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  1. GalinHdz

    v15 bug(?) - HSI no longer circular

    +1 for keeping it round or make it an option.  8-)
  2. GalinHdz

    Seattle Avionics Downloads

    FWIW you might want to have a way to download the current data until it expires. Just in case somebody needs to download it for whatever reason. Something like what Dynon currently has. 8-)
  3. GalinHdz

    Seattle Avionics Downloads

    Kudos to Seattle Avionics and DYNON for now having the SA charts available for downloading well before they expire. I just updated my computer with the next cycle data so I won't get caught traveling with expired data again. THANKS! 8-)
  4. GalinHdz

    261 Transponder CA=5?

    Yet they still track and display aircraft that only have old transponders. Here is a link to N2260J (C-150) which I fly once in a while. A very old KT76A transponder with no GPS at all and FlightAware still displays the tracks. You have to have the proper FlightAwarre setting to display it...
  5. GalinHdz

    261 Transponder CA=5?

    I had the same issue with my airplane. There is a setting on your FlightAware account to display aircraft like yours. If you don't have that selected it will still be tracked but not displayed to you. To activate this on FlightAware, go to MY ACCOUNT, scroll down to #6, select "Show...
  6. GalinHdz

    Adding a second SV, EMS

    FWIW you don't absolutely need an Ethernet cable connecting the two displays. But the Ethernet connection is simple and relatively inexpensive to do. With the Ethernet cable you load to one display and it automatically synchronizes files between the two displays. This is how I have my two...
  7. GalinHdz

    Seattle Avionics

    Since I am travelling in the airplane, I have to go back to the airport, connect to their WIFI, hope it has decent speed and waste travel time downloading the SA data. It would have been so much easier if I could have downloaded the data before I left like I did with the DYNON and GARMIN data...
  8. GalinHdz

    Skid/slip ball

    This is the only way you are 100% sure the wings are level. 8-)
  9. GalinHdz

    Skid/slip ball

    It depends if your airplane wings are level or not. The ball must be centered when the wings are level. 8-)
  10. GalinHdz

    GPS 2020 mounting location

    Every time I have checked I have at least 6 strong satellites in view on the ground and most of the time while flying I get 9 or more. Except for once that the area I was flying in was NOTAMED for GPS outage, I have never lost GPS on either device. Caveat; I have a fiberglass airplane so that...
  11. GalinHdz

    GPS 2020 mounting location

    FWIW, I used 7ft of RG400 cable with a 90degree TNC and a 90degree BNC connecting the Garmin 430W antenna to the unit. The G430W antenna is about 2ft from my DYNON GPS250 antenna both under the glare shield with a large piece of Plexiglas providing the unobstructed view of the sky. Has been in...
  12. GalinHdz

    Not sure if it's a bug...

    I got the same glitch on a flight from Dayton, OH to Charlotte, NC today. HSI and map data fields blanked out for a few seconds then came back as if nothing happened. I am running v14.2.1, G430W on 2ea 7" non touch displays, no autopilot with ARINC-429 module. :-[
  13. GalinHdz

    Dynon autopilot for certified aircraft?

    Now that the D10A and D100 can be installed in certain certificated aircraft what, if anything, prohibits installing autopilot servos under the Non Operational Required Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) rules? This would be HUGE for aircraft that fall under the STC. :D
  14. GalinHdz

    Recommendations for my experimental aircraft

    Can you even get a complete six-pack set of steam instruments for less than $1,600.00 which is what an EFIS D6 costs new? You might even find a used one at an even lower cost. 8-)
  15. GalinHdz


    I am also a very satisfied DYNON customer and completely agree with your post. FLORIDAFLYER 938 really needs to learn what EXPERIMENTAL aviation means. This requires the customer actually be engaged and a part of the process not just sit back and be spoon fed. But then again this was his first...
  16. GalinHdz

    vertical GPS guidance to a waypoint

    To do this I use the altitude intercept arc (better known as the "periwinkle plantain") which was introduced in v10. I dial in my new altitude then adjust my descent rate until the "plantain" is over the waypoint. Works like a charm.  8-)...
  17. GalinHdz

    D10A and a NORSEE AutoPilot?

    Now that the D10A has an STC for several certificated aircraft, what about installing the autopilot servos under the recently announced Non-Required Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) rules? The rules specifically covers "autopilots" and would be a superb safety enhancement for these aircraft...
  18. GalinHdz

    Special Use Airspace Status

    The FAA is providing the current status of Special Use Airspaces within the US at: Is this data being transmitted via ADS-B and if so does SkyView display it? Inquiring minds want to know.  :D
  19. GalinHdz

    Dynon SV/ Garmin GTN-650/ Dynon Comm/ Dynon ADS-B

    Both are already indicated by the direction of the arrow. 8-)
  20. GalinHdz

    Alerts based on two factors

    +1 for this capability, especially your OAT and Pitot Heat combination example.  8-)