roof over it.
  16. GalinHdz

    ICAO Codes for DYNON SkyView

    jakej; the table you attached for Australia (which "should" be the same for all ICAO filing) shows if you are equipped with the -472 (1090 IN) then the correct code is EB2. Unless DYNON provides different guidance, that is what I will use. THANKS!
  17. GalinHdz

    ICAO Codes for DYNON SkyView

    Yes, but that is exactly the same Pilot User's Guide verbiage provided since the -470 was the only ADS-B IN available hence the question. I am not asking about if it really matters, if it is/isn't part of the mandate, Public Performance Reports or if ATC even cares, just clarification from DYNON...
  18. GalinHdz

    ICAO Codes for DYNON SkyView

    Where did you get the "guidance" as to which one (EB1 or EB2) is correct? When DYNON only had the 470 (a while back) they indicated EB1 was the correct code. But now that the 472 is available does that guidance change?
  19. GalinHdz

    ICAO Codes for DYNON SkyView

    But there is a field in the ICAO series of codes to differentiate, hence the question.
  20. GalinHdz

    ICAO Codes for DYNON SkyView

    With the upcoming ICAO codes being mandatory for filing a flight plan, I was wondering what the correct codes we should use. I know if we have the correct DYNON transponder connected to an approved position source the main code is E but with the SV-ADSB-472 should it be EB1 or EB2? Me thinks it...